
Monday, August 8, 2016

Green Dragons and Special Thanks

A big thank you to everyone who helped spread the word about my daily devotional, Cling to God, coming out in October, as seen in my previous post. A special thanks in particular to Michael Di Gesu for the beautiful introduction he wrote about my book on his blog. If you haven't already, please check it out here. I was thrilled beyond words to read it. Thank you also to everyone who shared the news on Facebook and on Twitter. There were too many to name here, but Jemi Fraser was a stand-out with multiple tweets. You are a gem, Jemi.

And now I'd like to share C. Lee McKenzie's new book, now available and full of awesome adventure:

Three plucky sleuths. A crumbling skeleton. A quest.

After six months in a new school, Sam’s finally fitting in. He’s the one kid with enough talent to hit the winning home run and bring the baseball trophy back to Haggarty Elementary. But Sam’s guardian is shipping him off to boarding school before that can happen.

When teammates, Joey and Roger, hear his bad news, they plot to hide him until the big game. Their secret cave is a perfect place until an earthquake shatters a wall and reveals a wooden chest with a red-eyed dragon carved into its top. Inside, a bony hand clutches a map with a note, promising treasure.

With Joey and Roger, Sam sets off to track down the clues and hopefully discover treasure. When some puzzle pieces start to make sense, the boys become lost in a labyrinth of underground tunnels, trapped by dangerous thieves and sealed inside an airless tomb.

Sign of the Green Dragon gets a high five for fantasy, fun and some fearsome adventure. If you like intrepid would-be knights on impossible and dangerous quests, you’ll love this story. As one reader says, this book, “has more twists than a dragon’s tail.”

Buy now to jump into the adventure.

Buy it now on Amazon

And don't forget to pop on over to Lee's blog too to thank her for sharing the happy news about my book!

What awesome books have you read lately? Which ones are you looking forward to? Who are you grateful to?


  1. Big congratulations to Lee!
    Cling to God was everywhere last week. Can't wait to get it when it's released.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I'm really looking forward to the release date.

  2. Thanks to everyone's efforts, you've got a lot of people excited for your book.

  3. How sweet of Michael to feature you and do an intro! I will have to go check that out.

    And congrats to C. Lee!! Sounds like a fun adventure type of book--and how can you go wrong with DRAGONS!!?

  4. You're very welcome! :)

    LOVE this book of Lee's. The adventure is so much fun and I adore the characters!! :)

  5. Sure everywhere you were about last week indeed. Awesome for sure.

    Congrats to Lee once more too!

  6. Congrats to Lee and to you on your books. Just heard about yours now as I was off for a week. So much good happens when you take a break.

  7. It was a pleasure to tell the world about your devotional, Lyn! And I have Lee's new release! :-)

  8. Congrats, Lynda, on your upcoming release!!!

  9. Hi Lynda - good luck come October - I love the cover image and I'm sure the Devotionals will bring peace to many ... while Lee's Green Dragon will give younger readers a fun and fantastical adventure story ... cheers Hilary

  10. Thanks for this, Lynda. And another congratulations to you on your new book. I was pleased to share in your launch.

    1. It was a pleasure to share your happy news and awesome book. Again, thank you so much, Lee!!

  11. C. Lee has another winner. Michael does write some great intros.

    1. He does amazing intros. I feel deeply honoured he spent the time on his intro for my devotional.

  12. I will look out for Cling to God this fall. I'm almost done with Lee's book and it's a great read.

    1. Thanks, Medeia. You are such a huge supporter in the writing community.

  13. I'm late. My laptop died. I'm thrilled for Lee and for you, Lynda. It was great to be able to shout out for you.

    1. It's painful when technology dies. I hope it had a quick revival. And thanks so much, Joylene!

  14. Congratulations C. Lee -- and you too, Lynda! So much fun to see blogging buddies celebrating their releases.

  15. Yeah, that's a novelicious long time to be traditionally pubbed. Can take longer than two years too! Congrats, Mark!


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