Monday, December 20, 2010

The Jolly by Golly Blogfest

I love Christmas. It's the best holiday season of the year. I love the reason for the season: the message of Hope our God has given us. I love the Christmas songs. I love the Christmas food. I love the Christmas gatherings. I love the pretty, sparkly things and all the Christmas lights.

Jen and Melissa are hosting this wonderful Jolly by Golly blogfest to celebrate this season. So, of course, I had to take part! The idea is to post a piccy of your lights, decorations and tree. Share a recipe of your favourite food and drink and lastly to visit everyone taking part and share the joy.

Generally my Christmas lights are inside the house, but this year we put a string of red lights in our frangipani tree out the front. I keep forgetting to take a pic while they were turned on. Oops.

We have a hot Christmas here in Australia so the traditions vary. I have three sides to the family and each one offers a different kind of food. One side offers a seafood buffet with prawns as the star. Another side offers a traditional barbeque with side salads. And the third side offers traditional roast pork and turkey. Oh, and then there are the snacks... There is no point trying to maintain a weight-loss diet at this time.

I don't have a favourite drink, but I do have a favourite dessert:  

Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake.
250g plain choc biscuits
125g butter, melted
500g cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup caster sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted
300g sour cream
300g cherries, pitted, halved
cherries and icing sugar to serve

1. preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius (140 for a fan forced oven) -- sorry I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit (It's slightly cooler than a moderate oven). Grease 5.5cm deep 24 cm base spring form pan. Process biscuits until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Add butter. Process to combine. Press mixture over base of prepared pan. Cover. Refrigerate for 30 mins.

2. Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add eggs one at a time, beating to combine. Beat in cocoa and sour cream until just combined. Fold in cherries. Spread over biscuit mixture.

3. bake for 35-40 mins or until centre is just firm. Turn off oven and cool for three hours with door slightly ajar. Refrigerate overnight. Top with cherries, dust with icing sugar. EAT.

I hope everyone will have a wonderful and safe Christmas. I will post again next week and then my regular blogging schedule will return to normal in the new year.


The Happy Whisk said...

Yum yum yum.

Mary Mary said...

Everything looks so good! And that cheesecake recipe, Yum! I posted mine a little early as well, so feel free to stop by and see what my favorite dessert is.

I also find it interesting to see what others are doing in different parts of the world, so thanks for sharing what goes on in Australia.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Whisk, it is yum ;)

Mary, I love to hear all the different traditions. It's great! Coming over to visit!

Old Kitty said...

What a fun blogfest - very chrismassy indeed! You have a beautiful tree and yummy food but that recipe - oooh - yum!!! Weight loss diet at christmas?!?! Does not compute!! :-)

Take care

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

old kitty, hehe. Every year I tell myself I'm not going to over eat. Pfft! Silly me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I like your idea of Christmas dinner. We never have the traditional ham or turkey. Too much work!

The Words Crafter said...

Chocolate. Cherry. Cheesecake. Ooooo!!!! It all looks so beautiful and welcoming :)

J.L. Campbell said...

I'm definitely going to try the recipe and the tree is pretty!

Erinn said...

Your tree is BEAUTIFUL!

vic caswell said...

beautiful tree! and whatta lotta food!!! :)

Carol Riggs said...

You have a gorgeous tree! It's already Monday down under, eh? How about that. It's barely 9 pm here in Oregon, USA. ;o) CHEESECAKE, oh boy, drool city! I love cheesecake, and choc cherry sounds wonderful. Are you making me some?

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Chocolate and cheesecake -- how can anything be better?

Melissa said...

YUMM! That recipe sounds absolutely delicious. I hope you don't celebrate with all three sides of the family on the same day! That would be hectic! I love that it's all so different.

Yeah... I fully plan on having my jeans be too tight after all the goodies this season! In january... I'll have to work extra hard!

Thank you so much for participating in our blog fest!

Emily White said...

Mmm...that cheesecake sounds delicious! :)

DEZMOND said...

are all those presents under your tree waiting for me? :)))
My favourite part of this holiday is buying presents and Christmas decorations and cooking :) I'm an atheist, but I still celebrate Christmas just for the atmosphere :)
I'm making blackberry cake this Christmas and Apple baklava for the New Years' Eve :)

Unknown said...

The cheese cake looks amazing. Your tree is beautifully decorated too.
Merry Christmas.

Ellie Garratt said...

Chocolate cherry cheesecake...I've gone to heaven! Thank you for sharing.

Happy Christmas to you and your family!

Be Jolly By Golly

Roxy said...

The tree is so pretty, and thanks for the delicious-sounding recipe. Happy Christmas to you!

Summer Ross said...

I love your tree and that food looks so yummy!

Sondrae Bennett said...

Beautiful tree! And with so many gifts! I didn't have a favorite drink either but I'm finding some great ones to try on everyone's blog. Hope you have a great Christmas!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Beautiful tree! And I'll definitely have to try that recipe, yum!

M Pax said...

Mmm, sounds divine.

Want some of our snow?

Laura S. said...

Look at all those presents under the tree! Have a very merry Christmas!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Alex, yes it is a lot of work.

Words Crafter, best cheesecake ever :)

Joy, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

Erinn, thanks

Aspiring, yarp, that is a lot fo food...hehehehe

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Carol, I'm ahead of my time ;) Sure, I'll make some for you. You can come over and pick it up tomorrow ;)

Mary, exactly!

Melissa, used to celebrate with two of the families in the one day but then one family moved a long way away so now we split it up. Phew.

Emily, it is! YUM

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Dezzy-baby-hun, yep, I love the atmosphere as well and all those things you listed. Many people get jaded by the "commercialism" but it doesn't have to be that way. I think it depends on how you approach the season. Oh! can I have some of that blackberry cake?!! YUM!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Elaine, I decided to buy one decoration a year when I first got married. It was so rare I could keep it at only one but now we have quite a few -- and they all go on the tree! Hehehehe.

Ellie, indeed it is heavenly

Roxy, happy Christmas to you too!

Summer, thanks :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Sondrae, I'll be hopping around to everyone's blogs right after breakfast ;)

Nicole, the recipe is so easy and so delicious!

M Pax, Sure! Send me some of your snow! I've never had a white Christmas. It might melt fast though.

Laura, have a very Merry Christmas as well :)

RaShelle Workman said...

Love your tree with all of the presents under it. Haven't started wrapping yet. Must get cracking. =D

Michelle Merrill said...

That's a pretty tree. Merry Christmas :)

Ann said...

My two favorite ingredients. Cherries and Chocolate!!! Can't wait to try this one.

I love love love your tree! It is beautiful.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Tara said...

Beautiful tree!

Happy Holidays.

LTM said...

Ahh, more chocolate cheesecake--only you put the cherry on top! Yay! :D

Merry Christmas! :o) <3

Talei said...

Gorgeous tree! And I want some of those prawns on your buffet! Choc choc cherries cheesecake for pudding sounds lovely. I'm thinking black forest gateau meets cheese! Have a wonderful Christmas! ;)

Shannon said...

Stopping by for the blogfest...

Your tree looks great! And thanks for the recipe - looks delicious!

Happy Holidays!


Katie O'Sullivan said...

Beautiful tree - and LOVE the recipe - going to have to try that one!
Merry Christmas!

DL Hammons said...

Purdee tree!! :) Here's hoping everyone down under has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Kimberly Franklin said...

Love your tree! And you can never, ever go wrong with cheesecake!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Your tree is perfect!

Enjoy the time with your family. Merry Christmas, Linda!

Renae said...

Love your tree and that cheesecake sounds amazing!

Kelley said...

That much food looks awesome! Enjoy it! Happy Holidays!

Jemi Fraser said...

All of those meals sound fantastic!!! Yum :)

Anonymous said...

Cheesecake of any kind is a big hit in our house. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Donea Lee said...

Beautiful tree! I would love to see the frangipani tree (because I have no idea what one looks like..). And any three sides of all that food sounds delish! Yeah, dieting is the LAST thing on my mind this time of year. It's just not worth it - lol. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Jennie Bailey said...

That chocolate cherry cheesecake sounds divine! I think I gained weight just reading the recipe. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Thanks for the lovely recipe, Lynda. Will try it.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!!

Tracy said...

Look at all those presents already set up under the tree! Have a very Merry (and warm) Christmas!!

Brenda Drake said...

That recipe sounds so good, it's similar to the one on my post. BBQ for Christmas - Yummy! Thanks for sharing and have a Merry Christmas! :D

Talli Roland said...

OOh, lovely tree and treats! Happy Christmas!

Jeff Beesler said...

Excellent recipe! Another dish I may have to dish up for my characters, Lynda.

But as for you, I've served up a serving of a shout-out for your blog over at my blog. Bon appetit!

N. R. Williams said...

Yummy yums...I'm coming to Australia. Well, not really but everything sounds good.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Elizabeth Briggs said...

Your tree is beautiful, and that dessert sounds divine!

Lisa Potts said...

A seafood buffet is always good! Thanks for sharing your traditions and happy holidays.

Meredith said...

Chocolate cherry cheesecake--just amazing. I'll have to try that recipe!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments. So many of you are new to this blog and it's so great to meet new blogging friends!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas :)

Danette said...

Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake! yummmy!!!! I will definitely have to try that when I have a chance to bake next!!!

Be jolly by Golly!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Still hopping around for the blogfest. Didn't have enough time yesterday to visit every single site. Merry Christmas!

Avalon Cat Cartoon said...

Merry Christmas, Lynda.

Unknown said...

THis blogfest is great! Superb pictures and recipes.

Toyin O. said...

Thanks for the recipe share:)

Susan Fields said...

A seafood buffet sounds like a wonderful Christmas dinner!

Merry Christmas to you!

MTeacress said...

I stopped over from Jeffrey's. It looks like you're ready for a wonderful celebration. Merry Christmas, and thanks for the delicious recipe. :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Such a homey home. Chocolate cherry cheesecake. Too yummy!

Happy Holidays to you and your family.

Lola Sharp said...


Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, like the sound of all that. Merry Christmas :O)

Pat Tillett said...

it all looks and sounds good to me! Happy Holidays!

Lo Hughes said...

Hi! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! I made it to London (phew!) but I would take the sun of Australia over snow any day! Merry Christmas :-)