
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

6 Ways to Celebrate Writing Milestones

This month's question posed to the writing community by The Insecure Writer's Support Group, is How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal or finish a story? A while ago I wrote an article for the group's website covering the 4 Reasons to Celebrate Your Writing Milestones. Today I will be talking about the ways.

1. A Special Beverage.
I have been known to crack open a bottle of champagne after finishing a novel's first draft. There is something momentous about finishing that first draft, getting past the doubts to get down the terrible words (and no longer having to chant the mantra, "The first draft doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to have an ugly first draft.")
2. Chocolate.
Need I say more? Chocolate suits all occasions, but especially writing celebrations. 
3. Time to read just for the joy of it.
I don't know about you, but there are certain times when my writing is all consuming. When I complete a milestone, it's time to sit back and take a mini break. It's time to allow myself some me time. Reading is one of my favourite me times.
4. A Night Out.
I'm not what one would call a party animal. I like home. But occasionally, I love to go out and enjoy the city at night, a fine restaurant, the evening out. It's the kind of thing I do for a celebration.
5. A Walk through Nature.
There is something wonderfully revitalizing returning to nature, enjoying the fresh air, discovering everything it has to offer. It's awesome to get away from the computer for a while, and a great way to celebrate.
6. Write Something New.
Yep, sometimes I jump right into a whole new story. Often during a writing project, I'm bombarded by multiple ideas for other stories. So I don't lose focus, I write down the gist of the ideas then push them aside. When I finish a project, I finally have the freedom to explore those ideas that have been waiting not so patiently on the sidelines.

There are so many different styles of celebration. For example, spending quality time with loved ones, doing something I don't normally do, jumping up and down and shouting out to the world, sleeping in, playing a game. And the list goes on.

What do you do to celebrate a writing milestone?


  1. I'm with you on many of these ideas, Lynda! Small milestones a glass of wine or choc is my reward of choice. Nearing the end of a first draft so may go for the champagne then!

    1. There's something particularly special about finishing a first draft. Worthy of champagne. Cheers for when you reach that stage.

  2. That first draft is not entirely "the end;" but its the most grueling accomplishment and totally deserves all the celebration one can muster.

  3. I've done all those as writing achievement celebrations at some point! Usually it's a small and quick celebration, but I do like to take a moment to be pleased when I've achieved something, however small.

    1. Yep, it's doesn't have to be a grandiose affair. Something small is often enough to note the victories.

  4. I like home as well. I imagine we are the same level of party animal.
    Chilling with a movie and maybe a great dinner out does it for me.

  5. Writing something new I've sure done a time or two.

  6. I like all your celebration ideas because they are simple and the things you enjoy (me too). I'd pick everything on your list if I can get a project done.

  7. I just love your bottle of champagne and chocolate. I'm smiling because I'm right with you. Only my bottle would not be a bottle of champagne but a double jigger of Tanqueray.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. I had to look up Tanqueray. I've never tried it. If I have gin, it's usually mixed with OJ or something similar and sweet.

  8. I love your list. I tend to take a few days to myself and read something new, then also like you, I jump right back in to a new idea and write some more :)

    1. A sign of a true writer. Those ideas never leave us alone for long.

  9. Reading is one of my favorite things to do, but I can't wait until I finish something - I'd probably never read again! :o Besides, if I don't read a little every day, I get cranky.

  10. Look at all of your books - that is so exciting.

    I wish we had more nature areas here. Walking by pig farms just doesn't quite do it.

    1. Ah, good ole pig farms... I hear ya. While I live on a river, it's in the middle of a city. I tend to have to drive a while to get to a proper hiking track.

  11. Great ways to celebrate. Happy IWSG Day.

  12. All of these are great in their individual way! I really like taking a walk or writing something new, totally out of my box just for the fun of it. It's refreshing.

  13. I agree, there is something about getting out into nature that lifts the spirits. I love it! Being around a body of water is so calming for me and such a great idea for celebrating! :)


  14. I'm getting to the point where it's a mental celebration just to get to my computer and write. So when I finally finish my revision, that will be another celebration. I don't need more rewards. Finishing is a reward in itself.

  15. These are all excellent! I personally go for the reading binges--it's what I'm doing now since I finished my novel's rough draft. Yay! Getting out of the house is great too, as well as dinner out. :)

  16. These sound like lovely ways to celebrate. I do love chocolate and reading. :) A bubbly drink always feels festive. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  17. I buy myself a present when I've accomplished something big, like that first draft. I try not to reward myself with food, but sometimes that "gift" is a visit to TCBY for my favorite frozen yogurt.

    1. Probably smart not to use food as a reward--at least that's what my scales are currently saying.(frozen yogurt doesn't count)

  18. These are all great ways to celebrate finishing a WIP. I like the idea of free reading time and the nature walk. But a night out with my hubby is nice, too!

  19. I do different things, too. It just depends on what else is going on in our lives at the time. But I always celebrate, even if it's low-key.

    1. Oh yes, it very much depends on current life situation. But at least even low-key celebrations are good celebrations.

  20. A night out is good and so is a bottle of wine.

  21. Definitely wine! But that goes without saying :)

  22. Hi Lynda .. so many sensible ideas here - and if I wasn't diametrically opposed (now) globe-wise ...I'd say let me know and I'll be over for another session of down-time. Cheers Hilary

  23. I don't necessarily celebrate, but sometimes I take a break, and reading is definitely a reward!

    1. I agree. Reading is so enjoyable that it works as a reward.

  24. Chocolate is always good, esp. Lindor truffles. Yum. I tend to jump right into the next book. It and its characters have been yammering at me in my head to hurry up and finish so I can write their story.

  25. I love all your celebration recommendations, especially chocolate. I recently tried "the happy dance" and I quite enjoyed it.

  26. I like to step away from the computer with no guilt and read and relax for a couple days.

  27. Great ideas! Now I have to hang out with you when you finish that next draft;)

  28. Good ideas!!! I think my favourite is the chocolate! :)

  29. When I finished a 150,000-word final draft over a month ago, I built the Missus another closet. Yes, I did.

    Hi Lynda :)


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