
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Quick Update and Writing Plans #IWSG

So I missed January. No idea what happened. I must've been sucked into some strange time warp thingy, because suddenly it was February. 

Thought I'd do a quick catch up. Creatively, I've been struggling. It didn't help that I recently lost a whole day's worth of writing when Word, set to auto-save, crashed. Initially I thought it had only been an hour's worth of work. Gah!

My plans for this year are to read more, get back to writing regularly, and release two new books. A scifi and a fantasy. So far, I'm behind schedule, lol. 

How about you? What are your hopes for this year and are you on schedule?


This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE


  1. Sorry you lost a whole day's worth of work!
    I'm not sure where January went...

  2. Hi Lynda - that must have been stomach bottom hitting glitch - I feel for you. February is here now - so things will improve ... take care and all the best - Hilary

  3. That stinks about losing the work!!! So frustrating!
    Time is certainly flying here as well. Hard to believe it's February for sure!

  4. I'd panic if I lost what I'd worked on all day. So sorry.

    1. There wasn't so much panic, but there was a little depletion of the soul ;)

  5. What a horrible experience. It happened to me early in my career and proved a valuable lesson. One thing it taught me is I could survive even if the words didn't.

    1. I keep forgetting to mention how fabulous your new cover is. I love it.

    2. Well said, Joylene. And thanks, I'm glad you like the new cover.

  6. So sorry Word crashed on you. Been there. I am almost on schedule - a couple of weeks behind. I wanted to complete by manuscript by January 31, but it didn't happen. I have a couple of weeks of writing to do.

  7. I've definitely found these past 2 years the most difficult to write or even get into a routine, so I'm trying to cut myself some slack :)

    1. I feel like I've been cutting myself too much slack for too long... and yet... I hear ya.

  8. I wondered where you were last month! I missed you.

    Sorry you lost all that work. Those are the times we want to throw the laptop across the room - except that never ends well.

    As for plans for the year, my plan it to actually make a plan. I'm doing a devotional study this month for writers, hoping to get a clue.

    1. Aw, thanks, Lee. And yarp, Laptops might fly, but they don't land well ;)

  9. I'm way behind on my writing also and I haven't even set any goals. Go get 'em.

  10. Life has a way of happening, doesn't it, Lynda! I'm not on schedule with my writing, but that's okay. After a surprising health challenge, I am feeling way, way better, and I'll be on track soon. Wishing you lots of progress with your two books!

  11. Oh, that's tough to lose work like that! I did that, once, and it made it hard to keep writing for some reason.
    I hope this month and the months beyond are better months in 2022 for you!

    1. It definitely makes it hard to continue, but I'm a sucker for punishment ;)

  12. Awful about losing your writing. That is about the worst thing I can imagine. I don't do auto-save because I don't trust it. But then, I'm not terribly trusting at all!

  13. Gah, I hate losing work. Hopefully, you'll recover from it, and we can start the year from February instead. Who needs January?

  14. *Hugs* I'm always behind too! You got this!

  15. That's terrible, I'd howl for a day in grief.

    Take care of you and good to see you back--I was on hiatus in January, but hope to stay online for the rest of the year now.

  16. It sounds terrifying losing that work, but thankfully with your tech skills, I hope no damage was done. Who isn't behind in their writing LOL. As you saw from my post ...


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