
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Reading Fun and Writer Insecurities #IWSG

March went by at a blink of the eye, and I feel no closer to finishing book 2 of my YA Fantasy series. I have never chopped and changed and rewritten a book more than this one. It has been fighting me the whole way. It's because I wrote the first draft slowly, in dribs and drabs at a time when I was struggling with some rough stuff. Consequently the book didn't have a clear focus. Part of me thinks it might've been better to have thrown it all out and started again from scratch. But no. At least Part 1 now has focus and clarity and high stakes. Woo! It's just taken me way longer than I had hoped. But then, I want everything NOW!, and sometimes a story just won't play nice. This is one of them. On to part 2 and 3!

My photo above is a representation of my work on book 2. I'm getting into it, but getting all caught up in a tangle ;)

That was the insecurity part of the post. Glad that's over. On to the fun part: Reading!!
Last month I read another three books. All three were great.

Wool by Hugh Howey is a post-apocalypse/dystopian set underground in silos. An interesting world with fully fleshed-out characters. Loved it.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black is a YA fantasy set in a the rich, dangerous world of Faerie. This wasn't what I had expected. It can be quite dark at times. Another great read.

The Sword of the Templars by Paul Christopher is a treasure hunt type book. Think National Treasure, or Lara Croft with less acrobatics, or a modern day Indiana Jones with less swashbuckling. I got this because it was part of my brother's collection I inherited. This one is a light, fun read.

How has your writing been going? What have you been reading lately? What are you struggling with at the moment?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month the members of our group post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG or want to learn more, then please go HERE


  1. That's what I fear about the one I am working on - it's been in short bursts for so long, I'm afraid it might be a mess in the end. Glad yours is coming together.

  2. We can be stubborn about our writing and throwing it out is not easy anyway.

    That photo is gorgeous, as are all the ones you post on Instagram.

  3. Glad that you at least got the first part of your manuscript in shape. It can be frustrating when a manuscript takes longer than we wanted to revise.

    I really enjoyed The Cruel Prince too. Just finished Four Dead Queens. That was good too.

  4. Some of my stories fight me the whole way, too. Sometimes, for me, it's a sign they're not ready to be written. Other times, though, it's a sign I need to get my butt in gear. :)

    I read WOOL ages ago and thoroughly enjoyed it!

  5. When it comes to photos, you have a sharp eye. Lovely pic.
    I read Howey's book The Plagiarist which offers a unique twist on perception and virtual reality... really thought-provoking.
    Happy IWSG Day!

  6. Just getting back to my novels. Trying to work on two at a time. This didn't work so well for me the last time I tried it, but hoping this will be different. Fingers crossed.

    Hoping you find your way out of the tangle soon. I'm sure you will!

    1. Yeah it takes extra effort to focus on two novels at once. Best wishes for that :)

  7. The Cruel Prince is an awesome read. I'm onto the Wicked King, so far living up to the hype. I feel reading can help a writer through those rough spots, and hopefully get you untangled.

    Love this picture!

  8. Yay for you! I have stories that don't play nice, too :)

  9. I need to dig into the tangle of one of my stories - and I've been avoiding that one for a bit :)
    I've been re-reading The Lord of the Rings - and it's like visiting with an old friend. Loving it!

    1. Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite books of all time. I've read it four or five times.

  10. I have that problem with my writing--chopping and slashing. I like looking at it through a straw--a bit at a time. For some reason that doesn't make sense, that works wonderfully for me.

  11. Oooh, I like Holly Black (she IS usually dark). Will have to write down those other 2 books to read. Great you got part 1 shaped up! Congrats. :)

  12. My biggest struggle is believing anyone would want to read my work. I keep revising looking for the emotion in the scene and hoping revisiting writing basics will help me find my way. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. A break from the piece you're writing will help too. It gives you a clearer vision of it, as does reading it out loud. And if you love it, there are sure to be others who love it also. Guaranteed!

  13. I know that feeling. A few of those stories still aren't finished because shiny new ideas are easier to work on than them. >.>

    1. Oh my gosh, I can relate! I'm currently bombarded by shiny new ideas... 2!!

  14. Good doing on the writing! Sometimes revision feels like wading through grey glue.

    Oh, the Holly Black book looks interesting. I love a dark story. :) Wish my brain allowed me to read three novels in a month. I largely have to listen to them now - preferably listen and read.

  15. Some book are a hard birth. That's just the way it is.

  16. The photo is amazing of course! I've been wondering if should just throw out a novel I wrote years ago and now picked up again. It's tough to throw out work. I'm glad you are working through the tangles. Inspires me to keep on weaving through it no matter the tight spots that keep coming up!

    1. Those kind of novels require extra love and care. Both paths--to rework or to toss--are rocky ones.

  17. I bump at middles especially in longer stories like novels. Wishing you the best with the writing. Happy IWSG!

  18. I'm reading so many MG and YA books. I read Lock and Mori and the Charlotte Holmes series as well. Rereading Lockwood and Co. I think I have a type. :-)

  19. Good for you for persevering. I've had times when stories wouldn't co-operate. I think book #2 was the most difficult. Happily the most recent was a lot easier - finished first draft a month ago and well into edits now.

    1. That's awesome to hear! Congrats! May it continue to go well.

  20. I'm pleased to hear you're beating that story into submission Lynda. I hope it all comes together as you dream...

  21. Sometimes the trickiest books are the most rewarding. I'm sure you will manage to pull it all together. Judging from the photo, it looks like it's a beautiful tangle at least!

  22. Some stories just refuse to cooperate. Yep, I've had a couple that seemed they would never get finished - and others still sitting in a word document, practically forgotten. Good that you finally worked out the kinks. I'm sure your beta's will love it.

    1. I need to find me some betas who are good at the big picture stuff.

  23. I've also been struggling with my current project and it's a bit of a mess. I've recently gone over my plot outline and now going through a craft book in my genre for anything else that might help. I'm glad to hear you're making progress.

  24. Don't give up!! You can do it. I actually started listening to a Harry Potter audiobook because my 10 year old daughter loves the series. I enjoyed the narrator--perfect for the story. Alas, I never finished the entire book--didn't keep my attention I guess, but at least I know a bit about Harry Potter so we can discuss it. Thanks for the heads up on your reading.
    JQ Rose

  25. I've rewritten 2 books 10-15 years after starting them. Yes, much easier to start from scratch. But I'm pleased that they turned out better than I thought going through the process. Good luck!

    1. I'm glad to hear they turned out. I'm planning on rewriting some books I wrote 25 years ago ;) Now that's going to be a challenge...

  26. Somewhere in that tangle, there will be some great story nectar to take back to the hive ... um, trying to use the metaphor, but basically, I'm sure you'll dive through the tangle and sort it out for a great story! Happy writing and reading!

  27. I always enjoy your honesty in how your writing progresses - or doesn't. It gives me such hope, because at one time or another, we all faces the same challenges of life, just in different measure. But we do carry on. Many thanks.

    1. I'm heartened that my struggles give you hope. I find that, too, encouraging. Thanks, Lee.

  28. Yeah, I still feel like it's March. Maybe I'll be ready for April by May ;)

  29. I read the graphic novel of Wool by mistake but ended up enjoying it. I hope to read the second book in the series someday (don't believe there's a graphic novel for it, so it'll be a traditional read). I'm working on several projects but am really excited about a nonfiction adptation that I'm collaborating on. I just hope I can find the time to do it justice.

    1. I didn't realize Wool was available as a graphic novel as well. That would be cool.
      I'm sure you will do your project justice.

  30. I'm really struggling with my reading--can't seem to focus. Good on you for finishing 3 books!

    1. Sometimes that happens. Hope you can get back your focus.

  31. Yuck. Editing a book where there is no real focus is the worst. Hope you are able to pull some clarity out of it.

    With Love,

    1. I don't mind editing. Editing a book that lacks focus is a challenge, though. It's getting there, at least.

  32. We all believe in you, Lynda. You will pull it off. Happy Easter.


  33. Wow, I just hopped over and read your story. It's beautiful!
    "Gone, but not diminished."
    Thanks for sharing and congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your effort of popping on over and reading it. And I'm thrilled you liked it.


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