
Friday, November 26, 2010

Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home"

This post is a slight departure from my usual themes, but I had to share it. This short film has been beautifully shot, great music with an amazing, breathtaking performance.

If we work hard enough, driven by passion for whatever it is we're doing, we can all achieve great things.

Have a great weekend, everyone. I’ll have my head down in a scramble to finish the first draft of my latest novel.


  1. it's a lovely thought, I hope it really works and comes true for everyone!

  2. There would be a lot of bruises along the way, no doubt, but if the passion is there then it's worth the effort. imo

  3. Driven by passion says it all. Awesome video. Good luck with finishing your first draft.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Fab video, Lynda!

    I'm with you. We're all capable of doing great things. We only have to believe in ourselves and in our purpose.


  5. Oh my gosh! I can't believe this. I just saw Josh on youtube recently because my son has it as one of his favorites. I was totally blown away by his talent.I am so glad someone can join me in the joy of watching what he can do with a bicycle..Blessings!

  6. Mason, thanks for the luck. I think I'll need it.

    Jai, yes! exactly! :)

    Sunnycalgirl, I didn't even know such things were possible. Amazing huh!

  7. My son's used to try to do somethings with their bikes and now they are 35 and 37..I am going back to youtube and share the one I saw..Thank you for your post!

  8. hehe, my brother used to TRY those stunts but he usually face-planted ;) (I have to add -- he didn't try exactly those stunts and the ramps were nothing more than a gutter lol)

  9. My son's built ramps but very mild compare to Danny..Amazing guy! For some reason just moves my heart..Lynda please join me at heartnsole. New thing I am doing on blogger. My son Mark drew my header for me...Thank you!


    It's pretty exciting to see places from far away and recognize them because you touched those same stones with your fingertips and walked the same cobblestone streets. :)

  11. Wow. What an amazing video - the scenery/landscape by itself is plenty gorgeous and so atmospheric but I am in awe at this guy! What a terrific talent!! Someone living out their passion - and how! Thanks! Take care

  12. That is an amazingly beautiful video! thanks for sharing!

  13. Super video, Lynda. Completely agree that we all are capable of doing great things.

  14. Woot! On finishing up that first draft. You go, Lynda!

  15. Definitely. If there's enough determination . . . great video.

    Good luck with your novel!

  16. Sunnycalgirl, yep, I'm already a follower :)

    Heidi, and I wanna go there! And yes, it is super cool to recognise places you've been.

    Old Kitty, I was so impressed I just had to share :) Glad you enjoyed it.

  17. Jan, glad you liked it

    Rachna, while in the thick of writing and editing, I'll have to remind myself of that on a daily basis ;)

    M Pax, it's amazing but I'm really positive about this particular story (more so than my previous ones). Exciting!

    Golden, thanks :)

  18. Wow! The cinematography is amazing and I'll be researching the music. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Some amazing stunts! Hate to see the outtakes.

  20. Good luck with that draft. Hope Nano is helping to reach your goal.

  21. Wow. Beautifully shot and an awesome soundtrack. Thanks for sharing!


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