
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wielder's Fire and Writing in the Zone

At last I can announce the launch date for Wielder's Fire, the third and final book in my Wielder's Storm trilogy. 25th May! I'm super excited.

The first two books are currently available for free on Kindle Unlimited.

Wielder's Prize: Without training or discipline in the art of magic wielding, she is a danger to everyone, but there is someone worse on the high seas who wants her dead.

Wielder's Curse: Dark visions haunt her. Shadowy assassins stalk him. Together they must stop a powerful enemy from destroying their world.

Wielder's Fire: Marooned on an island, stripped of her magic, Jasmine must find a way of mending her heart and defeating the oncoming storm.

What are your rituals when you need help getting into the ZONE?

Below is my daily ritual when I'm editing. It looks different when I'm writing a first draft. With first drafts, I'm more focused, but that might be because I handwrite them while relaxed on the comfy couch. A necessary choice for less distractions.

After breakfast, I go for a morning walk.
Ready to start working, I sit down at my computer and check my sales. Because I can't help myself.
I check my emails for anything urgent.
My desk cries out to be cleaned and organized.
Nope. I have work to do!
I open the file I'm editing.
I stare at it for ten seconds then realize I need a glass of water...
and maybe some chocolate...
I settle back and check my emails again.
I do some editing...
until I come to a difficult section that requires more thought.
I stretch.
I get more water.
Facebook calls.
I ignore it.
Facebook calls again. I check it.
Fitbit tells me I need to get up and move around.
Why not? It's a good time to grab more chocolate. Don't judge. I'm editing!
I do a bunch of editing.
My stomach tells me it's time for real food.
Brain stops functioning mid-afternoon.
I try to keep working anyway.
I fail.
I give up and play a game, or read, or go for another walk.

As for "helping me get into the zone" for work? Well, it's more just a matter of deciding to stop being distracted and get on with it. Scheduling the same time each day to write/edit also helps. Deadlines are awesome too. Oh, and when the hubby is being super distracting because he is working from home due to the pandemic and we share the office, I put on headphones and listen to epic music (nothing with lyrics). That works a treat.

What are your rituals? What do you do to focus?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month, members post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE.


  1. Hi Lynda - congratulations on having a date set for your third in the series. I do love the concept and happily read your stories ... good luck with this one ... and with your future writing. Stay safe - Hilary

  2. I definitely get distracted easily. I think my routine looks very similar to yours (although probably with less work done).
    Congrats on the upcoming release!

  3. I tend to put the headphones on when I'm writing against the timer. People know to leave me alone then! ;) I find this helps to keep me focused and avoid distractions. Congratulations on your new release Lynda!

  4. Brain stops functioning mid-afternoon - funny!
    Congratulations on the trilogy. Crap, I need to read faster and finish the second before the third comes out.

    1. Mush! Mush!
      But seriously, thanks for your support, Alex.

  5. Congrats on the launch date!

    I think I need to try this - "Well, it's more just a matter of deciding to stop being distracted and get on with it." :)

  6. Congrats on the third book.

    My Fitbit likes to tell me to move. I do get 15,000 steps a day, but I'm also in front of my computer. A lot.

  7. A refreshingly honest ritual. That was funny!

    And congrats on the third book. Great news!

  8. I've been ignoring my exercise tracker too much lately and finally began socially distance walking this week. Congrats on your third book. Seems like you get enough done, in spite of distractions.

    1. Walking is a great way of getting out and shaking away the cobwebs.

  9. Awesome that book three is coming out soon. Be sure to let me know so I can shout out about it for you in follower news. I agree with you that setting a time to write can help a lot.

  10. Your daily ritual sounds a lot like mine, except I probably have more chocolate breaks :)

  11. My hubby and I are sharing an office right now, too, and I find myself with headphones on quite a lot as well. Thank you for sharing your "get in the zone" routine and good luck on the editing. Congrats on the new release coming on!

  12. If I have a ritual it's cleaning up my writing space which manages to get cluttered with stuff, both writing and non, though how it does I haven't a clue. Chocolate is always a great distraction.

    1. I have an embarrassingly cluttered writing space. I'm ok with that. Unless I'm suffering writer's block. Then it suddenly gets cleaned.

  13. I love your honest look at what happens before and during your writing and editing process. My fitbit helps me remember to move, too. And, I should be, right now. Argh. It will have to wait a moment.
    And, my hubs is home distracting me, too. Epic music with no lyrics really helps.
    And, like Patricia offered, please send me a message so I can help celebrate/promo your books on twitter or my blog.

  14. Made me laugh. My routine is similar. Only these days it's me getting stuck in front of the tv and those 24-hour news channels. Seriously dangerous routine. Congratulations on the release date. I love the covers. They're going to look great on the bookshelf.

    1. I try to avoid the tv during the day. It's too easy to get stuck.

  15. LOL!!! We have a lot in common!!! Congrats on your forthcoming release!!!

  16. My days are so like yours! And lately, I find myself musing "this would be a good time to clean the porch, trim the bushes, tidy up the yard." More than once, the muse has screamed at me, "don't you dare check that Facebook page again." I need all of those browsers closed in order to get any serious work done.

    1. The house gets super clean when I'm struggling to write. ;)

  17. LOL. I like your routine.
    Your new book sounds as fascinating as the first two of the series. And I love the covers. Great idea having the same image (with slight variations) in different colors for the series.

  18. I have a whole lot of days like yours! If I could just make myself start right away, I'd be a whole lot better.

  19. Lately I've been having trouble doing as much writing as I should because I've been watching Chicago P.D. reruns on ION TV. Man, that show is addictive. Wish I could write as well as those writers. Even now I can hear it on the TV upstairs through the floor. So it's mostly my fault for not doing as much writing as I could be.

    1. Sometimes we need a break... that's what I tell myself during distractions. ;)

  20. haha yeah, I think those days tend to hit us all.

  21. lol; yep, just get on with it. I have the same problem - once I get into the "zone" I really hate distractions.

  22. Congratulations on the release date for your third book. I hope the launch goes well. I can relate to sharing space with your hubby while he's working from home. I'm used to it, but he's still getting the hang of keeping boundaries and a low volume. He speaks to elderly patients on the phone in another room and then forgets to readjust for those without hearing impairment.

    1. Super distracting! hehehe.
      Thanks, Toi. I hope the launch goes smoothly too.

  23. Congratulations on the upcoming release of your book, Lynda. I had to laugh at your daily ritual! My Fitbit nudges me too, but often I undo those 250 steps at the top of the hour by getting a chocolate truffle or more coffee with cream. I see you are a judge in the next anthology contest ~ You are a brave soul. I wouldn't want that responsibility! Since my husband and I are both retired, I'm used to him being home. He only gets to me when he starts reading things aloud in a low voice. I'm more apt to drive him nuts! All the best to you!

    1. Those 250 steps can't be undone by anything... especially not a choc truffle!! ;)

      I love reading short stories, and I've judged other contests before. It's lots of fun.

  24. Congrats on the new release! Always exciting!

  25. Oh, Lynda, I had to laugh at your "rituals." Amazingly, they look like mine. LOL Congrats on your upcoming release. If you want a spot on my blog, email me at: (That invitation is for all IWSG'ers.)

  26. Just like you to have it all mapped out, LOL. It's worked for you! Congrats on having finished the series!

  27. Hi Lynda,

    LOVE the Chocolate breaks!!! I will never judge. lol Your routine sounds great! We are all doing it. Distractions come from every venue... But, at least you are editing and still working. I am so BAAAAAD. It has been at least two weeks since I opened my WIP... I actually decided to give another edit on my second so-called finished novel. Why can't I just FOCUS the last FOUR chapters I need to write on my current WIP. UGH. I need Sending virtual hugs.

    1. Sometimes we just need a break or something different for a while before we CAN go back.
      Virtual hugs in return!


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