
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

5 Reasons to Quit Writing #IWSG

The question of the month for the IWSG: What would make you quit writing? 

I thought about this question for some time and decided to focus on the word quit. Plenty of things have caused me to take a break from writing, but I’ve yet to quit altogether. So below is my carefully curated list of reasons that would make me quit writing. 

1. The zombie apocalypse. I imagine it would be difficult to write on the run from slathering zombies who want nothing more than the taste of my sweet, sweet brains. But then, maybe I wouldn’t quit. To occupy my time while holed up in my zombie-proof fort, I’d likely write manuals to help others to avoid the infestation. 

2. Stranded on a deserted island with no writing materials. Even then, I’d write stories in my head at night, or find a way to record my thoughts. Maybe I’d create paper from seaweed and ink from sea slugs. 

3. Abducted by aliens. Nope, not even then. That would likely give me even more reason to write. 

 4. If I were offered a million bucks to stop writing—nope, make that a BILLION, and even then, I’d likely keep writing under an alias. Because writing! 

 5. If I found something more creative and expressive than writing. Yep, that’s likely the only thing in this world that would stop me from writing. 

I must have that creative output, otherwise I get grumpy or depressed or both. So it’s in everyone’s best interest if I continue to create. 

How about you? What would make you quit your favourite creative outlet? 

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. I love your take on this question! Hard to imagine anything being more creative and expressive than writing, though.

    1. I sometimes gravitate toward art, but I always return to writing

  2. Funny answers! Not sure I'd want to get ink from sea slugs though.
    The last one is accurate. If I could only write or play, afraid I'm not giving up my guitar for anything.

  3. Hi Lynda - great thoughts and I guess I'd agree with your thoughts. I'd need now to carry on writing or telling stories via my blog posts - very difficult to give up. Cheers Hilary

    1. I truly struggled to think of a reason to give up writing

  4. Hi,
    I'm smiling because no matter where I go, I always have something to write on. It could be my iPad or my iPhone but I stop whatever I'm doing and I write it down.
    I think writing is written in our genes.
    All the best and take care.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  5. Another funny answer to this question that also considered winning lots of money. I like having a creative outlet too.

  6. The slug ink got to me! But in spite of the humor, you've said it all. There's nothing that can make a real writer stop...

  7. LOL! I think you would find a way to write no matter what.

  8. Love it! Totally agree - although I'm afraid I'd be in the first round of victims in any zombie apocalypse! :)

  9. I know what you mean about getting grumpy when you don't do your creative activity. If I miss a day of writing for whatever unforeseeable reason I get crabby.

    1. It's funny how our need for a creative outlet is so tightly tied to our emotions.

  10. I’d probably quit for #4, especially the billion dollars. lol All of your answers are great!

    1. A billion is an awful lot...but with a billion dollars, you could find a way of still writing ;)

  11. Definitely need a creative outlet. I used to always be painting and drawing, and couldn't imagine not doing so, but I more-or-less gave that up for writing so I suppose the reverse could happen.

    1. I must confess I do oscillate between the two creative outlets of writing and art.

  12. I love your take on the question!! It's the BEST! LOL

    If you enjoy writing can you really quit? I don’t think so. You may have phases, where you don’t write much; but eventually you will find your way back to the blank page.
    And I'm talking about writing for the sheer pleasure of writing, and possibly publishing something along the way.
    Then there's writing to pay the bills - that's a different story.

    1. If I wrote for the paycheck, I would've quit a long time ago.

  13. That was fun. How very clever, Lynda and I agree with eveyr one of them.

  14. I love your list. Each item on it inspires new stories. How could you stop writing with so many stories buzzing around?

    1. The stories are insistent too. They don't leave me alone until I get them on the page.

  15. I certainly understand #5. I've got to have some kind of creative outlet and I easily get bored doing the same thing over and over so make that SEVERAL creative outlets, writing being one of them.

    1. Yes! That's often the case. If you get stuck in one, the other might bring you the outlet you need.

  16. I have to admit, the million dollars might tempt me.

    1. What's a million dollars against the sanity, contentment, and overall satisfaction we gain from writing? ;)

  17. Great creative post. You must be a writer :)

  18. Hmm, you have a good point there... Maybe as a zombie, you'd end up writing zombie poetry: BRAINS! BRAINS!!! BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Lynda, I love your humor in this post! Thank you!

  20. Interesting reply. Hmmm. I like the desert island scenario. Then I'd have to rip the bark off the trees, burn a stick til the tip was nice and sharp and black, and sit watching the ocean writing away. And I don't write fantasy, LOL.

    1. wouldn't you prefer to wrestle a sea slug for ink? That sounds more fun... ;)

  21. I like how for each reason you then gave a reason why it wasn't really a reason. Seems like it would be a tall order to stop you.

  22. Aliens and zombies! Your post brought a smile to my face.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Obstacles to Overcome and My Podcast is Live!

  23. I'm so hoping the zombies do not appear...not even one. However, I agree. That would be one excellent reason to pack up my pen and paper and stop writing.

  24. So 1, 2, and 3 are only MORE fodder for writing. And I love how you used a technicality to keep the money in 4. Five, for me, is unlikely. I can't sing, play an instrument, and my art skills, as one painting instructor once remarked, are "uninspired." Maybe, but I was "inspired" to skewer him in a razor sharp parody. 🤣

  25. I'd quit for a Billion dollars. In US currency. Heck, 3 mil would do it. Except, then I'd have the time to write. Hmm . . decisions decisions.

  26. Haha, very good reasons, Lynda. I'll keep them in mind. I'm with you on #4. Alias it is.

  27. #4 really made me think. Especially if one couldn't write secretly. I'm not me if I'm not writing. :)

  28. A great question! I think I write because it's addicting. Even if I couldn't literally write, I'd still tell stories and memorize poetry. To not tell stories is to stop being human :)

  29. Taking a break and quitting are not the same. Being on the run might do it for me. I can see me not being able to handle the anxiety, but as you say, writing might actually help with me the anxiety.


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