Thursday, January 3, 2019
The New Year and New Goals #IWSG
Happy New Year to everybody.
Wishing you all a positive, productive and successful 2019.
This year I'm hoping to publish my young adult fantasy series. I've been busy writing book 3 but I still haven't finished book 2 yet, so I have a ways to go.
I've also been busy taking heaps of photos around the place. In particular I've been enjoying macro photography like the rose above. If you are interested in seeing my gallery on Instagram, you can find me as @LyndaRYoung
How about you? What are your hopes and dreams for this year?
The #IWSGPit Twitter pitch is on January 15 so stick that date in your diary and get your pitches ready. Hundreds of agents and publishers will be checking the hashtag that day. For rules and list of genre hashtags, visit the #IWSGPit page.
Now for the winners of the fourth IWSG Anthology Contest:
Oddly Suited, LG Keltner
Sea of Sorrows, AV Brown
Behind the Catcher’s Mask, Jennifer Lane
A Diver’s Ball, Angela Brown
Fearless Heart, Deborah Solice
The Dark Charade, CD Gallant-King
The Cog Prince, Elizabeth Mueller
Flower of Ronda, Myles Christensen
Remedy, Chelsea Ballard
Charleston Masquerade, Carrie-Anne Brownian
Congratulations to one and all. Look for Masquerade: Oddly Suited later this year.