
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Finding Satisfaction and Insecurities #IWSG

Finding Satisfaction in Christ
by Lynda R. Young

Today I'm releasing a gift for anyone who is interested, anyone looking to find renewal in their faith, anyone looking for revitalization. You can pick up your FREE copy from HERE.

Please help me spread the word.

I used to think I got tired a lot. When life got difficult, I'd get weary. When a project became overwhelming, I'd get spent.

Stress equaled weariness.

This month, I discovered a new kind of tired. It was a bone-weighing, energy-sapping exhaustion that wiped out the whole month. Such was the joys of glandular fever. And just when I thought I was over it, it came creeping back. Consequently I've attempted to take things a little easier than usual. Not always simple for me when I have multiple projects vying for my much needed attention.

And then there's that writer's guilt: I should be writing!

Insecure? Just a tad. Good thing I have a husband who brings me things that sparkle. Chocolate and sparkles fix most ails.

How about you? What have you been up to while I was away?

Every first Wednesday of the month the members of the IWSG post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE to find out more and join up.

Looking for a Book Club? We have a great one at the IWSG. You'll find it on HERE on Goodreads. If you haven't already, please check it out! You won't be disappointed.

And don't forget our Twitter Pitch party in July. Now is the time to get your pitches in order. Don't wait last minute! To find out everything you need to know about the party, go HERE.


  1. What a blessing of a gift! I'll spread the word for you.
    Sorry about the fever. The body has ways of telling you to slow down, doesn't it?

  2. Slowing down and taking it easy would be difficult for me, too. But you have to take care of yourself.

    You did an absolutely wonderful job with Finding Satisfaction in Christ. It's beautiful. Since it's free, your visitors today have no excuse not to download it. It just might change their lives.

  3. So sorry that you have been so sick. Take care of yourself and don't feel guilty that you don't want to write and be productive. Your body is telling you to rest

  4. I'm with you on the chocolate, and yeh for husbands who bring it to us. :)

    Take care of yourself!

  5. It's not fun to be sick. Prayers for you! How exciting to offer your book free to everyone. Congrats on the book:)

  6. =( I'm so sorry. Here, have some healing cheese. My little girl has been doing the exact same thing, and that on top of the pregnancy...well, I get exhaustion. But no guilt! It's not allowed. We do what we can when we feel well. Period. That's the lesson I learned 5 years ago when I started into a chronic illness. One day at a time. Be easy on yourself. Think positive thoughts, and when you can't, read a good book. ;)

    1. hmm, might go find me a good book then...
      Thanks for the yummy cheese, Crystal. Hugs.

    2. Hope you found an amazing read, and that you're on the up and up as far as energy goes.

  7. So sorry to learn you've been ill. Hope you're firmly on the mend now. Sending mounds of virtual chocolate and sparkles :)

  8. My husband had GF as a boy and now, when run down, his glands swell and he feels lousy. Sorry you've been feeling so retched. Get well soon. xx

  9. Stress can literally be a killer and it's certainly bad for health. Lengthy illness can be such a detriment to getting things done, although there have been times when I was sick when I got a lot of rest and a good bit of reading done--not how I like to do that though.

    Stay well and healthy!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  10. Writer's guilt is the worst! Add not feeling good only makes a writer more wretched. Be well soon.

  11. Writers guilt is horrible, but you MUST put your health first. Tell that guilt you'll write more and better if you're healthy first. So, getting better is really part of writing.

  12. Writer's guilt haunts me even in my dreams. But the ladies above are correct. We are only human, and as humans, we need to feel well in order to create and write. Be well, my dear!

  13. Hope you're feeling better now! #sighs...writer's guilt. I'm a reoccurring sufferer. Actually, a habitual sufferer since I was diagnosed two years ago with an few autoimmune diseases. I was bound and determined my health was not going to stop me from writing. #naive I'm back at it, but just slower which kills me. But it is what I have so I'm going to use it.

    Your free gift is wonderful! I'll share the word.

    1. Thank you so much. It's hard working with illness and exhaustion. Finding that balance between looking after self, but not allowing the illness to hold you back is challenging.

  14. I'm sorry you were so ill but hope you are back to 100% soon. Take care!!

  15. Health has to win out in the end. Can't write if we are under the ground haha

  16. Lynda, I can say that I am really enjoying your devotional. It has become a nightly routine to read my page before I go to sleep.

    Take care of yourself, Lady. Don't forget to build breaks in your schedule. I have a nap time built into mine where I actually get away from the computer and take a nap for forty-five minutes to an hour. Then, I get up and do something Iike read or learn my Italian before I go back into my writer office.
    So choose, if you haven't, to put a block on your calendar that says, break time.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. That's a good plan, Pat. Self-imposed breaks. And it's so wonderful to hear you are enjoying my devotional.

  17. I'm glad you are on the upswing feeling better Lynda! And how generous of you gifting your book. Thank you!!

  18. Congrats on new release. A book I found inspriring and beautiful in the same way the lyrical prose of the bible is was Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman That Ever Lived. The scrolls further in are beautiful. I also enjoyed The Christ Commission by same author. Not sure why I wanted to share that except I was thinking how beautiful your book covers were and the theme of your books.
    ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  19. Get better soon, Lynda. You're right: chocolate is a treat for most ills that trouble us. Even for the writer's block - sometimes...

  20. So this is the other book you were talking about, my close-mouthed friend. I hope you're feeling much better and eating heaps of Aeroplane jelly and chokkies!
    And Juneta's right. Your book covers and themes are so beautiful. Will email you...:-)

    1. Nope. I have another book in the works. Still very much in the early stages, though.

      Thank you so much. I'm thrilled you like my covers.

  21. Stress = weariness. Truer words were never spoken. Thank you for the inspirational gift - I am looking forward to reading it. And chocolate and sparkles? Yes. I rely on them daily.

  22. I've had conditions where I was too tired to do anything, and there was no way I could even think about writing. You might feel a little guilty about it, but there's nothing you can do but just wait it out. Use the time to think about outlines for your next story.

  23. Hi Lynda,

    So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I can relate. Stress is doing me in. Not from not writing, just from life. Writing? What's that? LOL. But I take comfort in helping other fulfill there dreams through editing and cover design. At least that way I keep creative. Hopefully I will have some exciting new soon about a project, but as it is, I am just going with the flow.

    Don't stress about not writing. Just take care of YOU...

    1. Yep, I do the occasional cover design and editing for others as well, and it's nice to see at least a few projects complete. Even nicer being able to help others in the process. Thanks, Michael.

  24. I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick. And recurring illnesses are the worst. Just when you think you're over it, it comes slinking back in and you feel lousy again. Big congrats on your new release! I'm so glad I stopped by so I can put it on my Foxy's Freebies this Friday. (I'll send you an email with a question.) Yay for good husbands, glitter jelly, and chocolate, and I hope you soon see the last of the glandular fever. :)

    1. Thank you thank you for sharing the news about my free gift on your Friday Freebies at your blog. I really appreciate it!!

  25. So sorry to hear you were unwell. Feel better soon, and take it easy.


  26. sorry to hear you were ill!
    Glitter jelly? What? What? What? Tell me more!

    1. Yep, glitter jelly. It is as it sounds. Glitter in jelly. Nom nom nom.
      Available in Australia, the lucky country!

  27. Hi Lynda hope you feel better soon. And best wishes for a smashing success for Finding Satisfaction in Christ.

  28. Lynda, I hope you're feeling better. I know how stressful life alone can be. Add an illness and things are even worse. Definitely want to check out your book.

  29. Take care of yourself, Lynda!
    Love the book and its cover.

  30. Chocolate and Sparkles? - I love that idea. :)
    We definitely need some non-stress downtime in our house these days - college decisions, healing from surgery, and some serious work/school projects are all sapping our energy.

    1. So much that saps!!
      Non-stress downtime is good! Not sure where I can get me some of that, though ;)

  31. I am so sorry you have been so tired and not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Don't stress about writing- just work on getting better. :)

  32. Sorry you've been suffering. Hope today is a good day. I suffer with CFS and have learned to take each day as it comes. The guilt just makes things worse so that has to go :) Just enjoy the moments of the day that you feel calm. Wishing you a full recovery. Take good care.

  33. I agree, chocolate and sparkles work wonders! Sorry to hear you were under the weather. Praying you'll feel even better in the coming days.


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