
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

When Life gets in the Way of Writing #IWSG

Life is a mite intense at the moment. Plans have been thrown out the window. Worries have multiplied. I'm not even home. I'm six hours away! There ain't no writing time for this struggling writer. When life gets in the way of writing, there are ways of coping, ways of moving forward, ways of taking it in and storing it all up to turn into inspiration later.

So if you know those ways, please share ;)

But seriously, I'm fine. Everybody is fine. God willing, I'll be back soon and I'll do the rounds then. In the meanwhile take care and be kind to yourselves.

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Hi Lynda - glad all is well ... but yes life does throw wobblies at us - which need to be navigated to get us back on track. All the best - Hilary

  2. My prayers for you that everything is fine and you return home soon. Sometimes real life is more important and you just have to focus elsewhere and not worry about it. Sorry, my best advice to share.

  3. I hope things are okay for you. I've gone through many times when I don't have time to write. I've found accepting that it's the way it is helps to deal with it. And understanding that the too busy times will pass and you'll have time to write again helps too.

  4. I hope you truly are fine, and things return to normal for you soon. Inspiration comes in many forms, so hopefully you will have much of it to mine from your psyche soon.

  5. I hope things really are fine. Just let your mind wander and mentally plot. It'll keep your mind from dwelling on what it shouldn't.

  6. I hope things improve and settle for you and yours!! Sending hugs and positive vibes your way!

  7. Take care. And hoping things, situations will calm down and you can get back home.

  8. Hope everything's okay while you're away from home. It's an unsettling time and writing can go to the bottom of the list at such times, but I know you'll get back to it when the time's right.

  9. My thoughts are with you and hope all returns to normal soon. This only thing I've learned to handle all that "stuff" is to really just think about today, how to get through it, and have something positive that day to hold on too.

  10. So glad you are well, Lynda. Sorry life is tough right now. I so understand this. As to how to move forward in your writing life, even if you only jot down your thoughts or snatches of dialogue or character growth or arc. Story ideas. Scenes. Slowly. Not every day. Please know I'm praying for you.

  11. Prayers, good vibes, and happy thoughts headed your way. Been there with various situations, and probably will be again at some point. It's called life. Safe travels and a virtual hug.

  12. Wish you all the love and strength! Life is very unexpected and all we can do is stay strong through it all. Stay Safe!

  13. Hey Guys, I'm back!! A four day trip had turned into a two week trip because family emergencies. Fun, fun. But I'm back home and all is well. I will make my slow way around to all of you.

    Hilary, gotta "love" those wobblies.

    Alex, Thanks so much for the prayers. Much needed and much appreciated.

    Natalie, Yep, I was kinda forced into accepting that I couldn't write. I had planned for October to be a busy planning/outlining month for a new story. Maybe less time to plan will turn out to be a good thing!!

    Liza, thanks so much. Things are starting to go back to normal, so yay!

    Diane, There's been a lot of mental plotting...but I keep changing my mind on what story I'll write! Eek!

  14. Jemi, thanks for the hugs and positive vibes!

    Carole, thank you :)

    Cathrina, things have calmed. I'm a mite tired, but all is well. Thanks.

    Nick, I'm excited to get back into writing now.

    Holly, as they say: the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time ;)

    Victoria, thank you so much for the prayers.

    Carol, thanks for the prayers, good vibes and happy thoughts. They helped!

    Damyanti, Thank you so much.


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