
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quality of Light and Photography

I had a brilliant idea for the letter Q for this A-Z Challenge. It was sheer genius. Can I remember what the idea was? No. Did I write it down? No.

Tip for all writers: Always write down your ideas!

Because I lost the first idea, I’ll treat you to a different one. There is something about a certain quality of light that draws the attention of an artist. Afternoon and morning light are particularly special. Fire light also comes to mind along with low light, spotlights, coloured lights and key lights. I could fill this entire blog with images that displayed some kind of special lighting. Instead, I chose two that are a little different.
Light through a Christmas bauble
Candlelight through crystal

What kind of lights change your mood?

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



  1. Join the club, Lynda. I couldn't find a Q word so I cheated!!! I like yours though. Photographers and artists flock to Lisbon because of its lovely light. Lucky you being a good photographer!

  2. Daylight first thing Monday morning changes my mood - and not for the better! LOL! Take care

  3. i tried using one of those brain training games to improvemy memory but no difference, although I'm now great at remembering 8 random numbers. I've also tried a lightbox to help stimulate me in themornings and that does actually work (alhtough I might be kidding myself).

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  4. There is a certain kind of sunsetting light that I love in the summer time. Good Q word - that's a hard one!

  5. Good job working on the fly there!
    Morning light is best around here. The air is less humid so everything is sharp and crisp.

  6. Stunning colors. I'm a big fan of taking sunsets and pictures on the water. I don't have your eye for the closeups.

  7. Those make for striking images. I'll go with sunsets too, we get some beautiful ones in Scotland.

  8. You know what light has always left me in awe--the Northern Lights. I saw them when I was driving in Canada one night. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. So cool. So cool.

  9. You know what light has always left me in awe--the Northern Lights. I saw them when I was driving in Canada one night. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. So cool. So cool.

  10. Morning light and dusk, my favorite times of the day, when the light is soft.

  11. Those are so beautiful, Lynda!

    Light is amazing! I really enjoy the warmth of sunlight; moonlight is wonderful also. I think about what light provides and I'm thankful for it!

    I once saw a spider web that was hidden had it not been for the light shining on it; I was really thankful that day since there was a huge spider sitting in the middle of it and had it not been for the light shining on it, I would have ran straight into it. It was a beautiful sight once I stood back and observed it!

    Personally, I think the light inside of us is pretty amazing!

    Always a pleasure to stop by, Lynda!

    Have a great day! Beautiful one for the letter "Q"

    1. yikes! Walking into a spider web is the worst! I walked face first into a huge one once. Horrible, horrible!

  12. I love your photography. Great pictures.

  13. Slanted light always makes for more dramatic photos. I think it's the contrast of shadow and sun that really brings out the colors and textures. Quality is a great Q word when talking photos.

  14. I'm a light person, my walls are covered with Christmas lights all year long :) and I have to have natural light all around me during the day, I've even punched a hole in my roof and made me a balcony that wasn't there previously in order to flood my room with light :)

    1. Oh my gosh! I have christmas lights around the house all year long as well!! And I've lit up the back garden with coloured lights and the front frangipani tree also has lights in it.

    2. yep! When I have to take off the Christmas lights from the outside of my balcony I have tears in my eyes LOL :)

  15. I love sunrises and sunsets, especially when there're lots of clouds to add depth and color. But even without those there's something awesome about the sun at those times.

  16. I'm a sunset person. I love to watch the sky change minute by makes me mellow.

  17. The words 'fire light' had a beautiful effect on my imagination, just now.

  18. On more than one occasion I have sent myself a text with something I needed to remember.

    I love sunsets and sunrises. Especially when the color is just right to reflect all across the sky.

  19. That Christmas ornament is beautiful. Love that picture!

  20. I've always found candlelight and fractured light make for the best photos... or at least the most appealing for me to take. And for the former, the shadows are nearly as important as the light.

  21. I like candlelight when I'm having dinner at a nice restaurant. I like the late afternoon sunlight coming through my window when I'm reading a good book or typing away at my laptop. And I always like sunsets.

  22. I always wonder where does the GREAT ideas go? Do they disappear in my head and reappear in the thoughts of someone else? Are my great ideas lost ideas from others? Writing it down is a good tip.

    Great recovery in choosing light. I love any soft light. Sunrise, sunset, Christmas, candle. Soft light makes me feel safe and warm.

    always wonder where does the GREAT ideas go? Do they disappear in my head and reappear elsewhere? Are my great ideas lost ideas from others? Writing it down is a good tip.

    Great recovery in choosing light. I love any soft light. Sunrise, sunset, Christmas, candle. Soft light makes me feel safe and warm.

    Happy A to Z-ing!

    April 20, 2012 6:15 AM

    1. I love your theory that your great ideas disappear to reappear in the thoughts of someone else. I think you might be onto something!

  23. I heard about another light that was supposed to be good for painters - North light.
    You are always interesting.

  24. Great photos again! I love candle light, sunset and dawn and the northern lights are true glory!

  25. Waning sunlight. We don't get to see awesome sunsets much here in Seattle. It's too grey and gloomy. But when we do, it's spectacular, like no other place on earth.

  26. So pretty! I love all kinds of lights (as most would guess from looking at the design of my website). Great post! :)

  27. I love candle light. As always, beautiful shots:)

  28. Oh Lynda these shots are gorgeous. Isn't it annoying when you forget your brilliant idea.


  29. I really like how the glass reflects light, pretty colors.

  30. Candle light and fairy lights are my favourite - I seem to be able to relax best with either of those.

  31. Looks like you have a quality camera, Lynda...gorgeous pics! I think natural light, from a rainbow, sun rise or set, or streaming through the trees calms me. Thanks for your post!


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