
Monday, November 18, 2013

8 Benefits of Writing

I’m in the middle of the fun craziness that is NaNoWriMo at the moment. A little behind, but nothing so bad that I’m freaking out. Consequently, I bring to you today a short fun post to show some benefits to writing. Oh, and I took this photo because writing is as sweet as a strawberry.

1. Writing keeps me sane. Although some days, it doesn’t seem that way. I’m so thankful I have an outlet for storytelling otherwise my brain might implode from the pressure.

2. Writing keeps our loved ones sane. Writing makes a writer happy. If a writer isn’t happy, then the rest of her family suffers.

3. Writing helps me meet a wide variety of people I wouldn’t normally meet. I wouldn’t have met all my wonderful blogging buddies or all my other writing buddies if I wasn’t a writer.

4. Writing opens up my world of experiences. I’m not a naturally adventurous person. If I were left to my own devices, I’d be happy to stay within my close group of friends and not venture out. Writing forces me to be adventurous, to try new things, and meet new people.

5. I can create worlds and destroy them just as fast, if not quicker. A little destruction is good for the soul.

6. Writing clarifies my mind. As a writer, I have to train my thought processes so I’m able to pinpoint exactly what I want to say.

7. Writing increases my vocabulary. I may not bother if I wasn’t a writer or reader.

8. Writing gives me the courage and confidence to express myself.

What are some other benefits to writing you’ve experienced? How are your November projects coming along?


  1. I think you summed it up very well.

  2. I am with you on number four! I'm not outgoing at all and prefer to hang out at home rather than anywhere else. Between writing and my church family, I get to meet a lot of amazing people now.
    Keep writing, Lynda!

    1. I'm with you on this one, Alex. Writing not only defines me, it gives me a common bond with others who write and that breaks that rock hard ice I imagine when in a group.

  3. My fave is #7. I crave a good vocabulary. And the funny thing is, I know a lot of words when I read them, but to think of them when writing is an entirely different story. Get it? Story. Tee hee. I feel silly.

    What I experience in writing is the ability to voice my opinion, views of the world, themes, beliefs, morals, etc., in so many different forms. It could be out of the mouth of a eight-year-old or an eighty y/o; a woman, a man, an alien, an's limitless.

    Good luck with NaNo!

    M.L. Swift, Writer

    1. Yes!! The limitlessness of writing, the characters, the opinions, the exploration of ideas, all sooooooo wonderful and fulfilling.

  4. Great list! I agree with 'em all. But I especially identify with #4. And writing also strengthens me as a person; I have to learn to be brave and tough to persevere while submitting to agents/editors. :) Writing teaches me PATIENCE!

  5. Oh, yes. #3 & #4 are spot on! Best of luck finishing up NaNo!

  6. #3 for sure for me! How I got to meet you, and you live across the world from me. :)

    #8, too. But for me to gain the confidence, I sometimes have to have the initial false confidence or courage stripped away. (Something writing excels at doing as well. LOL) Guess that's my way of saying that writing has a fantastic way of keeping me put exactly in my place when it comes to my creativity. I'm never as good or as bad as I think. :D

  7. Chewing on number five.

    (And strawberries are my favorite fruit.)

  8. You summed it very well, Lyn. I too am like you, prefer to hang out with close friends or sit at home and either read a book or watch T.V.

  9. Would rather be a hermit too, but writing does get one out and about, at least online at their zoo haha

  10. I'm with you on all counts, Lynda. There are so many ways writing enhances your life and broadens your experience (if you are a writer at heart).

  11. Great point about sanity:) I read an article somewhere about how artists got a bad rep for being crazy and in fact had as many "life incidents" as people of other vocations, the only difference beign that artists claimed that working on their art was the primary thing that kept them from being crazier:)

  12. Like #6 a lot. Yes, writing makes you focus. I spend a lot of time thinking about what each character does and doesn't like in order to know what they would do.

  13. I too love how writing allows me to play goddess! I am able to create worlds, people, situations and then do as I please with them!! Yay!

    All the best with your Nano-ing!! Enjoy! Take care

  14. I especially agree with the one about how writing gives people confidence. That's true for me, especially because I'm not always comfortable saying what I think in real life. So I often write down what I wish I could say instead.

  15. Writing does keep my mind active and love the one where we meet so many other writers!

  16. Writing keeps you sane? I thought most of the writers are/were insane :)

  17. Great list! It's the same for me. Writing makes me more me. And that makes life a little better.

  18. Awesome list! You had me nodding and smiling the whole way through!! Destruction is always fun! :)

  19. Yeah, I'm not sure about the sanity part. I do have days when writing feels like therapy though. ;)

    Hope your NaNoing is going well!

  20. Love all of them, especially #8...:)

  21. So agree with everything you've said. One other one I'd add is that it shows us the creative parts of ourselves we may not have realized we have.

  22. Isn't writing so awesome? It's a way to do absolutely anything. You just have to imagine it.

  23. And the most important one: Writing is a substitute for what you really wanted to do to that guy that rear-ended you the other week... ;-)

  24. I'm with you on #3, but I'm kinda the opposite of you on everything else! Who'da thunk? Well, whatever the reason, writing is great and you're awesome for taking on NaNo. Good luck! :-)

  25. By writing we learn so much. I love the research part of writing. It opens up new worlds. That's probably why I'm behind in NaNo this year. So much research needed for my story, but I'm having a lot of fun. I'm a few thousand words behind you but I'm getting a bit more time lately...Best wishes for you to finish.
    (I haven't been blogging during November. Will be back with a SHARING post in a few days.) :D

  26. Great post and list Lynda! All the best with your Nano!

  27. Excellent list! I definitely write to clear my mind--nothing works better!

  28. I chuckled at number five. Since I'm writing about the mafia, I'm doing that with some people. =P

  29. I think 3, 4, and 8 are the ones I identify with the most. I'm amazed how writing has helped me break out of my shell. Excellent list. :)

    Good luck with the rest of NaNo!

  30. A great list Lynda! So true about no#3 & no#4.
    And I love words... so no#7 really resonated with me!
    And no#8 as well... I find it difficult to stand up and voice an opinion in a public forum, but online I'm more comfortable...

  31. Yes to all of them.

    Writing keeps me sane.

  32. Awesome post! I agree with every single one. No one would probably ever hear my voice if I didn't write.

  33. "A little destruction is good for the soul"--I like that! Great list, and keep it up with your NaNo!

  34. LOL. Destruction! Yeah, yeah! Here I was yesterday talking about train wrecks...

  35. Definitely! To expound on the keeping us sane reason, I view writing as my therapy. I don't have a therapist, and thanks to writing, (and exercise) I don't need one. Writing helps me deal with what's going on in my life and sort out issues that plague me. Yet I can take creative liberties so that I'm exploring/reliving/processing without being autobiographical and at the same time work through hang-ups/come to terms with relationships/learn to understand myself better. And if I'm lucky, I create a good end-product in the process. :-)

  36. Those are 8 good benefits. I always feel like writing is taking years off my life, but at least I'm getting to see whole new worlds first.

  37. I like your fifth point. Its nice to play God when you create your story.

  38. I think you are right and maybe some of these things can get me motivated again. Thanks!

  39. Writing is actually food for the mind. Using imagination and striving to describe events, people, feelings for others keeps our brains stimulated and functional. I intend writing until my last breath. We have just published by father-in-law's third book and he is aged 90. Use it or lose it.

  40. Oh, you've made me think now, Lynda.

    As an introvert, writing helps my to crawl into the mind of a confident person, or to explore relationships I wouldn't normally come across, like being psychic and fronds with ghosts. It's marvellous to be in the world, looking out at everyone else. :)

  41. It's amazing once threads are weaved together -the beauty and shape of a pattern that emerges. That's writing to me. Lynda a great list of benefits for writers.

  42. Ideally, writing would generate income for me, ideally.

    As for November projects, they're chugging along.

  43. cheers from Jakarta....I can't agree more..writing keeps me happy and challenged.:D..good exercise for our brain...

  44. Loved your eight benefits to write.
    My writing's a little slow write now, but I'll get there.

  45. You said it perfectly. Here's to sanity! :D

  46. It's definitely a good way to keep your sanity! Best of luck with your NaNo progress, Lynda! :)

  47. I totally agree with all these! If I don't write, I get cranky. Very cranky.

    Love the strawberry!

  48. You can create and destroy worlds. I can create villains who are self-consciously evil. I'm tired of villains who are heroes in their own minds, or who happen to be on the wrong side due to circumstance. I can create villains who do not pretend to be doing good. Then they die.

  49. I've been contemplating the scary world of writing and thinking I'm too old to start. Your article helps me to think it's the perfect time to grab a strawberry and a pen. Thanks!

  50. I've been contemplating the scary world of writing and thinking I'm too old to start. Your article helps me to think it's the perfect time to grab a strawberry and a pen. Thanks!

  51. Writing helps me find a sane, safe place to be, but it also can be quite unsettling if I can't get the words to capture what's in my head.

  52. Writing keeps you sane? Really? I think listening to the voices in my head drives me a little crazy!


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