
Monday, October 20, 2014

Books, Books, Glorious Books

It's time to celebrate many book releases and cover reveals, but first, an update for The Insecure Writer's Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond:

The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond
As some of you know, this book has been a lot of hard work editing, proof-reading, collating, formatting. We are super thrilled about it. As a team, we even conquered the synopsis. It's coming together in an exciting way. The articles from over 100 writers across the globe are brilliant, informative, inspiring. There's still a lot yet to be done, but we're on track for the December release!

We even have a snazzy trailer for the book, created by HJ Blenkinsop. 

A Lizard's Tail by Bish Denham
When a feral cat threatens the lives of all who live at Stone Wall, Marvin knows his destiny has finally arrived. But how can a young, vain lizard get rid of such a dangerous enemy?

Paperback, Kindle

Vitamins and Death by Medeia Sharif
YA Contemporary, Prizm Books
Release Date December 10, 2014

Find Medeia:
Blog | Instagram | Twitter

Gears of Brass, a Steampunk Anthology
Release Date: November 10, 2014

Congrats to SA Larsen for her story 'Time Spun Souls' which is included in this anthology.

Soulless by Crystal Collier
New Release
Book 2 of the Maiden of Time series.

Kindle, Paperback

For the last three weeks I've been going through some personal/medical stuff that has been super draining so I haven't been around much. My apologies. It's not over. Unfortunately. Sigh. While it's not life-threatening, it is still something that requires unfun tests and waiting and if I'm unlucky, then surgery. Joy. On a high note, I'll be going to a gaming conference next week. A timely distraction. So I won't be posting again until November 3rd. Prayers and virtual hugs are welcome.

Are you excited about these books? What other books are you excited about? What have you been reading recently?


  1. Prayers for you! God is stronger than whatever the issue.
    And here you had a ton of work on the IWSG book on top of all that.
    Excited for all the new releases from my author buddies!

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the medical issues. Prayers and hugs as requested and required. I'd have loved to provide an article for the guide to publishing and beyond, but time just ran away from me.

  3. Thank you for featuring my novel. I hope to read all of these books.

    I'm wishing you good health and that this medical situation passes quickly.

  4. I am sending you tons of virtual hugs and I hope your medical/ personal problems improve and don't add more stress to your life. Please, take good care of yourself. Enjoy the conference.

    1. At the moment sleep is my friend, but I'm very much looking forward to the conference.

  5. Dear Lynda, I hope you feel better soon my friend. Your blogging family is here for you :)

  6. So hope you feel better soon, Lynda. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.

  7. I just went through a bunch of tests with threatened surgery and I hope you can avoid it, too.

  8. Feel better quickly. I'll pray the tests go well. That's no fun at all.

  9. I can't wait for IWSG's release in December! It's going to be awesome. Thanks so much for the pluggy. And congrats to everyone else as well!

  10. Sorry to hear about the health issues! Hope it won't come to the surgery :((( Hope hubs is taking care of you!

    1. Yes! hubs is being extra adorable and supportive. Of course, he's normally adorable and supportive, but times that by 1000.

    2. And it helps that he is a doctor, doesn't it?

    3. hubs isn't a doctor, but he's still adorable and supportive. :)

  11. Definitely sending hugs and best wishes!! Take care!
    All kinds of good news in the book department :)

    1. Thanks, Jemi. It's great to have so many good books to read!

  12. Best wishes on the health issues and have fun at the conference. That book trailer is great. Congrats to all those wonderful writers on their new releases.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I especially like the music in the book trailer.

  13. Hopefully the medical crap is through soon and all is a ok. Not fun one bit.

  14. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers, Lynda. And my oh my... A Lizard's Tail is certainly with some good company! Thanks for helping to spread the word!

  15. Lynda, thanks so much for the feature! You are epic. Here, have some cheese to help you feel better. I'll even insert some magic. It may or may not work for healing. (It's old--the magic.) ;)

    Wishing you increased health, awesome woman!

    1. If I'm epic, does that make me purple? (couldn't resist the WoW reference). Humor--and cheese--goes a long way. And thanks for the magic too :)

    2. LOL. Purple... Wishing you laughs-aplenty.

  16. Big hugs to both you and Medeia. May all the best come to both of you and all of the other writers you featured in your post, today.

  17. Just saw the 'Top Reading and Writing Resource Award' on your sidebar. How very cool, my sweet. :)

    1. Thanks, Suze. Thanks too for your prayers and friendship and everything else you freely give. Hugs.

  18. Sending healing thoughts, Lynda. I believe you will feel much better very soon. You have a strong mind and a strong will. You have already begun the healing process.

    1. Thanks so much for the healing thoughts and encouragement, Joylene.

  19. So many great books! Woot, woot for Soulless! :)

    1. It's cool, isn't it. Do people still say cool? Meh, I do. ;)

  20. Prayers and hugs to you for any and all times. Wishing you the best as the tests are done, results come in and things plod along.

    Enjoy yoursef at the convention!

    And thanks so much for sharing about so many wonderful books releasing now or soon to be available.

    1. Thanks so much, Angela. Prayers and hugs are truly awesome.

  21. Lynda, I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your way. I hope everything works out so that you don't have to have surgery.

    1. Same here. I really appreciate the prayers and good thoughts. Thanks so much, Susanne.

  22. You've got all of my positive thoughts heading your way. Take care. Be well soon.

  23. Wow, all the book cover today are fantastic. Don't worry about us, we understand. Just take it easy and get better. Have fun at the conference.

  24. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way, Lynda. Have fun at the conference!

    See you in November :)

    1. Thanks, Carol. Kinda scary how fast November is coming up.

  25. What a great book showcase! Love those covers!
    (I won a Kindle copy of Snip, Snip Revenge at Medeia's place...)

    ]Lyn, take it easy and look after yourself.
    Will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers...
    (((UBUNTU HUGS)))
    Oh, and enjoy the conference!

    1. Thanks so much for the special hugs and prayers, Michelle.

  26. I'm wishing you good health, and sending positive wishes. I hope you enjoy your conference!

    All the books look great! Go, Medeia! (I've been spotty in the blogoshpere and hadn't seen her cover!)

    1. Thanks for the positivity, Dawn. And isn't it a great cover! In fact, I like all the covers of the books I've featured today.

  27. Lovely of you to focus on blogger books Lynda. So many books, so little time!

    I send you every good wish for your medical procedure/s Lyn and know you'll soon be firing on all cylinders again!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Denise. Hugs. And I know exactly what you mean about so little time! Next month I'll be unplugging for a while so I hope to get a LOT of reading done :)

  28. October is a huge month for new books. So many I want to read!

    Sorry about your medical troubles. Sending positive vibes your way to help you get through this. :)

    1. Thanks, David. October is an AWESOME month for books! I get to stock up for some summer reading!

  29. I hope and pray that everything works out well.
    Congrats to everybody with a new book or one to come!

  30. I got two more books in the mail yesterday. It's almost November (29th is my birthday!) and my blog will celebrate another year on Saturday. Read away Lynda and sorry about your illness. I have a medical issue I need test for as well so you're not alone.

    1. Happy birthday for the 29th!! And happy blogiversary for Saturday! Time flies. And best wishes and prayers for your tests as well. Hugs.

  31. Very sorry to hear you are having medical issues. Even if it isn't life-threatening, I know how stressful it can be. ((hugs))

    And thanks for all the new book release news. People are really raising their game on new book covers. Good stuff. :)

    1. stupid stressful. Thanks so much for the hugs.
      And yes, I'm loving the covers too!

  32. Wow, wonderful and interesting The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond !!

  33. So sorry to hear about your health worries. I went through that in Aug and can attest to the fact health concerns don't just sap your strength, they increase your mental stress level as well. I hope you don't end up needing surgery. Take care of yourself.

    Thanks for news on all the new releases!

    1. I'm discovering the joy of short naps during the day (I was always resistant before--silly me).

  34. I'll pray that the tests come back okay. Surgery is no fun... especially during the recovery.

  35. Hugs on the medical personal problems. I do hope you can beat all these! All the best!

    Thanks for posting about all these books!

  36. Snazzy it is. You must be so excited!

  37. Sorry about the medical stuff. It sucks when life gets in our way, huh! Good luck and a virtual hug right back at ya!

    Those books are burning up the web right now. I wish I was at the conference with you. Sounds like fun. A lot of great energy for writing too!

  38. You have my prayers and hugs, Lynda. Enjoyed the trailer to Insecure Writers' anthology and like the other books listed here as well. Enjoy your conference.

  39. Oh hope you feel better soon - nothing worse than poor health. But have an awesome time at the gaming conference, that, on the other hand, sounds like epic fun!

  40. Sending you lots of prayers and virtual hugs, Lyn. Because of Diwali I haven't been online much so didn't read about your medical issue until today. Hope you get well soon.

    1. Thanks so much, Rachna. I hope you had a great Diwali! Hugs.


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