
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

7 Things to be Grateful for in Writing

Jeffrey Beezler is hosting an Early Bird Thanksgiving Blogfest. Participants are asked to discuss what they are most grateful for. Pop on over and join in the fun.

Below is my list of things to be grateful for in writing:

1. I am grateful my characters can’t come to life or they might come for me in the middle of the night with flaming torches and pitch forks.

2. I’m grateful for the invention of word processors. I don’t think I could write a book without a spell checker and the automatic insertion of extra words and paragraphs.

3. I’m grateful for the internet for quick and easy access to information for research.

4. I’m grateful I have an outlet for storytelling otherwise my brain might implode from the pressure.

5. I’m grateful for my muse even though she only visits me at the most inopportune times.

6. I’m grateful for all my blogging friends. This is one of the most generous and supportive communities I’ve come across.

7. I’m grateful I don’t live in the worlds I create. They always seem to be on the brink of destruction. I’d die from stress before the hero saved the day.

What are you grateful for in writing?


  1. That's a great list, Lynda. I'm grateful that I can read and have the tools to make my dreams come true.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love this!

    I'm grateful for other writers. They're awesome. Especially the ones I grew up reading. *love*

  4. I don't have time to do blogfesting but...I'm grateful for finding a super supportive crit partner and some great new bloggery friends!

  5. Jai, yes absolutely. Only a small percentage of the world's population can read. It's a real blessing to have that ability.

  6. Shayda, Other writers inspired my dreams and encouraged me to write as well. They are a support, an avenue to unimagined worlds and a whole lot of fun.

    Carolyn, blogging friends are awesome :)

  7. I'm grateful that he have computers, I can't possibly imagine how was it when writers used typing machines or just a pen???

    And your blogging friends are grateful for having you, Lyndylove :)

  8. I just read a short story where #1 happened. It's possible so be wary :P

    I'm grateful for the blogging community, they've been awesome :)

  9. Awww what wonderful writerly things to be grateful for! Oh but now you see I want to see your fiction world and meet your characters - you make them sound so tempting in their darkness! :-)
    Take care

  10. Yeah! #2, #3, and #6 are my dittoes and likewise faves. These make writing so much easier and enjoyable! I can whip out a rough draft much faster with Word and my computer than writing it by hand! (which is what I did in the 1990s)

  11. Dezzy, when I was a teen I hand wrote my first novel and got my mum to type it all out. I really should dedicate my first published book to her.

  12. Jamie, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    Oh wait, if I created my characters, then I can uncreate them too. I can give them docile natures. They will pander to my every whim. BRING IT!

  13. Old Kitty, hahaha you made me laugh out loud after reading your comment. But then you made me think -- always a dangerous thing. I'm thinking I've made my MC too much of a goodie-two-shoes. She always does the right thing (which causes all sorts of trouble for her) but it's still the "right" thing to do. Hmmm...

  14. Carol, I still write by hand occasionally because I find so many distractions on the computer, but I'm still grateful :)

  15. Got lost when I got to your #7. I never would have thought of that. luv it!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. I LOVE your list. I would've written it myself had I thought of such a clever way to express what I'm grateful for about writing.

  17. How fortunate you are! It's so wonderful to see how appreciative you are with what you have and what you've accomplished. Happy Thanksgiving to you, my U.S. blogging friend!

  18. I love your list! I'm so thankful for other bloggers!!! And for coffee. :)

  19. What an awesome list! I whole-heartedly agree about connections made here through blogging. Everyone is so upbeat and helpful and encouraging! It's wonderful! I also echo the gift of being able to read and I'm also thankful for the freedom writing fiction gives us - to create, explore and come up with anything and everything we can wrap our imagination around! Thanks for the post and Happy T-day to you! :)

  20. Excellent list with which I will heartily concur. Especially word processors and word programs--I used to type and hand write and it did not inspire me to write much. Now I can crank stuff out like crazy.

    Tossing It Out

  21. Awesome list. I think I'm a little afraid of my characters and am grateful they can't come to life either :)

  22. This is a great list. Anyone who can write has a lot to be thankful for. Cool that you've made your worlds so scary you don't want to live in them.

  23. Those are great things to be grateful for. But I would love to travel to my fantasy world. Check in tomorrow for my grateful post. Or in a few hours...I think a little over 4 hours from now.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  24. Lynda: You did an outstanding job tying it all back into writing on this post. I think I may've played it a bit more liberal and made my post more of a life in general rule of thumb thing. The post goes live in three hours. Have a great weekend!

  25. Lynda, these are great writerly things to be grateful for. Yes, whre would we be without blogger friends?

    Hope you get a chance to read my efforts too!

  26. Grateful for the tips you always share :) Thank you. God bless.

  27. Technology has made writing more accessible and I agree and thankful for that.

  28. We don't want imploding brains!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Lynda.

  29. Mary, Happy Thanksgiving :)

    Theresa, glad you enjoyed :)

    Nathalie, I don't actually celebrate Thanksgiving because I live in Australia, but I thought I'd take part in Jeffrey's blogfest and it's always good to take a step back and think about the things we are grateful for.

  30. Susan, hehe I know your love of coffee. It is equal to my love of chocolate :)

    Donea, yes, the gift of being able to read is an awesome one to be thankful for. happy T-day to you too! :)

    Arlee, we were born in the right times I reckon :)

  31. Vegas, hehe, can you imagine it if they could come to life? Eeek! And think of all the trouble they would cause.

    Melissa, I wouldn't mind living in the worlds once the disaster is averted...but not before ;)

    Nancy, will definitely check it out.

  32. Great list! Especially #7 (love that!) :)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  33. Jeffrey, I'm ahead of my time here in Oz ;) I will definitely check out everyone's posts for the blogfest (and anyone who comments here of course). It was a fun one. Thanks so much for hosting it :)

    L'Aussie, blogger friends make it all worthwhile. Heading on over :)

    Rcubes, happy thanksgiving to you and God bless to you also.

  34. Budd, my typing skills are shockingly BAD. I'm always making typoes in my rush to get the words down so it's great to easily correct everything.

    Chris, Happy Thanksgiving to you also

    Summer, hehe. I'm so mean to my characters ;)

    Alex, imploding brains are just as messy as exploding ones ;)

  35. Liz, oops, almost didn't see you there while I was catching up on comments. Have an awesome Thanksgiving!

  36. Lynda, great list! I'm grateful for other writers, word processors and the Internet!

    Lynda, I named you as a Versatile Blogger today!

  37. Ooh! I'm grateful for word processors and the intertubes too! Makes writing and connecting with others so easy. Happy T-giving!

  38. Maria, Thanks so much for the award. I'm honoured :)

    Bluestocking, can't live without the intertubes. Happy Thanksgiving to you too

  39. I love your last one. What if we lived in the world of words we create. No thank you. I'll take my boring life any day! Have a great Thanksgiving.

  40. Stephen, there are good things to be said about a boring life ;)

  41. Loved the writing aspect! A great list but I must be dated, can't live without a pen and paper. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  42. I am grateful for the writers who put out interesting literature for me to read. LOL
    I really liked your post. Happy thanksgiving.

  43. I, too, am grateful for the computer. If my choices were only pen and paper or the typewriter, I'd never have graduated from short story to novel.

    Also, I like being able to kill off my characters with absolutely no chance of retribution. It's fun.

    Great list, Lynda!

  44. Loved your list, Lynda. I am grateful that my muse is currently my best friend. I am also grateful for my wonderful family and lovely writing friends. :)

  45. I love this list! Hmmmm, writerly things to be thankful for....

    the internet
    blogging buddies who offer so much support, advice, and understanding!

    Have a great thanksgiving!

  46. Jules, yeah, I like pen and paper as well. Less distractions.

    Flutietootie, hehe I love a good read. Happy Thanksgiving

    Nate, yep killing off our characters is great fun!

  47. Rachna, great to have a best friend in a muse. And there is no substitute for friends and family.

    Crafter, yay for snacks and daydreams. Both essential for writing masterpieces ;)


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