
Monday, July 21, 2014

Championing Your Story plus Transformers Review

Today's post is over at the IWSG. It's offering tips to help you be your best champion for your stories. I'd love to see you over there.

A quick Transformer's Review:
Yep, I dragged myself out into the cold Aussie winter and checked out Transformers 4. It's a true giggle-fest and all for the wrong reasons.

Sounds and music: awesome

Acting: Hmmm

Dialogue: So bad that I laughed in places I wasn't supposed to laugh.

Special effects: the destruction of anything and everything was impressive. Big thumbs up. However there were some dodgy green screen effects that could've used some attention.

Character development: none

Plot: holier than a holy thing on a holy day.

Final word: Switch off your brain and go see it. Despite its massive flaws, I had a good time. Probably because I expected little except things-go-boom and that's exactly what I got.

Seen any good (or bad) movies recently? Don't forget to pop on over to the IWSG.


  1. Your tips at the IWSG were great.
    I'll watch at home on my big screen when it hits NetFlix. Had there been more than explosions and action, I would've been very surprised.

    1. The gaping holes in the plot make it hard to totally switch off and enjoy, but it's still fun in its silliness.

  2. Hmm, not sure I want to see this. I just watched City of Ember and Ender. Both were good.

    1. Ooh, I love City of Ember!! I prefer Ender's Game the book, than the movie though, but still enjoyable.

  3. I saw the first one but now of the subsequent films. It was the worst acting I'd ever seen in my life :)

    1. Well, the actors must've struggled with the terrible dialogue... ;)

  4. I'm with Alex, I think I'll wait till it hits Netflix. Lol

  5. Giggle fest for the wrong reasons - LOL!

    1. Truly, I was laughing in all the wrong places. I was kinda glad the cinema was almost empty at the time.

  6. Winter? Sweet winter! Can we switch, it's 45*C here today!

    1. erm... no. 45C is just a wee bit too toasty for me.

    2. A transformer that turns into a giant Dezzy Duck... Now, that would've changed your opinion of the transformer "saga". No?

    3. While terrifying, that would also be awesome... ;)

    4. Extremely terrifying. What if it wants to hug you to death? I mean... R rated most definitely

  7. lol yeah the acting in them is awful, but things do go boom

    1. BOOM!! Boom is good! More Boom! --I'm sure that's what the producers say... ;)

    2. Are you two talking about boom-boom movies? ;)

    3. I'm going to act all innocent and pretend you're talking about the Flintstones. Oh wait, that was Bam Bam.

  8. I'll probably wait to giggle until it comes on DVD.

    1. When it does come out on DVD, I'd love to hear what you think of it.

  9. Great post over at IWSG site. And, no, I probably won't go see Transformers. I really hate dialogue that makes me groan. :P

    1. Aw, but you'd miss out on such brilliant lines like, "I'm aware of your icky evil dealings!" The actor should get an award for saying that with a straight face.

  10. I've heard a few people say that as long as you're in it for the fun, it's all good :)

  11. It's just the kind of movie my boys love. I'll probably wait to rent it on redbox or ondemand.

  12. If you had a good time, that's all I need to know. Thanks, Lynda.

    1. Yep, I definitely had a good time ripping the movie apart ;)

  13. I saw Chinese Puzzle, which has one of my favorite actresses, Audrey Tautou, in it. I want to see Begin Again, which has Adam Levine and Keira Knightley in it. I like movies that focus on music.

    1. I'm not familiar with these movies. I'll have to check them out.

  14. Sometimes just watching those kind of movies can be so delightful!

  15. I usually avoid the special effects movies, but I think I might need a good escape. Thanks for the suggestion.

  16. Keep forgetting to pop into IWSG - thanks for the reminder.

  17. Expectations can make or break the movie experience. Glad you had a fun time.

    1. So true! The number of times I had high expectations for a movie that everyone raved about, only to come out thinking, meh. I think I enjoyed T4 because I'd heard it was bad before I went in... so I expected nothing from it.

  18. Thanks for all the suggestions and the tips.

  19. LOL - "Character development: none."

    1. apparently character development isn't considered that important in blockbusters ;)

  20. I don't plan on seeing this. I didn't really care too much for the previous films. I recently saw Pacific Rim on satellite and I loved much better if someone wants a robot movie. I hope to see the new Planet of the Apes.

    1. Oh yes, I've heard good things about the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The special effects look truly impressive.

  21. This movie sounds like a sci-fi channel one! They're dreadful, but I watch anyway - for the giggles. Great thought-provoking post on IWSG! I read and commented. :)

    1. Hahahaha, good description!
      Your comment on the IWSG is just as thought-provoking. In fact, it makes me want to email you...

  22. Ugh! And I so love Mark Walberg. Dagnabbit. I think I'll folow your advice and go see it, Lynda. Maybe we expect too much, like a deeply meaningful message beneath all of the explosions? ;-) Thanks for the review.

    1. hhaha, trust me when I say there is no meaning. Just enjoy the fanfair and all the pretties (including the explosions and Walberg)

  23. I can't wait to see it. Yep! I love movies that go, "Boom!"

  24. Action flicks are great, but like you said don't over think it. One movie I loved was "Edge of Tomorrow." It was action with a twist or two I really enjoyed.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. Edge of Tomorrow was GREAT! A thousand times better than Transformers4. I loved the characters, the story, the visual effects. There was even character development. Gasp!

  25. Wasn't on my list of movies to see, but thanks for the review.

    1. If you aren't a things-go-boom type of movie-goer, then it's wise to miss this one.

  26. Oh man. Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect after the last one. It's kinda sad since I loved transformers so much as a kid, but I try to pretend it's a completely separate thing. We'll wait until it comes out and spend $1.29 rather than $20 to see it.

    Side note: You put my cover on your side bar! Thank you so much. Did I mention I love you for forever?

    1. When you say, "I loved transformers so much as a kid" do you meant the first film in 2007, or the original animations? (giggle, soz, I couldn't resist. No need to answer that).

      It's such a gorgeous cover on a book written by an equally gorgeous author. It had to be done.

    2. *blushes* You're too kind, Lynda. And here's where I confess that picture is a few years old and it's probably time to update it...once I'm moved...and have time to worry about makeup and hair rather than kids and publishing deadlines and home maintenance... Well, maybe it will be my picture for a few more years. =)

    3. Hehe, yeah, my author pic is about 3 years old now. I need a new one too. I might even need makeup this time! gasp ;)

  27. "holier than a holy thing on a holy day"
    giggle :)

  28. LOL! Oh dear I have to say that does sound dire. Not sure i'll be seeing that one.
    For me the plot line for the film 'After Earth' is rather too simplistic to satisfy. There isn't anything much going on to really grip the imagintion or make you care about the characters and I like Will Smith & co.

    1. Oh my, don't get me started on After Earth!! I so wanted to like it. Visually it looked splendid and all that, but sheesh, they needed to work more on the story and characters and, well, believability.

  29. I haven't seen this yet, and won't be seeing it in the theaters, but my nephews did and they liked it, especially the dinosaurs. They are 8 and 6. ;)

    1. What eight and six year olds wouldn't like robotic dinosaurs?!! And they looked so cool destroying everything in their path.

  30. The family and I will be seeing Guardians of the Galaxy when it comes out in a week from now. I hope it's good because my daughter is so psyched about it, she'll be crushed if it isn't.

    1. There's been a lot of hype around Guardians. People are expecting great things for it. The hype makes me nervous. I do love the trailers though.

  31. I loved the cartoons, but why oh why do they keep making these movies? (sigh)

  32. This is on my list of things to see on the telly not the theatre. My son wants to see it but he will have to wait. I do like laughing at movies when I'm not supposed to laugh.

  33. Thanks for the entertaining review. I think I'll pass. I get too frustrated when I see movies with horrible scripts. It makes me furious with envy that someone got paid (and likely paid well) to write that stuff. Then again, sometimes I wonder if there was any script at all.

    1. It does make one wonder how terrible scripts get signed off.

  34. Hahaaa, had to laugh. Holier than a holy thing on a holy day, and things-go-boom. Yep. Some movies are just like that, and sometimes it's just OKAY! Glad you enjoyed the movie!

    1. Yep, it is sometimes okay, but I often think how much better these movies could be if they spent as much time on the script as they do on the special effects.

  35. All those millions to spend and still no character development. Robots fighting robots. Am I supposed to get emotionally involved or sympathize? Two out of five stars.

    1. I'm more than happy for robots to fight robots, as long as the plot is believable and there is at least some character development. I want to cheer for the heros rather than squirm in my seat wondering when the movie will be over so I can go to the loo. (Forgot to mention in the review that the movie is way too long).

    2. Plus... there's no difference between the movie and the trailer...

    3. I stand corrected. You're right. It is better. I take your word for it. I never had the guts to watch the movie itself. You're a braver person than I am, Lynda.

    4. Brave is my middle name... oh wait, my middle initial is an R... rave? lol.

  36. I was sure this Transformers wouldn't give much beyond action so no surprise there.

    1. I think the surprise would be if it was actually good ;)

  37. I'm a moderate Transformer's fan and while I haven't seen the last two, I really want to see this one because of the Dinobots. Oh how I've missed Grimlock.

  38. sounds like a good movie for ogres to see =)
    and thanks for supporting my bbf blog tour!

  39. My daughter loves these movies, Lynda. I, on the other hand, need a good plot, dialogue, and acting with surprising twists and turns. My daughter usually gives me the synopsis as she watches them over and over...and then buys the DVD. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. You want good plots, dialogue, acting AND surprising twists??? That's a lot to ask for in a movie ;)

      But seriously, I totally hear you. I wish they put all those elements in the big explosive type movies then I'd be a happy camper.

  40. transformers is perfect for my crazy, gadget-loving boys! but i do need a little more plot and acting if i'm paying as much as they're asking - yikes on movie prices these days!

    1. I have to agree there. Movie prices are exorbitant. Even more so in Australia.


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