
Friday, April 26, 2013

A-Z Geek (W): Little Addictions

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I'm sharing all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

White Tiger by Kylie Chan (2011): This is written by an Australian author about Chinese gods in modern day Hong Kong. The first series is truly fantastic.

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (1990): This massively long series has taken a lifetime to read--or so it feels. The first few books are particularly good.

War Games (1983): “Do you want to play a game?” The size of the computers in this will give you a chuckle. Gotta love this iconic 80s film.

An American Werewolf in London (1981): For the purposes of today’s post, pretend this starts with W-werewolf. This was a horror that got me laughing so hard, I thought my sides would split. I don’t have the same reaction anymore. The surprise factor got me at the time.

Wreck-It Ralph (2012): A wonderful animated movie about game characters and what they get up to at night when the arcade closes.

World of Warcraft (2004): I’m horribly addicted to this massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) and played every expansion. I currently have four level 90 characters (the highest level you can have in the game at the moment). I generally only play at night now with my hubby after a full day of writing.

Warhammer 40k (1987): I didn’t actually play this table top game. Instead I painted the miniatures that go with the game. I painted so many Space Wolves I think I went slightly insane.

Honourable Mentions: The Walking Dead (2010-), Wonder Woman (1975-79), Willow (1988)

What are your 'W' favourites? What's your favourite addictions or distractions?



  1. At least you didn't go with Ultramarines (or Smurfs as they're called now). I still think the Blood Ravens are my favorite Chapter because they can't stop stealing everything.

    They came out with a great Warhammer 40k game called (with no originality) Space Marine. Make sure to get the PC version, the console one has terrible controls.

    1. Oh, I painted plenty of Ultramarines too. I think I learnt on ultramarines.

    2. what's wrong with Smurfs, Damian? I love them to bits :) They were the delightful spice of my childhood :)

    3. you ate smurfs, Dezzy??????????!!!!!!
      (I couldn't resist)

  2. Definitely The Walking Dead. I love that show and hope the next season lives up to expectations.

    My eldest brother is a huge fan of the Wheel of Time and yes, it feels like he's been reading it forever too!

  3. I'm addicted to ice-cream, so I try not to have too much of it at home at any one time. It doesn't start with a W though.

  4. I wanted to be Wonder Woman. Oh the twirling we used to do.

  5. I'm an RPG girl myself. Great list of W, added this post to my pinterest Book Board.

  6. We watched American Werewolf in London recently and the transformation scene is still cool.
    Every time I see an ad or commercial for the latest World of Warcraft, I think Kung Fu Panda. Do you or is it just me?

    1. I did to begin with, but having played that expansion to death, it's not so much about Kung Fu Panda anymore...

  7. American Werewolf!!!! Love that film - especially when Griffin Dunne becomes undead and haunts his friend! LOL! Very funny!! And very sad too! take care

  8. I avoided getting into WoW, even though it looks very cool, because it felt like it was going to be a huge time suck.

    War Games is a great teen movie.

    Moody Writing

    1. You'd be correct, Moody. It's a massive time suck. Don't do it!

  9. I atually gave up on Wheel of Time, to long, but I want to try again some time.

    1. I did too, I must confess. I haven't read the last few books. I think they're up to #14 or something now. Too many and the quality isn't the same.

  10. My kids loved Wreck It Ralph. I couldn't get into it, but I do love An American Werewolf in London.

  11. I've not come across White Tiger, that sounds interesting. War Games is definitely a quintessential 80s film!

  12. I wasn't sure I would like Wreck it Ralph but I was pleasantly surprised. Great choices!

  13. Great selections. I like the WoT final books, too. Those ones in the middle did get dragged down, didn't they?

    We recently watched War Games again. The conclusion it reaches is still so pertinent to this day and time.

    1. Oh, so the last ones are really good then? I stopped in the middle when it dragged.

  14. I miss THE WALKING DEAD ... how shall we survive till the return of the show?

  15. I enjoyed the first nine or ten books of The Wheel of Time but then got tired of waiting and then Robert Jordan died, after which it just wasn't the same. And I loved War Games.

  16. Very neat!
    My son was a bit hooked on the Walking Dead comics before they were anything--now he is kind of over it and does not even want to watch the show.
    Thanks for this--cool post.
    Visiting from A to Z:

  17. We may be miles from each other, but we walk in the same movie world. :-)

  18. Didn't the computer voice kind of freak you out. It was so child like, but ominous.

  19. Yup- I love World of Warcraft (wow) I had to stop playing because life got in the way and I can't really afford to- but it's fun addictive.(mage by the way and palidin-horde side- what about you?)

    1. Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Monk. (I found mages too squishy--I'm not known to be careful). All Alliance.
      I have one Horde Lock, though.

  20. Who wants to play Global Thermonuclear War? My siblings and I were all about War Games.

  21. Loved War Games but when I saw it that computer was just normal. My kids loved Wreck-It Ralph.

  22. War Games is a really solid pick imo.

  23. Yay, another World of Warcraft addict :) My main is a Druid. I found you through Alex's site. Nice to meet you. Following you now and looking forward to more posts.

    1. Oh cool! And thanks so much! My current main is a Shadow Priest. I've tried levelling a druid twice and stopped at around level 20 both times, which really isn't giving them much of a chance, lol.

  24. Hmm...White Tiger, I have to add that to my TBR list! I love American Werewolf, great movie. :D And I play WoW too! I love my rogue, but my shammy... she's awesome!

  25. It would be fun to see Wargames again, I can't imagine how the computers would look now. Loved American Werewolf too but I haven't seen it in so many years now.

    Happy Friday! :)

  26. Great picks all, but my favorite is Wreck-it Ralph. (What does it say about me that my favorite is a cartoon?)

  27. My favorite W movies:
    When Harry Met Sally
    While You Were Sleeping

  28. White Tiger sounds like a really good book.

  29. Ooh, while you were sleeping as mentioned above is a good one!

  30. I love WIllow. The first thing I saw Warwick Davis in, and the best that Val Kilmer has ever looked.

  31. Hubby and I are wow players. It is pretty addicting, though I generally only play on weekends so I can write week nights.


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