
Thursday, January 3, 2019

The New Year and New Goals #IWSG

Happy New Year to everybody.

Wishing you all a positive, productive and successful 2019.
This year I'm hoping to publish my young adult fantasy series. I've been busy writing book 3 but I still haven't finished book 2 yet, so I have a ways to go.

I've also been busy taking heaps of photos around the place.  In particular I've been enjoying macro photography like the rose above. If you are interested in seeing my gallery on Instagram, you can find me as @LyndaRYoung 

How about you? What are your hopes and dreams for this year?

The #IWSGPit Twitter pitch is on January 15 so stick that date in your diary and get your pitches ready. Hundreds of agents and publishers will be checking the hashtag that day. For rules and list of genre hashtags, visit the #IWSGPit page.

Now for the winners of the fourth IWSG Anthology Contest:

Oddly Suited, LG Keltner
Sea of Sorrows, AV Brown
Behind the Catcher’s Mask, Jennifer Lane
A Diver’s Ball, Angela Brown
Fearless Heart, Deborah Solice
The Dark Charade, CD Gallant-King
The Cog Prince, Elizabeth Mueller
Flower of Ronda, Myles Christensen
Remedy, Chelsea Ballard
Charleston Masquerade, Carrie-Anne Brownian

Congratulations to one and all.  Look for Masquerade: Oddly Suited later this year.


  1. Good luck with your series! I'm hoping to get some work done on my own series. I'm almost done with the first draft of book #1.

    1. I hope you celebrate when you complete that first draft :)
      Best wishes

  2. My hope is to finish my debut novel this year. Good luck with finishing your series. Have a great 2019!

  3. The photo is amazing.
    Very cool about your series!

  4. Happy New Year!
    Wishing you energy and motivation to finish book 3 of your series. Your photo looks great. Another creative avenue for you to explore.
    All the best for 2019. Truly wishing you prosperity and success.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  5. I've been trying to catch your images on Instagram. They are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I've been enjoying your Instagram feed too.

  6. Awesome that you plan to publish a fantasy series this year. Glad you are having a good start to the new year!

  7. Lovely photo!

    Wishing you all the best with your new year's plans!

  8. Great shot indeed. Getting the fantasy series published is a win too.

  9. Wishing you much success with your fantasy series. Have joyful year. Happy IWSG.

  10. Hi Lynda - My hopes for the New Year? To continue having fun with my writing. My first experience in IWSGland has exposed me to some writers for whom writing seems to be a chore. I have 20 books on the shelf, and I expect to run out of years before I run out of stories to tell.......or until it stops being fun.

    1. 20 books!?! That's so awesome!! May you never lose the fun or the stories. :)

  11. That photo is gorgeous! Best of luck getting the series out! (Yikes, it's sounds like there's a lot to do.)

    1. Yep, there is a lot to do, but I'm loving it. Thanks heaps.

  12. Good luck with your new series. Wishing you the best in 2019.

  13. Good luck with your WIPs.

  14. Your macro photos on Instagram are awesome!! I do enjoy them.

  15. Lynda, best wishes for your young adult fantasy series. Here's to a healthy and prosperous 2019.

  16. Lynda, best wishes for your young adult series. Here's to a healthy and prosperous 2019 to you and yours.

  17. Looking forward to reading the new anthology! Hope you have a wonderful 2019 and accomplish all your goals :)

  18. I need to work on my 2019 goals, although I'd really like to run a marathon...bucket list type stuff:)

  19. Hi Lynda,

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! You are off to a good start. How exciting a YA Fantasy... MY FAV! Keep at it!

    For me, I'd just like to finish the memoir I've been working on and move forward. I'm hoping for 2019 to be my contract year and 2020 for publishing. it's time!

  20. Hi Lynda - I really need to do something with my blog - so I'll garner some of your enthusiasm ... good luck with all your projects and that anthology - you seem to be on your way - cheers Hilary

    1. Best wishes for the New Year, Hilary, and for reawakening your enthusiasm.

  21. Thank you for your encouraging words on my blog! I have decided to push forward and write a sequel to the Bend and it will either be my deciding book or not. :) I'm excited for your journey into publishing! I think your genre will do well! I sell the Bend more than any book and it's been two years!

    1. That's so great to hear! Best wishes for writing that sequel. I'm currently struggling with the ending of book3 (I haven't even written the ending for book 2 yet). Endings are my nemesis. I get there, but substantially slower than the rest of the book--even when I outline it, lol.

  22. Good luck on your series! Congrats to the winners!

  23. Hi, Lynda! I'm a little late stopping by for IWSG Day, but here I am. Love that macro photo of the rose. This is shaping up to be a catching my breath year, at least for the first part ~ big decisions ahead about what to do next with my life. LOL ~ can't believe that that's where I am at this later stage in my life; but it's all good. Wishing you all the best in the new year!

    1. My thoughts and prayers go with you for making those decisions. All the best for this year.


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