
Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Excitement of the Occasion

I’m putting aside the usual theme of my blog to announce to you all that today is a special day indeed. Today is HOLLYWOOD SPY'S ANNUAL AWARDS.

It’s a grand occasion. I’ve dolled myself up in a sparkly purple dress and sky-scraper heels. I’ve even put on some make-up (shocking, I know). So, come along to the ceremony, fill up your glasses and make a toast to the host: Dezmond, affectionately known to me as Dezzy, or DezzyDarling or Dezzy-baby-hun. A wonderful blogger who keeps me up-to-date with what’s happening in Hollywood, who always manages to make me smile with his comments, and whose honesty I value.

I hope to see you there.

Do you enjoy grand occasions as much as I do?



  1. Very nice outfit, Lynda :D
    I'm not usually a fan of grand occasions, but in the case of The Dezzies (I'm trying to make that the nickname of the HollywoodSpy Awards :P) I'm very excited. I even put on my best knight's helmet for the occasion!

  2. ooh la la! you look gorgeous! dezz is awesome!! and no- i avoid any kind of formal gathering like the plague- but for dezz, i'll make an exception!!

  3. THE DEZZIES he he good one Jamie :)
    Thanks, Vics ;)
    And Lyndylove, you look stunning in violet! Hope you like the award you got and your new role as DEZZY'S ANGEL!

  4. You look marvelous! Who did your dress? ;p <3

  5. How glamorous and posh!!!! Enjoy the occassion - you definitely have the WOW! factor! Take care

  6. Spy Awards! I've never heard of it, but that would be the best ceremony to go to!

  7. ha ha I like the Dezzies, just been, was good fun, hope the after party is just as good.

  8. Very creative! I just dressed up a dog.

  9. You look gorgeous! =D Purple is my favorite color.

  10. Jamie, I love your helmet. You stood out from the crowd!

    Aspiring, hehe, Dezzy has that effect on people.

    Dezzy, I LOVE the award I got!! Thank you so much!!!!

    LTM, the dress is a Young original. (I called in a favour)

  11. Old Kitty, yeah..WOW she walks funny in those high heels ;)

    Mary Mary, it is!! You should pop on over!

    Christian, I'm sure everyone will be talking about the after party for years to come ;)

  12. Alex, I saw the dog. Cute as! Although I heard the dog scared away some of Dezzy's penguins...

    RaShelle, I always gravitate toward purple.

    The Words Crafter, I had a brilliant time! thanks :)

  13. You look lovely! Congrats on your award! I will stay and visit awhile, you have a nice place, here!

    Yes, let's toast our host, Dezz, he is such a doll!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Very lovely, yes! Congrats on the award, and that reminds me that nowhere do you have a photo of you, and your adoring fans (me included) have absolutely no idea what you look like. Remedy this? Yes? C'mon, humor us....

  16. I love dressing up and going somewhere where there are lots of people -but once I get there, I hide in the corner and just watch everyone *laugh*

    You look mahveloos!

  17. Ellen, thanks so much :) Cheers to Dez!

    Carol, hehehe. I'm shy and there are extremely few photos of me I like. Having said that, there a couple of pics of me hanging around the net if you know where to look. Faith publications seem to like photos attached to articles so you can find some there too ;)

    Kathryn, oh yes! That's exactly me too! I love dressing up but I'll never be the life of a party.

  18. Love the purple number!

    I'll meet you at the after party with lovely Dezmond. But, I'm going to be shamefully late. The Rolls had just got a flat!

  19. Wendy, oh noes! A flat on a Rolls... They don't make 'em like they used to ;) Better late than never. I'll save you some party cake.

  20. Pretty, pretty! Sounds like fun :)

  21. I do enjoy getting the Hollywood scoop over at Dez's place. Sounds like a great time!

  22. Love your gown and those shoes are to die for. Congratulations on your award.

    Thoughts in Progress

  23. Jemi, it was great fun :)

    Susan, yes indeedy

    Mason, I almost twist my ankle in those shoes but it was so worth it ;)

  24. I'm always a fan of dressing up but not right now. I haven't waxed my legs.



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