
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Best and Worst Times to Write #IWSG

November was a crazy month of writing. I completed NaNoWriMo but still haven’t finished book one in my next series. Books two and three are closer to completion, lol. 

In case you missed it, I recently had a fun guest post on Ronel Janse van Vuuren’s blog. You can check out Elle Cardy's Odyssey as a Writer

Until December 23rd, I’m offering Well of Ash for 99c. It’s a YA Fantasy novella that I personally love and had a great time writing. It has dragons!! 

IWSG question of the month: Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why? 

Living in the sub-tropics of Australia, I have found summer is a slow time for writing. The heat slows everything down including my brain. Summer is also the lead up to Christmas and the end of year wind down. After a busy year, I find I want to take some time off. Especially in December after finishing NaNoWriMo. 

My best writing time is probably around March. The weather is starting to get cooler and the early year relights those creative fires. 

How about you? When are your best and worst times of the year to write? 

Some other books you might like in this HOLIDAY BOOK SALE with Free and 99c books on offer, including my own, Well of Ash. Check it out here


Have a safe and wonderful Christmas!



  1. That's great that you finished NaNo. And it sounds like you are on a roll getting your projects finished. I haven't been writing consistently enough to have a best time to write. I am writing regularly now and hope the next few months which are winter here will be good months to get a lot done with no yard work.

    1. Yard work does take up a lot of time. It's great you're taking advantage now! :)

  2. Glad you beat NaNo but sorry the book isn't done yet.
    I do better in the colder months, which is now. Been running through edits and am ready for critique partners.

  3. I can understand the heat slowing things down. In our more temperate zone I enjoy the summer for writing because I like sitting outside.

    1. I would probably do the same if the weather were mild. Outside is a great place to write.

  4. I write anytime I am not swamped by DLP duties. Which is next to never.

  5. Hi,
    I posted and the comment disappeared. I'm trying again in a different browser. It seems like you have your downtime planned well. It is good to recognize when your body needs a break.
    Have a Merry Christmas and a safe passage into 2021.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  6. My sister lives in Victoria. Even after all these years it is hard for me to imagine a hot Christmas. I can see why March would be a lovely time to focus again...for me, it is September...also the end of the summer.

  7. I can understand the heat slowing things down there. Completing NaNo is awesome though. Hope you have a peaceful Christmas.

  8. I'm not a fan of hot weather either - I do a lot of whining about the heat and humidity here in the summer :)
    NaNo is always so much fun!

    1. Hahaha, sounds like me. I have a mini fan at my desk. Much needed.

  9. Congrats on finishing NaNo! I'm currently rewriting the first book in my series. I wish you all the best with the first book in your series. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Congrats on completing that writing marathon! I'm always impressed by authors who do that.

  12. I write almost all the time. Wishing you a safe and wonderful Christmas, too :)

  13. Congrats on finishing NaNo! And as for Well of Ash? Knowing it has dragons was all I needed to download! I "lived" in Pern for many years.

  14. Good to have one's creativity reignited indeed. And yeah, super heat sucks.

  15. Hey Lyn. I read the history of NaNo once. They chose November cuz it was cool, but in Oz it's one of the hottest months. So much harder to write when your brain's fried, LOL. Good luck with finishing book one of your new series. You're doing so well!

    Happy holidays!

  16. Congratulations on finishing NaNo! You'll get there with your book. I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to live in the sub-tropics of Australia during December. It's cold and windy here in Colorado tonight. Some heat sounds good. May you have a Merry Christmas!

  17. Congrats on finishing NaNo. I'm looking forward to reading your next book. Loved the dragons in Well of Ash. While we crank up the heat for Christmas, you crank up the AC. Enjoy the holidays.

  18. Congratulations on finishing NaNo. For me, it feels like a heroic undertaking. I never tried NaNo because I don't think I could write with such intensity.

    1. You have to find what works for you. For me, NaNo helps me focus.

  19. Ah yes, heat and humidity sucker punch my writing for sure. Congrats on finishing NaNO!

  20. Have you ever celebrated Christmas in some cold, snowy place?

    1. I went to England in snowy January. There were still Christmas decorations up around London, but that was about it.

  21. Congratulations on completeing Nano and working on your next series. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  22. How amazing that you have three books in a series nearing completion. And hats off to you for completing NaNoWriMo. What committment. Your question is an interesting one. I don't think I have a particular time of year when I do my best writing. It usually revolves around whether I have an idea and whether I have time. I hope you have happy holidays.

  23. Belatedly I'm here ... well done on all the writing you have been doing ... and yes warm hot days aren't conducive to writing .. .nor frankly are our days Brext/Covid and long nights ... but nearly into 2021 - take care and all the best for the year ahead with more success - Hilary


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