
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Using AI for Synopses #IWSG

The IWSG question of the month is about AI. Have you used AI to write synopses, or do you refuse to go that route? How do you feel about AI's impact on creative writing?

In terms of AIs impact on creative writing, I have already written a post about why AIs won't replace creative writers. You can check it out here

In terms of writing the synopsis of a book, it's great to give us a hand, but it's not the time saver you'd expect. In output of AI will always need an edit, and you have to give it lots of information for it to work properly, ie a blurb, a detailed summary, or an outline. The more information, the better. Please, never use the raw AI material. 

If you've tried AI, what was your experience with it? If you haven't tried it, what's holding you back?

Note: I'm still recovering from my illness. On pain meds and so very tired all the time. Not a happy camper. And then I went and got Covid as well, thus my recent silence. I have recovered from that fun experience, at least. There is always something to celebrate! 

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Prayers you recover soon. Sorry about the Covid but it's like the flu now - everyone is going to get it at some point.
    If one has to give AI that much information, might as well do it yourself, right?

  2. I hope you feel better soon. And yes, Al-generated writing must be heavily edited. I have to do that with all the articles I have it help me write for work.

  3. So sorry you ended up with double illness.

    AI sounds like a lot of work. Might as well do it yourself.

  4. Sounds like a rough patch. Hope you feel better.

    With the amount of info that must be input into AI for it to create something, should you not just create it yourself? I'm very on the fence.

  5. Oh dear. I hope your health improves soon. It never even dawned on me to use AI to generate a synopsis. Who knows my book better than me?

  6. I'm sorry to hear you still unwell--wow, a double whammy. Feel better soon.

    PS: My blog feed URL has changed.

  7. I hope you feel much better soon, Lynda! On top of the other symptoms, being tired all the time is miserable! Please take care and nurture yourself!

  8. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sending prayers your way.

  9. Alex, yep I agree, Covid is just like the flu now. Not fun, but you get over it. Thanks

    Natalie, Absolutely. Heavy editing is a definite must.

    Diane, Yeah, the double illness wasn't fun.

    Nick. Agree, might as well do it yourself...or use it to kick start you and move on.

    Liza, each day I get a little better, though still a long ways to go. I like your point about who knows your book better than you.

  10. Holly, Thanks for the well wishes. Oh a change to your blog feed! Hope that went smoothly for you. I want to change my feed, but I'm scared to touch it.

    Fundy, yeah It's been hard to stay positive through the whole thing, but I'm definitely getting there.

    Carol, thanks so much. Prayers are appreciated.

  11. Sending so many hugs your way, Lynda. Hope you're fully recovered soon!!

  12. I haven't tried AI as I don't feel like it'd save me much time and I really don't have the energy to learn how to feed it prompts to enable me to save time.

  13. So sorry to hear that you have not only been dealing with health issues but then caught Covid. Hope this will pass soon and you will be back up and running.

  14. Feeling down will always impact on our writing. I think I had a new form of covid and after 3 weeks still feel under the weather. Let's just say I love the possibilities of AI. My students taught me a lot!

  15. Hi Lynda - feeling down and being ill is awful - it totally stops us in its (their) tracks ... I hope full recovery happens soon.

    Perhaps Denise sums up AI well - we need the kids to help us through it! Cheers Hilary


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