
Monday, August 18, 2014

Bits and Bobs and Some Other Meanderings

In my last post about the prejudices within a writer, I seemed to have struck a chord. Consequently, I received many thoughtful comments. One stood out for me and I wanted to share. It was from Carol Riggs: "Readers enjoy all types of books--not everything has to mean something profound. Isn't having readers enjoy a book a profound experience in itself, w/o having to change the world and be on the NYT bestseller list? I think so!" I think so too! Thanks, Carol and everyone who took the time to leave a comment. I appreciate all of them.

I won a $10 Amazon gift voucher from C Lee McKenzie as part of her Double Negative Tour. A big thank you to Lee! If you haven't picked up your copy of her latest YA book, do so today!

I recently read When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. So far this is my absolute favourite book I've read this year. Wow, the voice is amazing, the story wonderful. I loved everything about it. Clearly, I need to read more MGs if this is the kind of gem I'll find. No surprises, the book won a Newbery award.

A $25 juicer from Kmart is my new friend (for however long it will last). Yes, I'm cheap. I'd wanted a juicer for a while but they all cost ridiculous prices when I wasn't sure I'd love it. Well, it turns out, I love it. Above is a pic of my more daring blend: kale, cucumber, apple and ginger. Yum. So far, my favourite blend is the good ole orange, apple and ginger combo. Tonight I might try carrot, fennel and ginger. Have you gone juice crazy? What weird combos have you tried (made or bought)?

I also recently mentioned my computer crashed big time. Well, I'm happy to say my tech-savvy husband got it up and running like new again. My game project is back on track. Woot.

Because I'm super busy with writing along with game development, I'll be back to post again on the first Wednesday of September for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. My favourite group! In the meanwhile, happy reading and writing!


  1. We love our juicer, but it's a pain to wash up afterwards! How about yours?

    Looking forward to reading your posts again in September! :)

    1. It's super easy to wash up, especially if you do it straight away, rather than leaving it.

  2. Wow!! Green juice!! Love it!! Yay for hubby getting your computer back up and running again! Onwards and upwards you go! All the best with your game project!! Take care

  3. Carol was right - not everything has to be deep and profound.
    Glad the computer is running again.
    Never juiced. (I'm surprised you guys have K-Marts down there.)
    The IWSG is my favorite as well! Yeah, I'm sure that's a given...

    1. We have Kmarts and Targets and McDonalds and a bunch of other American franchises, but no Walmart. So far.

  4. Carol had some great words to share. Sorry about the computer problems, but at least it is up and running again. Enjoy the juicer!

  5. Hey if the juicer works then I say go with the cheaper one. I recently was shopping for new toasters and there was one for $7. I figured that "toast is toast" so I got it. It works perfectly :)

    1. I'm with you, "toast is toast". Some toasters are way over-engineered.

  6. $25 for the juicer? What a bargain. I've always wanted to try juicing, so maybe it's time to pick one up.

  7. how on Earth can kale juice be yum, sweet sister? :)

    1. When you sweeten it with the cucumber and apple and give it that wonderful tang with the ginger.

    2. ewww, cucumber and ginger just made it worse for me :) I'd probably mix it with bananas.. they make life better.... I've used to put moringa powder in my mashed banana and orange juice.... because otherwise moringa has horrid taste,,,,

    3. Sounds like you have a sweet tooth, Dezzy Darling. :)
      I haven't tried to juice a banana yet. Think I'd rather just eat them.

    4. well, I don't juice them, sweet sister, I just mash them and mix them with orange juice and honey and some mineral water :)

  8. I've been doing those green smoothies too! Very tasty. You should try it Dezmond, and be amazed!

    1. I reckon Dezzy would love some of the strange combos too!

  9. Nope, no juicer for me. But I'm mad about soup. I love my butternut squash, potato, and carrot soup with coconut milk. Yum. :D

    1. My mouth is watering... I'm supposed to be dieting!! Stop that! ;)

  10. I'm not a juicer fan. Like my veggies crunchy not soupy. But I do love fruit smoothies and make one nearly every day. Love the comment you shared.

    1. I love fruit smoothies too. I'm looking forward to summer when I can sit on the back deck and enjoy a fresh juice with ice or a fruit smoothy. Yum!

  11. Yeah, no need to always be profound. Bet you will go go go now that your computer is up to snuff

  12. Aw, Lyn! I was so surprised to find myself in your post today. :) Fun. Glad the hubbs got your computer up and running--yay for techy hubbies; I have one of those too. I don't like cleaning and messing with my blender, so I probably wouldn't like a juicer...yep, I'm lazy that way. I actually made a banana-peach smoothie this morning for breakfast though. Enjoy the healthy juices--they sound yummy!

    1. Yeah, I'm with you on the blender. I don't like cleaning it too. But the blender is heavy and awkward. The juicer however is light and easy to clean so it's not an issue.

  13. I love Carol's comment. She is so right! We need to stop some of this book snobbery!

    Loved When You Reach Me.

    1. How awesome is it?? I read it in less than a day, which is saying something for me because I'm such a slow reader.

    2. Oh, wow, you must've really loved it!

  14. If I found a cheap juicer I would get it too. My deals are with books. I use The Book Depository and look out for the low price specials or early pre-orders when they sell the books cheap early on before slowly raising the price.I'm slowly buying The House of Night Series watching out for when the price drop. I got two copies for $4 each last October. Regular price? $12 or more. Even got two books for $6 this summer and one for $9 (regular price practically $15).

    Anyway I agree that getting someone to enjoy a book is astounding in itself. But people will always have an opinion and creativity does involve sharing thoughts. Congrats on your prize and see you in September.

  15. Thoughtful advice and a juicer? Sounds like a good time:)

  16. Carol's comment was perfect. Some books are profound and that's wonderful. We need those to stretch our minds and get in touch with things that are on the grand scale. But I love a good mystery, sci-fi, thriller, adventure story that just takes me away from the profound and into that place where another mind has created something for me to enjoy.

    Thanks for mentioning me in your post. That was very kind.

  17. My daughter juices everything! A carrot and grapefruit combination was surprisingly good :)
    Loved When You Reach Me too - great story :)

  18. I want a juicer! Our Kmart left town about 20 years ago, but I bet Walmart has them. Thanks, Lynda!

  19. I love Carol's words and agree with them.

    I've been thinking about getting a juicer.

    I love Stead's writing. I'm probably going to reread When You Reach Me.

    1. If you do get a juicer, I'd love to hear how it goes.
      And yes, I don't often read a book more than once, but I would read When You Reach Me again.

  20. Very profound words by Carol I think!
    I went smoothy crazy last year... now I still have one or 2 a week. I love kale, spinach, orange, ginger and sometimes I add celery and/or banana. :D

    1. I've heard that orange and kale go well together. I'll try that one next :)

  21. Very interesting, and Carol's got a point. I'd also venture that without some sort of deeper meaning, a story won't be as good as one with a deeper meaning (everything else being equal), but that's not to say people won't enjoy it.

    1. I think the deeper meanings creep into our stories more naturally than if we try to sit down and "write a story with deeper meaning".

  22. Carrot, apple and ginger is nice.

  23. Kudos on the juicer! I like Carol's comment, too.

  24. A good wrap up of what people thought of your last post. And you know my smoothie recipe...
    Hope all your projects are zooming along.


    1. If I ever come up to Brisbane (which is likely since my Brother lives there) then you'll have to make me that smoothie ;)

  25. I read When You Reach Me several years back based on a literary agent's suggestion. In fact, I ended up writing a paper on it for school. I loved the story, the voice, the authenticity and down to earth-ed-ness of it. My only complaint was in the actual writing. I understand it was meant to be from the perspective of a young girl, but the prose was jarring for me. Regardless, I loved the story.

    Glad your computer is back up and running! Best of luck with your crazy-awesome project. =)

    1. TBH I think adults would enjoy When You Reach Me more than the target age group because of the writing style. It's not a typical MG.

    2. So true. Like I said, jarring, but wonderful.

  26. When I'm stressed or sick and want an escape I don't want earth shattering change...I want distraction and something to uplift my spirits. There are needs for all kinds of books. :)
    Raquel Byrnes

  27. I tried drinking greens through Naked Juice. It almost made me gag. Someone told me if I could taste the greens in that, I probably couldn't juice myself and do it better...theirs are known for being pretty good. I can just taste that yuckiness...whatever it is!

  28. Glad to hear your computer is back up and running! And my mom and sister have tried to get me to try juicing but I haven't yet. No so sure about kale in any form :)

    1. Yeah, I can't eat kale on its own. That's why juicing works a charm ;)

  29. I've recentely gotten into making "super" smoothies. I put fruits, veggies, nuts, and more in them. Kale always makes its way in there. We'll see how long it last...Oh, and glad things are back to normal for you and you're back to working on your many projects.

    1. Your super smoothies sound delicious. Adding nuts into anything is a win.

  30. You're lucky to have a hubby that can fix your computer! Glad you're up and running again.

    1. I'm super lucky... He comes in handy from time to time ;)

  31. Your post on prejudices really hit the spot, Lyn!
    And that's a really interesting looking 'green concoction'... I wonder if it's the same as the smoothie I saw in the Woolworths restaurant, but haven't tried yet...

    1. You have Woolworths restaurants over there? We don't have them here in Oz.

  32. I bought the Kindle copy of 'When you Reach me' a few months back as every agent I had been hoping to query mentioned it in their wish list. I read the book out of curiousity and just fell in love with the story and voice.

    Lyn, like me you too are a juicy girl ;)

    1. It's definitely a popular one with the agents.

      I'm now looking into juicers because I plan to buy a more expensive one--one that extracts more juice and keeps most of its nutrients. Because my $25 one is getting a beating and it's not even summer yet here!

  33. So glad you got your computer back! Good luck on the game.

    I've been thinking of getting a juicer. Getting an inexpensive one to try it out and see if it's something I'd use a lot of is a great idea. We have to see though, I think I'm more of a smoothy girl, and using the whole fruit, not just the juice is healthier so maybe I just need to get a nice blender I can throw everything in.

    1. Yep, blenders work a treat too, though they are more difficult to clean. There are some juicers which are really healthy because of the way they extract the juice, they're able to maintain the nutrients. Not my cheap one though, lol.

  34. I have two juicers but am not adventurous enough to try them out!

  35. Yikes! I'm so glad your husband could fix your computer. I think I'd die if mine ever crashed...or at least never come out of my bedroom again. I'll have to check out When You Reach me. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It's a huge relief he could fix it. I don't know what I would do without him because I'm not so techy inclined when it comes to the inner workings of computers.

  36. When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead AND a $25 juicer from Kmart... a double treat. Way to go, Lynda! :))

    1. hehe, I've already replaced the juicer. Did it on the weekend. Now we can also make sorbets with it! Wow.... ;)

    2. Sorbets... Way to go, Lynda! So what are you serving today? ;)

    3. I have watermelon, raspberries, bananas (for the silky texture) and I recently picked up some mangoes! First ones for the season! I'm excited.

    4. Mangoes! Sounds like a treat to me. :))

    5. Mangoes are magic. I hope this season will be a GOOD mango season. Last mango season was and I ate so many you'd think I'd get sick of them, but nope!

  37. I have a juicer but I don't like how it collects gritty pulp which is hard to wash out--especially after the kids forget about it and it's nice and hard. :P

    But I have a Nutribullet which I use all the time! Loving it.


    1. Yep, it's a thousand times easier to clean out the pulp if it's done immediately after using the machine. Cleaning off dried pulp would be painful.

  38. Thanks for sharing Carol Riggs' comments about prejudice in publishing. I love all genres and feel, like her (and you) that reading should give pleasure. Sorry about your computer, but glad your hubby could fix it.
    BTW: I left an award for you on my blog.

  39. Don't you just love finding a new favorite book - in a genre you never expected to fall in love with? It happens to me from time to time because I always read the books my tweens and teens are reading before they read them, (call me a helicopter mom ... they do,LOL).

    Glad you shared the comment from Carol Riggs because I agree wholeheartedly. Who said every book had to have a profound meaning? I love her belief that having readers enjoy the book is a profound meaning. It is enough of a profound meaning for me. Way to go Carol!!

    1. Absolutely! I think that's why it's good to read outside the genre you'd normally read.


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