
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Many Blessings of Being a Writer

During a discussion about how writers are both cursed and blessed, no one questioned the cursed side, but a few admitted they hadn’t thought of themselves as blessed. This stayed with me. There are so many reasons to celebrate being a writer, so I thought I’d share a few today.

We have freedom of creative expression. Not everyone has the ability to express themselves in a creative way. As writers, whether we write fiction or non-fiction, creativity is a doorway to living rich and full lives.

We are gifted with the ability to share our version of the world, to offer a glimpse of what we see and experience, even give others a portion of ourselves through our words. We have the power to make a difference to people’s lives through that shared experience. The multiple connections we can make are possible because of our writing.

Our research takes us into strange and unusual places. That alone can broaden our world like no other profession.

Writing teaches us to grow thick skins. Not everyone will love our work. And that’s ok. Learning to deal with the range of different criticisms frees us from the shackles of doubt, and strengthens us as human beings.

Writing keeps us sane. Otherwise those voices in our heads might manifest in a different, scary way.

Writing keeps the people around us sane. Let’s face it, most of us are terrible grumps when we don’t get the time to write.

Only writers have a reason to act crazy. Can’t beat that.

What do you see as a blessing or joy in your writing life?

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. We post on the first Wednesday of every month. To join us, or learn more about the group, click HERE.

Don’t forget the IWSG Anthology Contest is open until November 1. The theme is Alternate History/Parallel Universe. Winners will be published in a royalty-paying anthology next year. For details, click HERE.


  1. One of the greatest blessings as a writer is creating something that is unique. And apparently it'll help me not to get Alzheimer's as I'm creating new synapses as I create. Groovy! :-)

  2. I like the lil' robot in the new banner

    1. You can read about him here:

    2. That litle robot reminds me of someone...

    3. I just read about how you created your little robot, Lynda. 'Bone and Skin him. Sounds like torture for the character, but really it’s torture for the artist....' I can only imagine how much torture you were in for. I'm impressed.

    4. I'm glad you like him. He is still causing me torture, but I'll iron out the kinks soon... hopefully.

    5. yes, fully reminds me of someone too..... Blue!

    6. It must've been one of those serendipitous subconscious things...

  3. A blessing for me is that I am happiest in life when I'm writing. The curse of it is I can't switch off. Have a great month, Lynda!

    1. Yeah, that writerly brain keeps on going, sometimes at 2am when I should be sleeping!

  4. It is a blessing, because some people are incapable of expression or possess little imagination. I'm blessed by the people I've met on this journey.

    1. The people I've met is probably the biggest blessing so I should've added that to the post.

  5. One of the joys is getting to experience things I never will in real life. Another is getting to share information and knowledge with others. (PS - don't you love it when someone doesn't bother to read your post and leaves a random comment instead?)

  6. Yes, writing is a blessing. It helped me get my new part-time job as a nonfiction writer which I enjoy and brings in a stable (but small) income each month.

  7. One of my favorite things about writing in general and stories in particular is that I get to entertain people (hopefully!) the way I am entertained when I read wonderful stories/novels/poems/blog posts, etc. :)

    1. Isn't it wonderful to give someone the same joy we gain from writing that they do (and we do) from reading.

  8. This article was a blessing as you reminded me of much needed blessings. It's a blessing for me to write because I can put down forever favorite memories.

    1. Yes! I should've added that. The immortalizing of memory.

  9. Acting crazy is a big one for me haha of course being a rhyming cat that is easy to see

    1. Since we call ourselves writers, they can't lock us up for being crazy. It comes with the territory.

  10. Much of your list applies to me, especially the research part. I love doing it! I think my favorite part of writing is knowing I'm doing something few people have the talent for. Both writing & the business aspect are a challenge - but I love a challenge!

    1. research is so cool. I've learned so much through research.

  11. I've had a few glitches from my old mac, and so the fact he's still jugging along is a true blessing. I especially like sharing about life in my part of the woods. It's a small part of the world that so few people know about.

    1. Being able to share a little of your part of the world is a wonderful thing.

  12. These are indeed blessings, Lynda. . .and worth the difficult task of 'keeping on' in the face of discouragement.

    1. Exactly. When we only focus on how difficult it is, then the harder it all becomes.

  13. I think writing to remain sane is good for everyone, and it's very therapeutic. I've worked through so many issues. :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  14. And today I'm really cranky. I've had to b away from writing for three days! I think that's a record, and I'm not happy about it.

  15. Even though all my books are published by a small press, I feel like I work for myself. That's very liberating to not have a day to day boss.

    Susan Says

    1. That's a good point! Writing can brings us all sorts of freedoms.

  16. Writing lets me experience worlds I wouldn't be able to spend any time in otherwise. And the endings always turn out the way I like them. :)

  17. Hi,
    Sinking into my own world when I write, I tend to take things easier, more positive. Writing rejuvenates me. It's something that I have to do because I need it like I need to breathe.

    1. Writing can be a wonderful respite from the hassles of the real world.

  18. Writing gives me a means of escape when things in real life aren't so great. I can get lost in stories I love, and I can make things happen the way I want them to. And yes, it does keep me from being crabby. :)

    1. That's exactly why I started reading and, eventually, writing.

  19. I love this post! It is way too easy to get trapped in the negative. I for one, love the blessings and curses of being a writer. The blessing in my life is how it carries over to actual conversations with others. Sure, sometimes I struggle to express myself in some moments, but the same skills and passions that drive my creative work allow me to share what matters to me when I find myself in a coffee shop with good friends, a large party with strangers, or an intimate moment with my wife.

    1. I think it's similar for most writers, but you said it exceptionally well.

  20. Thank you for the positive post proving fellow BLOGGERS can be a blessing!

  21. I like the being in control side of writing. If things don't go as I plan or people don't behave in ways I approve of in the real world, I may not be able to change that, but I can sort it all out in fiction.

    1. Oh yes! Another great addition to the blessings we have as writers.

  22. I admit I get lost in the research and I love it!

  23. I love this list so much - I wish I'd written it :)

    Just like week, Husband walked through my office just as I said, "I'll be damned." He asked what was the matter. I said, "Explosive tape really exists." He shook his head and walked out.

    Writing keeps life interesting. I love it!

  24. I love it when my characters come alive on the page and when they talk back to me and argue with me about the story direction, It is really fun when a villain doesn't stay a villain, or turns out to just be misunderstood and ends up being the best protagonist,

    I like when I write something then a month later or year read it again and think did I write that, because it was that good you didn't recognize yourself. That's always fun.

    Juneta Writer's Gambit

    1. Those moments, when you realise you've actually written something halfway decent, should be treasured.

  25. I love it when my characters come alive on the page and when they talk back to me and argue with me about the story direction, It is really fun when a villain doesn't stay a villain, or turns out to just be misunderstood and ends up being the best protagonist,

    I like when I write something then a month later or year read it again and think did I write that, because it was that good you didn't recognize yourself. That's always fun.

    Juneta Writer's Gambit

    1. Oh my, I just realised I missed commenting on this. I'm not sure how that happened. Early onset of senility maybe?

      I also love it when the characters come alive and they surprise you with all a whole range of things.

  26. I've been feeling more cursed lately so it was a blessing for me to come upon this post. Thanks for the reminder of how much writing really does mean to me.

    1. Aw, you comments means a lot to me. I'm glad the post helped.

  27. What a terrific upbeat post. I loved your thoughts on research and expanding our own worlds and also how writing keeps us sane. I think so much it does give me a creative focus. Thank you :)

    1. Those thoughts have to go somewhere, so it's a good thing we can bend them toward something creative.

  28. I admit I don't often think of writing as a curse. I don't really think of the blessings either. It's just something I love doing. =)

    1. If you love doing it, then it's a blessing to have found that.

  29. My writing is neither a blessing or curse, it's just something I can't help doing :). I like the positivity of this post Lynda-- I need more of this. Sometimes I get too dark.

    Sorry to leave a link, Blogger won't allow my wordpress comment:
    Daily (w)rite

  30. Love your list! Love it. It's good to be reminded once in a while how blessed we really are to be able to do what we love - write. Thank you, Lynda.

  31. The research gives me a reason to waste time on the internet, lol.

    And I'm definitely grateful for that crazy outlet. I think my family is too. Writing it all down keeps my mouth shut :)

    1. hehehee, do we really need a reason to waste time on the internet, though? ;)

  32. So many things to be grateful for. I would probably have started speaking to the voices in my head, if I didn't write.

  33. Rah to writing keeping us sane (ahem, and other people around us). I'll keep doing it until I can't do it for whatever reason. But it's GREAT to have a creative outlet. :)

  34. Lynda, I always love reading your posts!! They seem to ground me and make me rethink in the right direction. I am truly blessed in life and in my writing, but sometimes I have to look hard for the blessings.

    I especially like that my office is the world. A writer can go and work anywhere~~~If they so chose...

    1. Writers are certainly flexible with where they can write. I especially like all the options and mix it up on occasion.

  35. Hi Linda! Your posts always seem uplifting! I think that we need some uplifting among sharing our insecurities in the IWSG! I don't think of writing as a curse: a struggle, trying, maddening, time-sucking, frustrating; but a curse, no! It's a blessing, and every piece I finish to my satisfaction fills me with exhilaration! To me there is no feeling like being in the flow of writing. It's that feeling that pulls me through all the challenges! Thanks for the positivity and happy writing!

    1. Your comment seems to be bursting with joy for writing and it brought a smile to my face.

  36. The situation is much worse, Lynda: not everyone WANTS to express themselves in a creative way. Now that Google has become the majority of my students' substitute brain, they are too lazy to even want to think - they just want to look things up, copy and paste. They have become mailmen.

    1. copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste... sorry were you trying to make me think! Gasp!! But honestly, I don't think the generations have changed that much. We all used to copy/paste in our own way. It's just easier these days ;)

  37. I love the exhilaration of discovery when I write. I'm surprised at what comes onto the page, and sometimes it's not bad. Lovely post on this IWSG October.

  38. I LOVE this post, Lynda! Lord knows I'm a grump if I don't get my writing time. I love getting lost in my memories if I'm writing memoir or in someone else's life if I'm writing fiction. As an amateur actress, I love becoming someone else in story and seeing the world through her eyes.

    1. Throwing ourselves into the experience of other people's lives is a gift of both writers and actors.

  39. I love expressing myself, getting to know my characters and their stories, and entertaining others.

  40. New blog header, Lyn? Cute little critter.
    Is he the one keeping you super-busy these days?
    The greatest blessing is the friends that I've made, who provide such great support, as I trudge along on this writing journey.

    1. Yep, it's a new header. Glad you like him. And yes, he is the one making me mega-busy. You can read more about him here: You can read about him here:

      Support is essential on this journey of ours. :)

  41. Awesome post Lynda and so true.

  42. Great list! So many blessings about being a writer. I need more writing time right now. :)

    1. I believe there is never enough time for writing. Even if we have a whole uninterrupted day of writing, it's still not enough ;)

  43. Amen to that! I'm an optimist sort of guy, and I must admit that writing is a blessing that keeps me sane:)

  44. Ah! I can't believe I didn't get here earlier in the month. *hangs head in shame* Anyhow, love the post. I love being a writer because (aside from the awesome points you make above), I get to punish people who are jerks without offending them...because they don't know characters are based on them. :D

    1. hehehe, don't worry about that. I've been away at gaming conferences anyway. Just got back!
      And your comment made me literally laugh out loud.

  45. I love this post, Lynda! There are so many blessings that come with being a writer. Something I love is meeting other writers. I've made so many great friends through writing, people who understand me in a big way because of our common pursuit.


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