
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

My Writerly Highs and Lows #IWSG

The Insecure Writer's Support Group asked about my highs and lows in writing. I didn't have to ponder long to know the answers. 

The Low:
Now is my low. Writing is currently a struggle. I'm so very close to finishing a science fiction novel, but I just can't seem to make the final sprint to the end. It's a slow, meandering shuffle with a few staggers along the way. Frustrating to say the least.

The Highs:

Finishing a story and seeing it in print. 

Reaching a point where I know the beginning is right.

Reaching a point where I know I've done enough.

Creating a new character.

Starting a new project.

Having published three novels and two novellas.

Having published multiple short stories.

Getting those acceptance letters.

Bringing a story to life.

Getting fan mail.

Getting awesome reviews.

When I'm so wrapped in writing that I forget to eat.

Yeah, ok, the highs far outweigh the lows. What are some of your highs and lows?


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  1. Hi Lynda - I guess pondering away quietly, the answer to your 'low' will come and the story will flourish. Congratulations on all the achievements - cheers Hilary

    1. Time will definitely make a difference. And focusing on the positives and those highs will too.

  2. I guess, one of them would be, not able to enjoy the highs, when unforeseeable lows hit you.

  3. I struggled to finish my last book. Let those highs carry you to the end of yours.

    1. I love that everyone here seems to understand because they've been through it themselves. I think that's all part of the creative process :)

  4. Good luck finishing your book. I'm on my last chapter this month. I thought I'd go faster writing the last chapters but I still wrote one a month. Just plug along and you'll get there too.

  5. I can relate to your low. Big time. And a few of your highs as well. Someday, maybe I'll get to experience a few more from your list. Thank you for sharing, Lynda.

  6. Glad the highs outweigh the lows. I'm in a meander stage myself. My current project needs improvement and I'm pondering how to do it while re-working something old. I always remember someone saying: "Thinking is writing, too."

    1. Thinking is definitely writing. There's an awful lot of thinking that goes into writing. And blank staring into space...

  7. The highs have to outweigh the lows or we'd give up. Focus on those and you'll finish that story.

  8. There are so many great highs with writing. Good luck with finishing the SF!

  9. When you list everything out like that, it does put the lows into perspective. Sometimes it's easy to forget when we're struggling that it is worth it in the end.

  10. All good highs but this one--"Reaching a point where I know the beginning is right."--perfect. I spend weeks on that. Well said, Lynda.

    1. Thanks, Jacqui. Those beginnings are tricky yet essential to get right.

  11. Those are pretty impressive highs. As for the lows? Maybe the night off with a bottle of wine is the answer :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Culling the To-Do List and the TBR

  12. It's so important to see that the scale favors the highs. Thank you for the reminder!

  13. I love your list of highs, Lynda! I, too, get so trapped in writing that I forget to eat ~ LOL! It's a great feeling. Happy creating in May!

  14. Those are some great highs! I've never received fan mail, but that would be exciting. Good luck on finishing your novel!

  15. Your highs definitely outweigh the lows Lynda. I take it this is the sci-fi you planned with your brother. Step back. I'm sure you'll be reenergized for that end sprint.

    1. Nope this is an older one. That one will be even harder to write.

  16. Your highs sound like great ones that I would enjoy as well. Your low is something I can relate to as I think about all the unfinished projects I have set aside because I didn't know where to go with them next.

    I'm sure you'll move on out of your current slump.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  17. After reading your post, the first thing I thought of was how many more highs you have! That's a good thing!! Shake off the blahs and do some freewriting. That's fun.

  18. You & I are in the same place with our sci-fi stories. I switched to my cozy mystery and have been doing okay. Not like I want to write when the words flow, but I'm okay with where I am. Eventually, I'll get back to that sci-fi story. I'm so close to the end. Yet, like you, I can't quite make that final leap. Hope you find it soon. I love reading your stories.

    1. I feel for you. I think one little step at a time is a good way to go. I did a little editing this morning and I really enjoyed that. One little step.


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