
Monday, September 15, 2014

Is Self-Publishing for You? And Secrets of Honor

Today I'm over at the IWSG Website with an article about whether or not self-publishing is for you. Please pop on over. I'd love to see you there.

Today is the official Secrets of Honor release day. Yay, Carol!

By the end of a long evening working as a special set of eyes for the presidential security detail, all Kat Marengo wants is to kick off her shoes and stash two not-really-stolen rings in a secure spot. Plus, maybe sleep with Dave Krizak. No, make that definitely sleep with Dave Krizak. The next morning, she wishes her new top priorities were so simple.

As an operative for a covert agency buried in the depths of the Department of Homeland Security, Kat is asked to participate in a matter of life or death—locate a kidnapped girl believed to be held in Corpus Christi, Texas. Since the person doing the asking is the wife of the president and the girl is the daughter of the first lady’s dearest friend, it’s hard to say no.

Kat and Dave quickly learn the real stakes are higher than they or the first lady believed and will require more than any of them bargained for.

The kicker? They have twenty-four hours to find the girl—or the matter of life or death will become more than a possibility.

Available on Kindle and Paperback
Thanks to Mark Noce and Sittie for the Versatile Blogger Award. As part of accepting the award, I'm supposed to share 7 things about myself: I love God, garlic, friendship, my gorgeous husband, story writing, reading, and sunlight. 

Congrats to Mark for his two book deal as well!! How awesome is that?!

A note about the IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond: We've already received some fabulous submissions. Keep 'em coming! Your deadline is October 2nd. I'd like to encourage every member of the group to consider contributing to the book, even if you aren't currently published yet. What better way to get started?

Don't forget to pop on over to the IWSG Website.


  1. Congratulations Carol and Mark - and you!
    Yes, we're getting submissions every day now. More marketing and publishing!
    And that topic will rock the IWSG today.

    1. Thanks, Alex. Did I mention I was super excited about the book? ;)

  2. Yes, congrats Carol and Mark. Wow, that Versatile Blogger award has been around a long time. Congrats to you! Will have to look into the IWSG book.

    1. Actually the two awards had two separate graphics, but yes, the graphic I posted has been around since I started blogger, which means it's probably been around even longer.

  3. Happy release day to Carol!! And congrats on your Versatile Blogger Award :-)

  4. Happy release day to Carol, and to you Lynda for your award!

  5. Wow! Congrats to Mark and to Carol. I have one of her books. Her covers have a similar flair. They're so her.

  6. Congrats to Carol! And I loved learning a bit about what you love, Lynda.

  7. you like both garlic and sunlight? Definitely not a vampire then.....

    1. Maybe I'm a new breed of vampire... one that likes both garlic and sunlight. muwahahahaha.

  8. Heading over to IWSG. Congrats for the blogging award and to Carole.

  9. Congrats to both indeed, will hop over for a read.

  10. Congrats to Carol. I think that's her third novel out already. :)

  11. Thanks for sharing my book with your readers, Lynda. Heading over now to read your other post.

  12. Congrats to Carol, as well as to Mark! Best wishes for these books!!

  13. Congrats to Carol and Mark!

    Love your seven things. Short, to the point, but a great descriptor of you!

    1. I should've added chocolate to that list, but I'm dieting ;)

  14. Best wishes for Carol and Secrets of Honor! great list of seven things. love for God has to come first. everything else fills into place after that.

  15. Wow! Good on Mark. He must be a happy camper. :)

    1. I'm sure he's still jumping up and down in delight, as he should!

  16. I love your short, simple list.

    Yay for Carol. It's great seeing her book everywhere.

    1. Thanks, Medeia. And it is great seeing Carol's book everywhere :)

  17. Yay for Carol!!! Love her books!
    Popping over :)

  18. Congratulations to Carol and Mark! I love hearing good news in blog land.

  19. Carol is all over the blogosphere today!

    I'm off to check your other post too, Lynda.

  20. Congrats to Carol and MARK...

    WOW, a two book deal! That is awesome... off to read your other post, Lynda!

  21. Congrats Carol and Mark. A well-deserved celebration is in order.

  22. If there is no other solution self-publishing is a good decision, but the promotion is more difficult!

  23. Yay! I've almost got my house completely moved into, which means I'll be human again, and then of course I'll have to send in my submission for the anthology. I'm so happy for Carol, and off to check out the article!

  24. Congrats to Carol and Mark ( I am dancing in joy for Mark). I will send my submission for the anthology soon.

  25. Lots of good news today, Lynda. Here's to their book success! Off to tweet a bit.

  26. Congrats on the awards, Lynda!
    Two book deal? Wow. Congrats to Mark...and Carol. Secrets Of Honor is all over Bloggyville...
    I'm off to check out the article.

    1. Both Mark and Carol deserve big big cheers :)
      Thanks, Michelle.

  27. Congratulations Carol and Mark!

    Sunlight - great answer so simple.

    1. Sunlight makes me happy. I go a little stir crazy when there's a string of overcast or rainy days.

  28. Thanks for the congrats, Lynda! :)

    Great topic in your post today too. There are also more and more "traditionally published" authors who are getting into self-publishing as well because the author sees a much better percentage. Food for thought:)

    1. Exactly. We're seeing a lot more hybrid authors than we ever did before. It's coming down to a book-by-book decision.

  29. Excellent post over at IWSG. Congrats to Carol and Mark, and to you for the award!

  30. Lynda, the IWSG book sounds awesome -- would have loved to write for it, but I'm unfortunately withdrawing form online life a little, to focus on my offline one. Wish you guys all the best with it :)

    Love the cover of Carol's book-- hope she sells a gazillion copies!

    1. Sometimes stepping away from the online life is a necessary thing. Wishing you all the best.

  31. Yay Mark and Carol, and you too, Lynda. I'm off to check out your guest spot. I'm a bit late.

  32. Woohoo! Congrats to Carol - her new book sounds awesome!

  33. Nice promo and book cover. Oh and congrats on you award.

  34. I'll hop over to the other site. Congratulations to Carol!

  35. God, garlic, friendship, your gorgeous husband, story writing, reading, and sunlight... I'm so impressed by your skilful conciseness. :)

    1. I deliberated over the list for quite some time. See, if I could pick one more thing, it would be chocolate, but since I'm on a diet, I went with garlic.


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