
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

IWSG 12th Anniversary

In case you haven't heard, the IWSG is short for the Insecure Writers' Support Group. It was established on the blogsphere twelve years ago by our Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh. It's free to join and has kept me blogging for way longer than I had realised. Where did that time go? 

Each month we come together to post about our great writerly news, our writing insecurities, to encourage and support each other, or to simply connect with like-minded people. Each month we have an option question to answer too. The question this month asks, When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

I was there at the beginning when the group first formed. For a while I was even one of the administrators, helping to set up the IWSG website, building and maintaining the About Us page and the Publishers, Agents, Queries resource page. I even helped out in the Facebook group and the behind the scenes work on some of the early books produced by the group, and a bunch of other stuff. 

Over the years, I've met so many wonderful writers from all over the world. The support from this community has been unparalleled. When I published my six books, I don't think I would've found the same success without the help I received from the friends I formed -- the critique partnerships, the encouragement, the glowing reviews, the help spreading word. 

I'm still writing because of you guys, so thank you. 

If you haven't read any of my books yet, and love Fantasy Adventure, then check out my Wielder's Storm Trilogy Box Set, or the individual books: Wielder's Prize, Wielder's Curse, Wielder's Fire. I also have a fantasy novella available, Well of Ash

And for something different, I have Cling to God: A 365-Day Devotional. If you're looking for inspirational Christian thoughts for each day of the year, then please consider this book.

More novels will be coming next year. It takes longer to write multiple books at the same time. Who knew? I had hoped to publish again this year, but there's been a lot of disruptions to life in general. Despite that, my plan is to add science fiction to my collection as well as fantasy. More on that later.

So, how about you? How has the IWSG helped you?

Note: This post is prescheduled. Yep, I'm away again (an example of one of those necessary disruptions). When I get back, I'll do the rounds to say hi.

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. That's so awesome that you've been with the IWSG since it began. I can't remember when I joined, but it was years after it started. I've met a lot of wonderful writers and blogger friends through this group too. And how exciting that you hope to publish again this year.

  2. You did help us get it started! And I still really appreciate it. Miss having you with us but it's good to know we've kept you going.

  3. This group is invaluable when it comes to supporting each other's achievements.

  4. Thanks for helping to get the IWSG started. It's such a helpful community for writers.

  5. I do believe the ISWG has helped enhance so many careers. Here's to continued success with yours!

  6. I agree! The IWSG has been so great for developing friendships and author connections and finding really great books!

  7. Hi Lynda - you're a busy lady - I thoroughly enjoyed Wielder's Prize ... a delightful read. Excellent to know that you've been around IWSG since the beginning - it's amazing how it's kept the group together ... writers, bloggers et al ... Sci Fi will be an interesting addition to your various series - all the best - Hilary

  8. Thank you for your hard work at the beginning of IWSG. It truly has made a difference for so many. I haven't explored all of the resources, but will. And thank you for revealing that it does take longer with multiple projects. May you persevere!

  9. Thank you for all you did in the beginning to help this amazing group.

  10. Thanks for all the work you've put in to ensure the group got a good start. The IWSG has such a wonderful sense of community, which is hard to find in online groups.
    Happy IWSG Anniversary Day, Lyn!

  11. I love that IWSG spans the globe! Congratulations on all your books and all the books to come. :) I'll be reading.

  12. Thank you for getting this group going and the hours you put in to make it a success. What an amazing group of people here. Working on multiple books? I could not juggle that. Best wishes with your workS-in-progress!!

  13. I was there with you at the beginning. You're written so much since then. Congrats on all of your success.

  14. Hi, Lynda! Thanks for sharing your IWSG experiences! I hope everything connected with your necessary disruption! Take care!

  15. Good book library. Adding sci-fi sounds like a great goal. Keep on writing.
    The IWSG is celebrating 12 years today, which is so amazing for a blogging community of writers. A dozen years of support! 🎉
    "The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library." – Albert Einstein quote
    September is library card sign-up month! Get one, use one, and be grateful such places exist.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction &Reference Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  16. IWSG is a resource to so many and in a variety of ways. Thanks for your past contributions as an administrator and wishing you continued publishing success!

  17. Very cool. So, it takes longer to publish when your writing multiple books, eh? 😁

  18. Congrats on all the writing and publishing! We really do need the support of a community in this difficult venture. I have not been as involved in IWSG and I came to it later in my career and in the trajectory of the community, but I have been grateful for the friendships I am forming.

  19. At last I'm back home and am able to run around the blogsphere to check out other people's experience with the IWSG.

    A quick note, There are a few blogs I can't seem to be able to comment on. I think its the ones that require google sign in. It's not even giving me an option to sign in. Just letting you know.


I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks for leaving a comment.