
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

7 Reasons I Choose a Book #IWSG

IWSG question of the month: Everyone has a favorite genre or genres to write. But what about your reading preferences? Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice? 

My favourite genres to write in is scifi and fantasy.  And yes, I read extensively in those genres through multiple sub-genres. They are my favourites to read. I also read thrillers and romance and anything widely considered "good". 

A number of factors influence my reading choices: 

1. If it's discounted and a book I'm familiar with through social media, then I'll snap it up. 

2. If it's discounted and has a great cover, then I'll read the first two or three lines on the back. If it still sounds interesting, I'll snap it up. 

3. If I'm down and need a lift, then it won't matter if it's discounted or not. I'll snap it up if I've heard good things about it through reviews or word of mouth. It won't matter about the cover or genre.

4. If it's got a READ ME! cover (Something artistic and gorgeous) and it's in the genre I'm in the mood for, then I'll snap it up. I won't bother reading the back or reviews--IF I'm in a bookstore. Otherwise I'll read a little of the blurb.

5. If people keep raving about a book then I'll eventually need to read it for myself, and it won't matter about the cover, genre, or blurb. 

6. If I want to try writing a different sub-genre, I'll pick up a few books in that sub-genre to get a proper feel for it. ie, research.

7. If I want to support a fellow writer, I'll read and review it.

I think that covers all my reasons for choosing a book.

Kinda shows how important a good cover and reviews are. 

How about you? What influences your reading choices?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Hi Lynda, love your reasons for reading books :)

  2. I think you covered all my reasons as well, although just everyone raving about it doesn't mean I'll read it. But the cover art, being an author friend's book...I'll read those.

  3. That's awesome that you know specifically why you'll read a book. And it's interesting how much a cover can influence whether you will read something. I bet that's true for other readers too, which is why we need great covers for our books.

  4. That's why a "Read Me" cover is so important.

  5. Hi Lynda - what a great list and so right. I love your books ... I tend to read other things - more educative and for relaxation mysteries. All the best - Hilary

  6. Since I'm probably the leading translator for fantasy in my country, when I read for my own pleasure I usually pick out historical novels. I either do fantasy or history, I almost never read anything contemporary.

    1. Contemporary isn't on top of my list, but I do read it occasionally.

  7. A lot of these are good reasons, although I will say that I'm now very cautious if a book has massive hype or popularity. Harry Potter and Twilight did nothing for me and it's the reason I haven't got round to Game of Thrones yet. So I don't really read to see "what the fuss is all about" any more.

    1. I do for research see what it is people like. I read Game of Thrones before it became popular, long before the tv series. It was such an unusual book based on what else was out at the time. I could only get through the first one.

  8. Great reasons! I have definitely picked up more than a few books based on covers :)

    1. Me too, and sometimes that's burnt me...but I can't help myself. They seem to have so much promise.

  9. Hi,
    Excellent reasons to read a book. I think the one that resonates with me the most is reading a book by a fellow writer to support his or her career.
    Have a lovely month of March.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  10. There wasn't a single one I didn't agree with, Lynda. Well done.

  11. I love this list, Lynda, and resonate with all your points! The hyped ones do interest me and sometimes they end up not being for me, which takes me on a rabbit trail to finding out why others liked it so much. So interesting to read readers comments on books, too.

  12. Great list, Lynda. I also like good cover art and am often swayed by that one thing without regard for genre or synopsis. I read in all genres and my mode of selection is random. It might be a review, a recommendation, the bestseller list, or something I spotted on the library bookshelf. Currently I'm reading memoir: Memorial Drive by Natasha Trethewey.

  13. I love you started out "if it's discounted." LOL...Me too! In fact, all your reasons were right on for me, especially reading my fellow authors' books. So cool to be in a writers group and brainstorm with authors about a book someone is working on. Then,when it's published, I almost feel as excited as the author when I get the published copy in my hand or downloaded to my Kindle.
    JQ Rose

    1. It's that collective effort that brings us and the stories together.

  14. Great reasons! I troll the discount bins, too. Great covers will get my attention, but I still usually read the first page or two to see if there's any spark. And I definitely buy to support my author friends.

    1. It's super rare for me to read the first page or two. I keep telling myself I should, but no...

  15. We choose books much the same way. Some of my favorite books have been 99 cents or free. The cover is important for me if it's an indie book. If the author doesn't take the time or make the investment to get a good cover, I think he/she hasn't taken the time with the story or writing either. Maybe not so, but that's how my brain works.

    1. I totally agree with you. The number of times that's been proven...

  16. I love those reasons!

    Covers are a huge influence when it comes to choosing, but I'll overlook a bad cover if I know the writer tells a good story.

    I've read too many bad books, including highly recommended ones, to make me trust anything but a sample of the story before I buy. (Only exception: authors I've read before and trust.)

    1. That's one I missed! The reputation of the author and your own experience from that author's past books! That's a good one.

  17. Covers make me pull it off the shelf. The jacket blurb makes me read the first sentence, and then I pretty much know if I want to read the book. I get hooked on voice pretty quickly (or not). Once I find an author I like, I tend to read all I can by them before moving on.

    1. Yes, once you find an author you like, the trust levels go sky high.

  18. Your books definitely have artistic, gorgeous covers, Lynda! Sometimes I just want mind candy. It's been over a year since I've wandered through a bookstore's shelves pulling out books. Soon, soon! Just waiting on Terry to get his second shot and the two weeks afterwards. Have a fun IWSG Day!

    1. Same. I've been buying ebooks online. But there's something special about wandering those bookshop shelves.

  19. Love your list. Sums up my reasons, too.

  20. Those covers do draw one in and a cover blurb is another hook for sure. Good things to remember.

  21. I love my library (and its limitless borrowing policy) and I grab anything that attracts my attention, even if I have don't have time to read it -- it will be listed on my borrowing history which I check through from time to time and re-borrow those I didn't get around to reading the first time around. I only BUY books I've already read (money is tight) -- these are keepers, books I want my children to read when they're old enough, and/or books we all just want to re-read multiple times. Except for authors who have proven over and over again that they can be trusted to deliver a delightful read -- their books I buy unread and have the sublime pleasure of reading a book I own for the first time... :-)

    1. I didn't live close to a library, so never took full use of them--other than at school. Easy access to that library meant I borrowed heaps of books.

  22. Lovely post. Sounds like you are truly a reader with wide ranging tastes -- ready to snap up a good tale. Thank you for the positive take on this month's IWSG question. For me, that 'Look Inside' feature on Amazon pulls me directly to the story and the writer's style. If those first few paragraphs -- or even the first few pages -- grab me, I'm gone. For browsing in bookstores (some day), my acid test is pick up an interesting book (so many fiction or nonfiction, depending on current writing projects), crack it open anywhere. If the story appeals, take it home!

    1. I've never really used the look inside feature. I really should!

  23. Great reasons. I will read something far outside my genre if it's on sale! It's a great way to try out all the different styles and genres out there without breaking the bank.

  24. Your last point is a good one. I pickup books in a new genre (new to me, that is) and hit the couch to read, read, read. And books on discount are always attractive. Feels like I'm investing less in the case I don't like the book. Honestly, that rarely happens to me. I tend to look at the bright side of most books.

    1. I'm rather analytical when I read...or watch movies or tv. When I forget to analyze, I know it's a good story.

  25. I like to browse the book shelves, be it a book store or a library, and read the blurb and check the covers. I also read books recommended by people, not all books mind, sometimes their taste doesn't quite sync with mine.

  26. Great list of reasons. Much more thorough than mine for sure.

  27. I like all of your reasons and relate to most of them. Probably the top reason for me is that I often read the kind of books I write - mysteries and historical novels and stories. But I often buy books to support writer friends as well.

    1. Supporting writers is a great practice. And much appreciated :)

  28. I don't seem to be able to leave a comments.

    1. I just moderate the comments after a couple days to keep the spam commenters under control.

  29. We have very similar reasons we choose the books we do. I might rely on blurbs as much as I rely on cover appeal. :-)

    1. The cover makes me pick it up first...then the first few lines of the blurb.


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