
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A-Z Geek (X): Shows of Strength

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I'm sharing all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

X-Men series: The films include X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), X-men: First Class (2011), and there’s more to follow. I didn’t read the comic, but I did catch the Saturday morning cartoon, and the movies were even better. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was awesome and scrummy all at once.

Xanadu (1980): Slightly cheesy even in its time, but I enjoyed the magic and the music.

Xena: Warrior Princess (1995-2001): I love stories with strong women in the lead so Xena appealed.

Xbox: my game console of choice. It’s great to away from the computer.

What are some other shows or stories you like that depict strong women?



  1. Xanadu was a favorite! Think I have the cassette tape ! (Yes, cassette tape) cliff Richards and Olivia Newton John!

  2. This is what I commented on Jay Noel's post about Xanadu: I actually kinda liked that movie when I was young, ignorant and liked just about anything at the movies, as it was my escape from real life. I'm afraid to watch it again - might shame me too much. :)

    Maybe that was a bit harsh, and look out for it on cable. I do love the X-men movies. Other shows - I loved Maggie on The Simpsons. Writer’s Mark

  3. There are so many stories that depict strong women that I can't think of just one. Right now, I'm thinking of Wonder Woman.

  4. It is so awesome that we both had Xena. The X-man series was fantastic. Scrummy? Nice word.

  5. Mmm...I liked the Hunger Games series of books, although Katniss is still more of a girl than a woman...

  6. I love X-Men, but I think "Xanadu" announced the death knell to the disco hayday birthed by "Saturday Night Fever."
    Great X choices! :-)

    1. I'd not thought of it that way, but I think you're right. Ah, disco!

  7. I watched Xena in Jamaica during the days my family had no cable (finally got it around 2000). I loved the show and the Lucy Lawless moved on to play a great role Starz, Spartacus. When it comes to everything X-Men I'm a fan for life. The books Throne of Glass and Divergent series have strong female leads.

  8. Believe it or not I haven't seen X-Men or Xanadu.

    Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

  9. X-Men was my choice today as well. Watched Xena when it was on - of course!

  10. XENA was very unusual especially in later seasons when they decided to often mix present elements with history :) I've only recently caught some of the later episodes and discovered that she even played Cleopatra in some of them.

    1. I liked the mix of history. I also liked the fact they never took themselves too seriously on that show. It was just lots of fun.

    2. yep, and Aries' pecs for also lots of fun.... :)

  11. My family loved the X-Men and Xena stories. I just noticed they have Xena on Netflicks. Maybe we'll check them out again.

  12. I liked X-Men, Xena sometimes. I also liked the music of Xanadu.

  13. The X-Files. One of the best TV shows of all time. Love it forever :)

  14. Xena and other powerful women in leading roles, indeed. I am glad you shouted out to Wonder Woman in your W post. I recently remembered a movie I used to adore as a pre-teen called Sheena. I think she was the Queen of the Jungle or something. I'm going to have to try and find a copy of that film and reacquaint myself with it.

    Cheers from Brandy at

    1. I had to look it up. Wow, Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (1984). I remember that! hahaha

  15. Buffy and Xena both showed women in a kick ass role. Shame Bella didn't watch those shows.

    Moody Writing

  16. X-men two was my favorite of the x-men movies.

  17. I loved Xena.

    I'd like to watch Xanadu.

  18. I never saw Xanadu but I really want to watch it sometime to see the cheesiness. :)

  19. I did read the comics. Had quite a collection of them, too. The movies are very good, even though there are things that aren't spot on, but they never are in the movie adaptations, are they?

  20. XANADU! (now we are here ...)

  21. Ah, Xanadu. Gene Kelly. Nuff said.

  22. I loved the X-men series. Have a great weekend.

  23. They really did do a good job with the X-Men movies. And I always liked Xena. I've never played on the XBox though.

  24. Bleh, I'm a PC elitist. No Xbox's for me. XCOM is supposed to be really good but I haven't got around to playing it.

    1. I will admit games on the pc are better graphically, but it's just so good getting away from the pc.

  25. When I was little, I'd sneak into my brother's room and read his X-men comics. I loved them. They are worth checking out. Although, I haven't read any of the recent ones.

  26. I never have managed to get the hang of Xbox sadly. So many cool games, but I'm a terrible gamer. I'm going to have to watch X-Men some time. So many people say it's great. I'll have to give it a go!

  27. Oh, I love X-Men!

    Xbox is great too, but I defintely need to improve my skills. What's your favorite game?

    Thanks for sharing :)

  28. Strong women... well, let's see... Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2, Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs and Juliet Binoche in Chocolat. I love strong women. Can't stand the idiotic screaming type so many Hollywood flicks think is what we want to watch.

  29. I still watch the re-runs of X-men!!! And, yes Hugh Jackman
    is very scrumptious -hahaha!

    I thought Cat Women with Halle Berry depicted a strong female image.

  30. My favorite X is X-Files. Loved that show and was very unhappy when it ended. Then one bright day, Fringe came out to take it's place. Sadly, Fringe has now gone the way of the X-Files.


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