
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Body Institute Cover Reveal

Today is a very special day. Today is the cover reveal for one of my much loved critique partners. We've been reading each other's work for years, been through all the highs and lows together, and now I'm super excited for her fabulous success. I love the cover. And between you and me, the book is even better!
The Body Institute by Carol Riggs
Release Date: 1st September 2015
Entangled Teen

Meet Morgan Dey, one of the top teen Reducers at The Body Institute.

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, Morgan can temporarily take over another girl’s body, get her in shape, and then return to her own body—leaving her client slimmer, more toned, and feeling great. Only there are a few catches…

For one, Morgan won’t remember what happens in her “Loaner” body. Once she’s done, she won’t recall walks with her new friend Matt, conversations with the super-cute Reducer she’s been text-flirting with, or the uneasy feeling she has that the director of The Body Institute is hiding something. Still, it’s all worth it in the name of science. Until the glitches start…

Suddenly, residual memories from her Loaner are cropping up in Morgan’s mind. She’s feeling less like herself and more like someone else. And when protests from an anti–Body Institute organization threaten her safety, she’ll have to decide if being a Reducer is worth the cost of her body and soul…

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About the Author
I'm a YA writer represented by Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary. My sci-fi novel THE BODY INSTITUTE explores the themes of society, identity, and body image. I live in the beautiful, green state of Oregon and have a Studio Arts degree; I'm an SCBWI member.

You'll usually find me in my writing cave, surrounded by my dragon collection and the characters in my head. I also enjoy reading--mostly young adult novels--as well as drawing, painting, and quilting. I also attend writing conferences, walk with my husband, and enjoy music and dance of all kinds.

Author Links:

Cover Reveal Organized by: YA Bound Book Tours



  1. Hi Lynda and Carol - The Body Institute sounds really interesting especially as you have this creative mind and use those skills effectively apparently ... your cave sounds a great place to be - good luck - cheers Hilary

  2. one of the prettier covers we've seen around the blogosphere! Congrats to Carol!

    1. I agree, Dezzy, plus it really suits the story.

    2. He's right. Most covers just look cheap. And you know what they say... We judge a book by its cover.

    3. As much as we'd like to deny it, we so do judge a book by it's cover.

  3. I love it!!!! So excited for Carol!!

  4. Congrats, Carol! Your story sounds awesome.

  5. Congrats indeed. That is one awesome cover

  6. Congratulations to Carol! The cover is super.

  7. I like the sound of this book.
    Congrats to Carol!

  8. Congrats Carol! Great premise and the cover is beautiful. I like the colors scheme too.

  9. That cover is amazing! Congratulations, Carol!

  10. Oh, wow! This plot is creepy--great, but creepy. Now I understand the cover, which is amazing, just like Rosie C said. Thanks for sharing this, Lynda and Carol. All the luck with the book, Carol.

    1. There are creepy elements in the book... and that's what makes it so great! ;)

  11. Thank you, everyone! Hugs! LOL Victoria--"great, but creepy." :)

  12. I just read about this book on another blog. Congratulations to Carol!

  13. Such a cold cover, but after reading the synopsis, it really fits. Such a frightening future.

  14. I'm so happy for Carol! I think her premise is awesome!

  15. I adore, adore, adore the cover! And the story sounds unique! Go Carol! Congratulations! And Lyn, cool that you've been CPing for years!

    1. It's been a fun ride which I hope will continue for years to come.

  16. Very cool cover! And congrats to Carol. :)

  17. Great to see Carol with a cover reveal. I'm really really really happy for her. Sending thoughts of a smashing success her way ........................ now!

  18. Congrats to Carol. I pre-ordered it.

  19. Sound cool, and that cover is sweet.

  20. You had me at the cover and the question. Looking forward to the read. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  21. It's exciting when a writing buddy is successful.

    1. It truly is, isn't it. Carol has thoroughly earned this success too...and more!

  22. Not only is the cover awesome, but the book sounds awesome, too. I love sci-fi movies but for some reason can never get into sci-fi books, but this one sounds great. :)

  23. Having someone exercise for you sounds like a great concept. Great idea, Carol!

  24. I want one. My body could use more workout, and I don't have any time left to give it one. Sign me up! I love this idea.

  25. Now this is something I would say is quite unique. The story sounds fascinating, and totally new. Best of luck.


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