
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

My Evolution of Creativity #IWSG

This month’s optional IWSG question: How has your creativity in life evolved since you began writing? 

I guess, when I began writing I was super focused and super enthusiastic. There was so much I didn’t know and that ignorance was blissful in so many ways. I had big crazy dreams and nothing was going to hold me back. Then I started to learn more about how to write and how not to write, and I realized much of my writing fell into the category of how not to. That’s when I first started experiencing doubts. Maybe my big dreams weren’t as accessible as I first thought. Maybe this dream of mine was going to be way more difficult than expected.

I took a break from writing because reality set in and I needed to earn a living. I turned to art and that got me through. Then about ten years later, writing called me back. Fresh enthusiasm had a hold of me and I wrote up a storm. Meanwhile the publishing world had changed. There were more people than ever wanting to get recognized and become the next household name. There were also more voices than ever telling me I was doing it wrong.

Eventually I set aside three finished manuscripts, thinking they were no good. Years later—this year, in fact—I read through them and realized they were actually pretty okay. I was shocked. And I was horrified that I’d listened too much to others and not enough to my heart. All that lost time gone because of stupid doubts.

Consequently, I’m working on a series for one of those manuscripts so I can release them next year. And I plan to do the same for the others. Nothing will stop me this time. Some factors might slow me down, but I will continue to charge forward. I learned I write best when I remember how much I love writing. Simple as that.

What’s your evolution? 

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month the members of our group post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE


The IWSG has partnered with Write…Edit…Publish
December's WEP theme is:

We are also hosting a contest for the February theme!

Rules: Submit your idea for a WEP February theme by November 12 to admin AT Nothing so U.S. culturally bound. Should have wide appeal.

Prize: Feature in the December newsletter for the winner. And the winning theme will be the official February WEP theme!

Deadline: November 12. Winner announced in the November newsletter on November 28.
My publisher has a holiday special running through December 15 that involves free books with purchases. See for more info.

And don't forget, Christmas will be here soon. Just think how awesome it would be to drink your eggnog out of a Cling to God mug? Or play snap with a set of Cling to God playing cards? Great stocking fillers. You can purchase them HERE.


  1. Ignorance is bliss all right. Sometimes we know so much that it demotivates us. Glad you are working on that series now.

  2. I am happy to see you back at it Lynda. Doubt and worry do tend to knock us off course. I wish you much luck as you continue to dive into your writing passion :)

  3. That's something we all need to remember - how much we love it.

    That mushroom photo is gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I took that pic on a hike at Mount Tamborine (about an hour south of Brisbane). And the mushrooms were growing on the base of a dead tree stump. They were teeny tiny.

  4. One of my goals for this NaNo is to have fun with my writing again. It's not going all that well right now, but it's still early. I can do it! :)

  5. My journey has been similar to yours. Very excited at first, then work and raising my daughter and taking care of my husband taking all my time, and now just starting to get re-inspired to write. Awesome about your manuscripts.

    1. Life does have a way of making demands on us. I'm thrilled you are getting inspired again.

  6. Very inspiring Lynda! I have a manuscript that's been sitting for 7 years. I read a scene to my writer's group recently and they got pretty excited about it! I find it daunting though now, after all I've learned since then about writing and the publishing world. I look forward to seeing what you got coming out in 2019!

  7. I wrote in response to one of the previous prompts that knowing that right people to listen to makes all the difference. That can be so tricky to figure out, but figuring it out makes all the difference. I'm glad you went back and looked at some of your discarded works.

  8. Doubts and other peoples comments can play havoc with our heads. I'm glad you revisited your manuscripts. Wishing you much success as you push ahead...

  9. That's so great that you revisited old manuscripts and realized you have some good stuff there. Such a simple rule - remember that you love writing and you'll be writing at your best - love it!

    Cheers - Ellen

    1. Loving it is my motivation to keep going when it gets difficult.

  10. I had a similar trajectory, Lynda. I was so excited about writing and then learned enough to know it's darn difficult! Yikes. Still learning.

  11. Fear is definitely a dream killer. Creativity takes courage, but thankfully, I think creativity encourages us to be courageous. I'm so glad you have found that you write best when you are loving it!

  12. Hi Lynda - it's depressing when we get knocked down because someone else can't see our passion; I'm so pleased you got your three books ready and published ... and now you're spinning off a series - sounds a great idea. Good luck - 2019 looks to be happy - cheers Hilary

  13. It's great that you're able to revisit your early manuscripts. I tend to view mine with disdain but sometimes things are much better than we think. Glad you've put your doubts to the side!

  14. Sometimes best to tune out all the crap and just enjoy it indeed.

  15. It's like writing a first draft. You must forget what other people say and just go with your heart! That's when the creativity shines through.

  16. Sorry you had so many doubts and listened to others, Lynda. Always remember writing is subjective and go with your heart. Sounds like you're doing great with so many fun new projects!

    1. my biggest challenge is staying focused. There are so many unavoidable distractions!

  17. Sometimes I'd like to go back to the time when I was as ignorant as I was about writing. At least until I got the first drafts written. ;)

  18. I think it's important to listen to your heart, always, Linda. That needing to earn a living is such a pain! LOL Enjoy your renewed burst of creativity!

  19. Wow what a journey, Lynda! Thank goodness you returned to your manuscripts. I'm so glad you're going to get back into them again. Go for it! :-)

  20. Go, Lynda. Keep working on those manuscripts!

  21. Writing is a learning experience, one I'm not sure has an end. How wonderful that you're picking that MS back up again and bringing it to life!

    1. I agree. There is always something more to learn when it comes to writing.

  22. Oh man, what I wouldn't give to suddenly discover a series of stories all ready for editing in my drawer. This is your golden chance to show your naysayers were wrong. Good luck!

  23. Lynda, what a journey you've had through creativity. More power to you for coming back to writing. But you truly are an artist, my dear. I've always enjoyed your posts and your graphics and art. All best to you!

  24. Eggnog in a Cling to God mug. Now, that's creative! Well done! Pleased to see you powering along with your series idea. I've finished Book Three and am jotting down ideas for Book Four while I rewrite Book One. A glorious life where everything else but writing is a distraction. You feel that way? Thanks for mentioning WEP.

    1. YAY, congrats on finishing book 3. May your editing and your ideas flow smoothly

  25. You wrote: I was horrified that I’d listened too much to others and not enough to my heart. So true. I'm glad you looked at those old stories. It's great to find that they're better than you thought. Good luck with them.

    1. Thank you so much, Diane. I've been so focused this last month on writing that some things got missed.

  26. Ignore the voices that tell you you're doing things wrong. Let nobody ever cramp your style.

    Hello Lynda

    1. Ignoring!!!!!
      I may need to be told again at some stage, but for now, I'm super positive.

  27. Chaaaaarge! Go, Lyn! :o) And have fun while you're doing it (the joy of writing).


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