
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Writing, Reading and Travel #IWSG

I've just come back from a cruise from Singapore to Thailand, then Vietnam and back to Singapore. I took a book with me (The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu) but didn't open it once. I kinda felt guilty about that when I chose to watch the in-flight movies instead. I squeezed in three and a half of them each way. Think how much reading I could've done! It's not like I'm not enjoying the book. Nope, I'm loving it. It's quite an exceptional science fiction with great ideas and concepts. But the truth was, my brain just needed to switch off. You see, the problem with being a writer is when I read I analyse ... or, if the book is really good, I feel super inspired to write, or I mope and wish I could write like that--which is ridiculous since we all have our own way of writing and our own unique stories. But I still mope on the occasion. Just because.

How has being a writer changed your experience as a reader?

I'm not quite back into the swing of things yet as I had expected. The world continues to shift and rock as if I'm still on the boat. Hopefully my weary brain will land on shore soon.

In the meantime, I'd like to welcome into the IWSG fold, two new admins:
Heather Gardner will be running the conferences page at the IWSG site.
C. Lee McKenzie will be our media relations expert.

Also, check out the cover of  our upcoming IWSG anthology, Hero Lost, if you haven't already.

And, we have an IWSG swag now. You can get your own IWSG pen, magnet or t-shirt. Check it out HERE.

Every first Wednesday of the month the members of the IWSG post on their blogs about their writing insecurities or offer some encouragement to others. If you are new to the IWSG, then please go HERE to find out more and join up.


  1. That's why there are times I can't read or write. Brain is too busy deconstructing and pondering.
    Hope your body can settle soon. Bet that was an amazing cruise though!

  2. Hi Lynda,
    Can fully understand where you're at. I am working as a judge in a writing contest. When it is over, I am going to let my mind wander for a day or two and relax.
    I'm still reading your devotional at night. Good book. It gives me a pleasant feeling of hope and I fall asleep immediately after reading my entry for the day.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. That warms my heart about what you said about my devotional. It means a lot. Thank you, Pat.

  3. No wonder you were out of the loop for a week - you were on a cruise! And such a wonderful place to go for a cruise. I can't wait to go on another one again.

    Last time I was on a plane (November) I had to really force myself to read. I was desperate for a break at that point and my mind didn't want to absorb anything. (Unfortunately, I was reading to edit, so I had to.)

  4. Sounds like a fun trip. I can see just watching movies on long flights to pass the time. They really do make trips go faster. Hope you get back into things soon, but don't worry about it. You want to keep feeling the relaxation you hopefully felt while on your trip.

    1. It was a seven hour trip each way and anything that makes it go faster is a win.

  5. Oh, Lawd, she's always cruising somewhere and rubbing it into our noses :)

    1. WHATTTTTT????????????? Another cruise?!
      Dezzz, are my eyes fooling me or did I just read Lynda has been on YET another cruise? Well, did I?

      Oh hello, Lynda... You sure know how to enjoy life! Well, good for you!


    2. I have a habit of rubbing it in for poor Dezzy. Bad me... giggle.

    3. He can take it. He's awfully quiet, though.

  6. Sounds like a fascinating trip!

    Sometimes watching movies or TV shows helps my mind either relax or stretch in a different, more visual direction.

  7. LOL. I just got back from a cruise too! I did actually read two books while away though. Reading a book takes close to the same amount of time as watching a movie for me, and when I'm insomniatic, there's nothing better to do. Of course, I didn't read any books on the last cruise I took, so maybe I was making up for that?

    1. hahahaha so funny you just got back from a cruise too. Wow, wish I could read that fast. Alas, I'm a mega slow reader.

  8. Hi Lynda - I wish you and Crystal could spread the cruisin' aspects to other bloggers! Sounds lovely though ... and special. Just sometimes brain space is essential and not having to think - cannot agree more there ... welcome home and now enjoy February in your new abode .. cheers Hilary

  9. Bet that was an awesome cruise indeed. Sometimes the brain just doesn't want to write, other things on it.

  10. What a wonderful itinerary! I get that sometimes one needs to switch off. But you probably caught up on movies! :)

  11. Love Singapore!

    I concur on all points regarding reading s a writer. Double edged sword?

    1. Definitely a double-edged sword.
      And yes! Singapore is awesome. I'd go back there.

  12. Reading is part of writing. It's part of your career. It's work. And sometimes you just need a break from work. I think it's great you took that break. The trip sounds amazing! I hope you post pictures.

    1. I'll see what I can do about pics. I haven't had time to go through them properly yet.

  13. I feel the same way about movies. Whenever I see one that has great structure, it makes me want to run home and immediately begin working on my story. If the movie wasn't particularly good, I'd rather just go home and read a good book.

  14. Someone once told me it takes a day for every time zone crossed to recuperate. I don't know if that's true. I slept 11 hours when I reached Heathrow from Vancouver. Be kind to yourself, Lynda. Sounds like you needed a rest.

  15. I totally relate to your reading dilemma. I'm definitely a different reader now that I write books. Your vacation sounds fantastic! I wouldn't feel guilty for melting away in some film instead of reading. Films are stories, after all. :)

  16. I prefer reading on planes to watching movies. I wish I could write but it doesn't work for me. Maybe if I could fly first class and have more room. IWSG is really rising.

    1. hehe, wouldn't it be nice to experience first class! I always feel like a sardine in economy.

  17. Wow! I love that photo at the top of your blog post, Lynda. I always prefer reading to watching a movie or television. I like getting inside the character's head. Thanks so much for sharing this with your followers. All the best to you!

  18. Welcome home, Lyn. I thought you must have been somewhere enjoying yourself. I hope it was stupendous. My eyes get tired from too much in-flight reading. I, too, prefer to catch up on movies. Nothing wrong with giving the old brain a rest!

  19. Turning off the brain is very necessary. If I find myself reading the same few lines over and over, I can tell the brain won't engage. :)
    Sounds like an amazing trip.
    Thank you for the mention. This group is amazing and I'm glad to be a part of it.

    1. there's reading the same line over and over, and then there's reading an entire page and realising afterwards you had no idea what you just read so you have to go back a reread the entire thing again, lol.
      And welcome again!

  20. Your trip sounds awesome, Lynda! Singapore is one of my favorite cities. I've been there and to Thailand a few times. Vietnam is still on the buck list. I hope you had a fabulous time and get your landless back soon.

    Fortunately I can disappear into most books I read, and I read a lot when flying. I can't make it down the concourse without buying a new paperback. But sometimes we just have to take a break, and that's okay.

    Have a good one!

  21. I'm guilty of watching a movie sometimes instead of reading for the same reason; I can veg out and just relax. No analysing, no jealousy, just pure enjoyment. Or an excuse to catch up on some sleep, lol.

    Glad you had fun. Awesome the IWSG is expanding so much.

    1. Ah, yes, a great excuse for catching up on sleep ;)
      Thanks, Dolorah

  22. I know what you mean about writing not always being too relaxing. Hope the cruise was though! I've been to Singapore and Thailand, though not on a ship. I'm sure you saw some fantastic sights.

  23. Great photo! Very cool you got to go to Thailand and those other places. Great point about needing occasional breaks from writing AND reading. Don't feel guilty! Enjoy. :)

    1. Yeah, I eventually pushed aside the guilt and just enjoyed.

  24. Welcome back! I can't believe you took such an exciting trip! I bet you have a lot of amazing pics to share, and I look forward to seeing them. Have a great week!

    1. Ah, another request to see the pics. I'll see what I can do...

  25. My Bollywood Princess would like to do the exact same thing. Ka-ching! But I could save a dime or two...

    I do have a question, Lynda. How thin are the walls of such a ship? You may remember my minor trauma resulting from a bunch of horrible hump-happy neighbors....

    1. Save a dime or live a little... ;)
      Yes, it's hard to forget your trauma. The walls on the ship were pretty good. Occasionally we heard elephants in stampede (kids running up and down the corridors outside the room), but mostly it was quiet.

  26. Sometimes your brain just needs that break! Something different can recharge those batteries :)

    1. The brain is refusing to come back from the break, though ;)

  27. Sounds like great trip. Love the photo.
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  28. Sounds like a great trip! Glad you had a good time. I often do the same when reading. And that's one reason why I enjoy watching films sometimes - never put the two together till you said something. Although I do analyze film plots and whatnot at times too.

    1. hehe yeah, I'm always analysing any kind of story and that includes film. But with film I also analyse the visual effects as well. At least watching movies is easier on the tired brain.

  29. I am so glad you had a trip that was fun and relaxing. Sometimes we need to just do what we want to do and not feel guilty. :)

    1. Relaxation is just as important as hard work. It's a matter of finding the right balance.

  30. Traveling is fun, but I had a bad cruise experience. Seems like your trip went well. I get the idea that sometimes you have to switch off.

    1. Sorry to hear about your bad cruise experience. I was lucky with glass-smooth waters.

  31. What a trip! I like to turn off my brain and watch TV in the evening, so yeah, I understand that completely.

  32. What a fabulous vacation! I totally get it about needing a complete change of pace. Good for you :)

  33. Sounds like a wonderful trip! I ended up watching lots of in-flight movies the last time I traveled, too - and then I read my book in my hotel room at night, which worked for me. I was traveling with friends who walked my feet off during the day. :)
    I'm sure that you'll settle into a routine again with the right words at the right time.

  34. When I read I too!
    Because I'm a reader first, this only happened after I started focusing on writing.
    It's definitely altered the reading experience.

    1. I think I was analysing even before I was a writing. I can't help it.

  35. Wow Lyn, seems like you've travelled far and wide. Are there any continents you haven't been to...yet?
    Hope the devotional is selling. I haven't purchased mine, yet. It's the kind of book that I prefer in paperback.

    1. I haven't been to Japan yet... or Canada or Alaska or Russia or South America.

      Oh, and my book is available in paperback: Cling to God

  36. Wow, what a trip! Don't feel guilty for giving your brain a break and enjoying movies and downtime. Though I get it! :)

  37. Wow, what a trip! I hope you share more about it ... and photos!


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