
Monday, April 8, 2013

A-Z Geek (G): Something Unexpected

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin (1996): I read these books when they first came out. They weren’t the kind of fantasy I’d come to expect. I was so used to reading stories that followed one character. Even in epics with a cast of thousands, it was still essentially one characters’ story with side stories along the way. With A Game of Thrones, I kept wondering whose story it belonged to because the moment I decided it was one particular character’s story, Martin would kill them off. Did this turn me off the series? Not at all. Just goes to show, us writers need to find the courage to write those stories buried deep within us, the ones we initially think no one will like because they’re unique.

Galaxian (1979): I was never good at Space Invaders, but while similar, Galaxian was a game I could play well and thoroughly enjoyed it. My hubby is building a gaming cabinet and he’s promised to put Galaxian on it when it’s done.

Gears of War (2005): I like playing this one in co-op mode best of all. Gotta love running around the world with a friend, shooting the bad guys.

If you’ve read the Game of Thrones series of books or watched the TV series, what did you first think of it? What other ‘G’ geeky things can you think of?




  1. That's why George Martin is the best living fantasy writer, in my opinion! (though Patrick Rothfuss is giving him a run for his money).

  2. A friend recommended the TV series of Games of Thones. I'll have to look into getting the box set :)

  3. Sometimes breaking the rules is the right thing to do.

  4. I really want to read A Game of Thrones series. Especially since I now know that the book writes so widely.

  5. I remember Space Invaders. I was just a kid back then. I never thought computers would become such a predominant part of our lives, and I don't just mean games.

  6. Games of Thrones - So on my TBR list and I wish I could see the TV series - they're showing it here on a channel I don't subscribe to! Not fair!! Take care

  7. A good story transcends rules. Once you're really into it, a writer can pretty much go in any direction.

    Moody Writing

  8. I spent many quarters on Galaxian. And then we got the Atari version, and I spent many hours playing it.

  9. I've had A Game of Thrones on my Wish List for ages - it's not all blood and thunder, is it? (I don't get the series on TV here). You've made me go back and look at Amazon again :-) (bad Lynda)

    1. hehehe, sorry. And nope, not all blood and thunder. The character interactions and plot twists kept me going.

  10. What's the point in writing a book that's already been written? Sometimes you have to, like the author did with A Game of Thrones, stop writing what is the norm and just write what is real.

  11. I enjoy watching medieval movies and reading medieval books. I read A Game of Thrones and now I'm into Clash of Kings, but it might take me a year to read, especially with all my other books. I'm a multi-reader.

  12. that;s exactly why I don't like GOT. Beside being irresponsibly morbid and grim, it also has way too many insignificant characters making it almost impossible to connect all the ties adn threads. But I do love me the dragon queen and the king of the North :)

    1. It does take a bit of adjustment, but I love the surprises along the way. And yes, the dragon queen shone!

  13. Everybody talks about Game of Thrones but I haven't been able to see it, since it doesn't air in Mexico in open TV, just cable. I think it will be easier for me to buy the book.

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've never read this series..

  15. I keep hearing about this series (and TV show), so I really need to pick it up. Thanks for the reminder.

    G = Gratifying vs Grating Grammar

  16. Not being a fantasy fan or a gamer I've never heard of these but I have a couple of sons who I bet have!

  17. I'm adding Game of Thrones to my Netflix list. Thanks. I'm always looking for suggestions about what to see.

  18. George RR Martin is one of my favorite authors ever. I LOVE the Song of Ice and Fire series. Love the tv show too, in fact the show is what introduced me to the books. I devoured the whole series last summer and am so anxious for the next book.

  19. I haven't read this! And I haven't seen the show because we don't have cable or TV stations. If it's on Netflix I could see it, but sometimes it takes a while for Netflix to get stuff on there.

  20. These are all new to me. I've heard of Game of Thrones of course. But haven't watched or read it. I should probably move it up the TBR list.

  21. I haven't read the books and only watched a few episodes of the series. Those that I've watched seem to be dark and serious with one tragedy following another which kind weighed heavy on me.

  22. I had the same reaction when I read Game of Thrones. I'm used to following one main character, perhaps two, all the way to the end of a series...and then he killed the guy I was cheering for!!!! Also, G.R.R.M steals all my best ideas before I get a chance to write them down, a thing I cannot forgive him for. :P

  23. Game is a good "G" word. Nicely done and well written. Cheers.

  24. It sounds like 'A Game of Thrones' was a book that broke some writing rules.

  25. I've never read GoT, but I sure do enjoy the HBO series.

  26. On my must read list / yes the series is excellent

  27. Haha! How can you have Galaxian and not Galaga!? :)

    1. I didn't actually play much Galaga. I didn't like it as much (gasp!)

  28. You know, I'm always late to the party and have just started the 'Game of Thrones' series. But you're right, I don't know who the story belongs to just yet. :)

    Mel at Writings Musings and Other Such Nonsense

  29. I think it would take me a while to read all of Game of Thrones but I definitely want to!

  30. LOL - I never heard of the book, and the TV series probably didn't air in New Zealand.

    Thanks for checking out my AtoZ.
    AtoZ #41

  31. Game of Thrones is epic on many levels.

  32. I love Galaxy Quest. It's one of my favourite movies. Haven't seen Game of Thrones but I hear it's good.

  33. I can't think of any geeky things that being with G (except for Geek, of course). *wanders off feeling inadequate*

  34. Oh loving the tv series 'game of thrones' haven't read the books (though pinched the first in the series from me dad). I do love what you said about the cast of thousands and writing the stories within us, and you know what you are right, but people are too used to the other way, I've been told before that I've too many characters, and I'm thinking...but I need them lol. Anyway, great post.


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