
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Benefit of Writing #IWSG

This month’s optional question for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group comes in two parts. For part one, How do major life events affect your writing? You can check out my response here. I explain how my writing took a hit during a difficult time, and what I did about it.

Today’s post will cover part two: Has writing ever helped you through something? Yes indeedy. I first started writing for escapism. What I hadn’t expected was that it became a type of therapy. I had some Stuff I had to work through and suddenly that Stuff was appearing on the page as I wrote. I went with it and I ended up with an interesting story and a better understanding of the Stuff that had been lurking in the background of my life.

Years later, I discovered that writing non-fiction worked the same way. With my book, Cling to God: A Daily Devotional, I better understood my faith in God by writing out my random thoughts while reading the Bible. When I decided to turn those thoughts into a book, I honed them and the feelings that went with them into something I could share with others. That way not only did the writing help me draw closer to God, but it has helped others to do the same also.

How about you? How has writing affected and helped you?

This post was written for the IWSG. Every first Wednesday of the month the members of our group post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE  

Quick reminder: the IWSG Anthology Contest is open for submissions! The genre is Young Adult Romance and the theme is Masquerade. Don't wait until the last minute!