
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bottled Cover Reveal and IWSG

Releasing a new book is always a nerve-wracking experience, making all sorts of insecurities crop up, so for this time around for the Insecure Writers Support Group day, I'm here to help Carol Riggs with her release. Below is the awesome cover of her new soon-to-be-released novel. Even though I'm not exactly here. But I will be again in a couple of days. Yay!

BOTTLED is a YA fantasy novel. 
It will release July 7, 2016 from Clean Reads. 

At seventeen, Adeelah Naji is transformed into a genie and imprisoned in a bottle. For a thousand years, she fulfills the wishes of greedy masters—building their palaces, lining their pockets with gold, and granting them every earthly pleasure. All that sustains her is the hope of finding Karim, the boy she fell in love with as a human. When at last she finds a note from her beloved, she confirms he has access to the elixir of life and that he still searches for her.

But someone else also hunts her. Faruq—the man who plots to use her powers to murder and seize the life forces of others—is just one step behind her. With the help of a kind master named Nathan, Adeelah continues to search for Karim while trying to evade Faruq. To complicate matters, she begins to experience growing fatigue and pain after conjuring, and finds herself struggling against an undeniable attraction to Nathan.

As Faruq closes in, Adeelah must decide just how much she’ll risk to protect Nathan and be with Karim forever. How much power does she really have to change her future, and what is she willing to sacrifice for an eternity of love? If she makes the wrong choice, the deaths of many will be on her hands.

Carol Riggs is an author of YA fiction who lives in the beautiful green state of Oregon, USA. Her debut novel, THE BODY INSTITUTE, released Sept 2015 from Entangled Teen, exploring body image and identity. Her fantasy YA, BOTTLED, will release from Clean Reads on July 7, 2016, and her sci-fi YA, SAFE ZONE, will release from Entangled Teen in October 2016. She enjoys reading, drawing and painting, writing conferences, walking with her husband, and enjoying music and dance of all kinds. You will usually find her in her writing cave, surrounded by her dragon collection and the characters in her head.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE


  1. Hi Lynda - apparently you nailed it - releasing a new book is full of insecurities with lots of lists to tick off ... good luck to Carol and all other authors with new releases ... cheers Hilary

  2. Good, because we've missed you!
    Cool cover.

  3. Sounds like an excellent YA book and I've added it to my TBR list at Goodreads.

    #Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

  4. Colorful. Sharp contrast to her last cover. LOL - they'll be no mixing them up!

  5. Beautiful cover. And the story idea sounds quite original.

  6. Great cover! And what an intriguing premise!

  7. Super Shout Out, Lynda. Lovely cover and interesting premise. Congratulations to Carol.

  8. Glad you're using your post to support Carol. So excited for her!

  9. Great cover indeed. An interesting premise too.

  10. Wow! Bravo, Carol, on an exciting new book. I love the cover. And I love the plot. All the best, my dear. Thanks for sharing this with your readers, Lynda.

  11. Good luck to Carol--both cover and premise are wonderful.

  12. What a terrific premise. Best of luck, Carol! Your cover is stunning. And very original!

  13. Thanks so much, Lyn, for featuring me! With the help of blogger friends, the insecurities of a new book are MUCH more under control. :) Thanks, everyone else, for your great support!!!

    1. I'm more than happy to help whenever you need it, Carol :)

  14. What a great topic for the month. Thank you Lynda. I wish you much luck Carol. What a fun synopsis!

  15. Helping out a fellow author is an excellent way to spend IWSG day.

    Congratulations, Carol!

  16. Congratulations to Carol on her new book! It sounds very suspenseful.

  17. It's a beautiful cover! Sounds very different to a lot of stuff too. Congrats to Carol.

  18. Congratulations to Carol! Lovely cover The pastels mixed in with the dark shades lend an enchanting quality to it. And an intriguing premise.

  19. That sounds like an awesome story.

  20. Beautiful cover and interesting premise. Congrats on the release.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  21. Beautiful cover and interesting premise. Congrats on the release.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  22. Awesome cover! What a way to "show" the point of IWSG, suppoting another writer. Nice job, Lynda.

  23. All I asked for was one genie, Linda. Was I asking too much?

  24. Carol's book sounds exciting. Neat cover, too! Thanks for sharing here :)

  25. I haven't read about genie's for a while. Congrats to Carol.

  26. I hope all is going well, Lynda. Carol, congratulations again on your soon-to-be released book, Bottled. As I've said, I love the cover. Hope the book planning is going well. All the luck with this new release.

  27. I hosted Carol before she had the cover. Isn't it gorgeous?

  28. What a gorgeous cover! Congrats on the soon-to-be release!

    Stop by and say hi if you like :)

  29. Congratulations to Carol Riggs! The blurb sounds intriguing and awesome cover!

  30. I was sure I made it here to say hi... But maybe I didn't. I'm so stoked for Carol. And Lynda, I bring you cheese. :)

    1. cheese is good. And don't worry, I've been so buried in stuff I haven't managed to do my usual rounds.I'm trying to get a little done each day... one step at a time n all that.

    2. I know what you mean! Wednesday is my ONLY day for commenting on blogs, and lately I've been pretty bad at that too, but hey, we're only mortal, right? *pulls out secret stock of ambrosia, debates, puts it away*

    3. Well now that you ask... *pulls out ambrosia* *salivates*

    4. so...... where'd you get the ambrosia? Do tell :)

  31. Great cover! The story sounds like an exciting read. I'm already feeling for Adeelah.


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