
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Changing of the Seasons

The IWSG question of the month: Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?

For some it's Spring, but for me it's Autumn. The weather is at last getting colder and I have to say, I am loving it. I far prefer the cold over the heat. I can think better, I'm more inspired. I love rugging up and drinking hot chocolates. I love those slow cooked meals. And generally writing is easier. How about you? What's your favourite season?

Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime

An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

The clock is ticking...

Can a dead child’s cross-stitch pendant find a missing nun? Is revenge possible in just 48 minutes? Can a killer be stopped before the rescuers are engulfed by a city ablaze? Who killed what the tide brought in? Can a soliloquizing gumshoe stay out of jail?

Exploring the facets of time, eleven authors delve into mysteries and crimes that linger in both dark corners and plain sight. Featuring the talents of Gwen Gardner, Rebecca M. Douglass, Tara Tyler, S. R. Betler, C.D. Gallant-King, Jemi Fraser, J. R. Ferguson, Yolanda Renée, C. Lee McKenzie, Christine Clemetson, and Mary Aalgaard.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these eleven tales will take you on a thrilling ride into jeopardy and secrecy. Trail along, find the clues, and stay out of danger. Time is wasting...

“Each story is fast paced, grabbing the reader from the beginning.”
- Readers' Favorite, 5 stars

“I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of thought-provoking crime stories.” - Denise Covey, author

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter.

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Tick Tock Mystery Facebook - Tick Tock Mystery Blog


  1. I've ordered this book and look forward to reading it when we get back from vacation!

  2. I'm with you. Bring on the colder weather. Heat is draining.

  3. Fall is my favorite, despite the fact a lot of sadness has occurred in my life during that season.

  4. We've had nice weather here, but I know the heat is around the corner. That's when I hunker down inside with the air conditioning on and write. Hopefully. :)

  5. Glad you're enjoying autumn. I like them all, but wish our cold winters were shorter. We're just starting spring here finally.

  6. I liked cold, but I've been in the warm weather for so long that I can't do it anymore. We visited family in December, and there were moments I couldn't feel my toes. Not happy times. ;)

  7. I love autumn too :-)

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions

  8. Hot chocolate is definitely a good argument for autumn and winter. Those of us in the northern hemisphere tend to forget that our spring is your autumn.

    Yay for another IWSG anthology!

    Cheers - Ellen

  9. For me, it's definitely Autumn, too. I think it's because the kids go back to school and life seems to reset with new schedules and such. And way to go with the new anthology! It's been everywhere this week.

  10. Hope you're enjoying autumn! The colours definitely inspire me then, too. Great to see the anthology everywhere.

  11. I find something I like about all of the seasons. In autumn, it's the color and crisp air that promises some cold nights with more indoor time by the fire with a book.

  12. Fall's always been my favorite season, as well. I like that it's more or less the beginning of things--a new school year, for example, rather than the end of a school year, as spring is. But all seasons are wonderful in their own way.

  13. I'm more of a fall and winter writer too.

  14. I enjoy every season, but here in Texas mostly we have summer. The old saying was 'almost summer, summer, still summer, hunting season'. We've lived all over, and I miss having four seasons. But for some reason, now that I live in a place that's known for being hot, it makes me upset when it isn't. Is that weird or what, LOL!

    1. All the natives of where I now live (a very hot area) would agree with you.

  15. I like all the seasons, but I think my favorite is summer. I like spring, but we get anything from cold rain to warm sunny days in the spring. It doesn't really change much of my writing, although I seem to dig deeper into individual projects in the fall and flit from project to project more in the spring and summer.

  16. I'm with you--autumn and early spring are the best times of year. Enjoy the season.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  17. We are soul sisters, Lynda. I love cold weather, bundling up, sitting in front of a crackling fireplace, and hearty slow-roasted meals.

  18. I'd like fall the best, but my allergies tend to flare up almost as bad as in spring. Summer is way too hot, though I do enjoy the gardening part. What's left. Winter? Yes, I do love winter. Lots more now that I'm older and retired than when I was younger and heading out to work on weekdays, no matter how much ice and snow was on the roads. I do love change of seasons...although the allergy attack I'm experiencing right now is not letting me enjoy the blooming trees. :D

  19. I like cool, but not super cold. Super heat though, blah.

  20. I love the colder weather! My favorite season, however, is fall!

  21. I love the fall, but I'm learning to appreciate all the seasons:)

  22. I couldn't resist pointing out it's spring in only half of the world. Like you, I'm loving this autumn weather. Not that it's really cold, but it's certainly a lot colder. With air-con, it's easy to write all year. The seasons mean nothing to me writing-wise. I'm loving sitting here in the State Library overlooking the Brisbane River, the gorgeous blue sky and the city cats chugging up and down river. Who wouldn't be inspired?

    Hope to catch up soon!

  23. I have to admit that summer is the best time of the year for me. I also love Spring and Fall. However, winter and I just don't agree. When I see snowflakes, I start praying for the snow to go away.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  24. Fall is my favorite time of year. Here it is spring going into summer so cool we all connect like this through the internet. Happy IWSG!

  25. Looking forward to reading this new anthology.

  26. Hi, Lynda,

    I definitely love fall. The air is crisp and there is nothing more beautiful that leaves turning to vermillion, gold, and bright orange.

    Congrats to the authors in the Anthology! ALL the best to them!

    Enjoy your autumn. You deserve a break after the past few years.

  27. Great to see the anthology all over BloggyVille and also on FB and Twitter!

    It's also autumn my end of the globe... and we have the perfect autumn weather, not too hot but not cold either.
    Happy autumn, Lynda!

  28. I'm the opposite, I hate being cold and the darkness of the winter months makes me feel so tired. I would much rather be warm. It's so mild in the UK though that even in summer it's never really too hot. Tick Tock sounds really good.


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