
Monday, June 2, 2014

4 Ways to Sift Through Writing Advice

There's a plethora of writing advice out there in bookstores, on the internet, at writing conferences, in critique groups, within the circle of family and friends. We are surrounded by well-intentioned people with opinions on how we should write. Some of the advice is sound, some of it contradictory, some baffling and some seems to make sense but you're not so sure a few months later. To find out how you can sift through all that information to know which advice to follow, click on over to the IWSG website where my post is today.

I'd also like to share Carol Kilgore's exciting cover reveal. I love this cover!

Coming September 2014

You can connect with Carol and her books here:
blog . website . facebook . twitter . goodreads . amazon

Congrats to Mark Noce who has a fabulous short story, "Meet Me at the Waterfront" on Every Day Fiction. It's well worth the read so pop on over.

Last week I forgot to mention the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Milestone. I don't know how I forgot. The IWSG Facebook group hit the amazing milestone of one thousand members! We're up to 1081 now! Big thanks to everyone who have made this possible.

Just a reminder about the IWSG Facebook Guidelines:

1. Since the focus of IWSG is support, the Facebook page should reflect this ideal.

2. You are encouraged to support your fellow IWSG'ers who share their writerly-related experiences, which include accomplishments/disappointments/challenges, with the rest of the group. Keep in mind that writers are at different points of their respective writerly journeys. Some lurk for a long time, before finding the courage to share with the rest of the group. Since the IWSG is all about community, a word of encouragement or advice may be just what somebody needs. Or even just a smiley face/thumbs up...

3. News and Promotional Saturday is your opportunity to add a link. The IWSG administrators reserve the right to remove promotional links, especially if they are posted haphazardly. 

After all this exciting news, don't forget to visit me over at the IWSG website! I'd love to see you over there.


  1. So happy to see the gorgeous Carol all over blogland! She's fabulous and I wish her and her fab book well!!

    Thanks for the sound and sensible advice over at IWSG! At the end of the day it's totally up to you as the writer to get the best out of what you read, learn and observe! Take care

    1. Thanks, Kitty. And well said about it being up to us to get the best out of what we do.

  2. Carol's cover is fantastic. Excited for her. And that's an awesome Facebook milestone.

    1. The growth of the IWSG Facebook group has really surprised us all. I'm so thrilled by the way everyone has come together to not only support each other, but the group as well.

  3. Yay for Carol! I just saw her cover on the last two sites I visited. Congrats to her!

  4. Congrats to Carol, my fellow Texan!

  5. A great cover indeed, congrats

  6. CONGRATS to Carol!

  7. Congrats, Carol!! Great cover. Headed over to see your other post now... ;)

  8. Carol always has the best covers. Really evocative of her genre. :)

  9. Thanks for sharing my cover, Lynda!

    I'd also like to say that I read Mark's story, and it is awesome. It only takes a few minutes to read. If you haven't read it, pop over. You'll be glad you did.

  10. YAY for Carol! Off to the IWSG... :)

  11. Love Carol's cover.

  12. Another huzzah for Carol and I've already visited IWSG today!

  13. On my way, and congrats to Carol! :D

  14. Carol's cover is AWESOME!
    I really enjoyed your article over at the IWSG, Lynda!

  15. Wow, I can't believe how the IWSG is growing! And thanks for the shout out on my story:)

    1. Yep, it's definitely growing fast.
      Anytime with the shout out. Your story is well worth the read.

  16. That's wonderful news about Mark's short story and Carol's soon-to-come release. And awesome to see IWSG growing so strong in numbers.

  17. Beautiful cover for Carol! Congrats!

  18. Yay for Carol and I'll check out your post.

  19. Thanks to everyone who popped on over to my article and left a comment. It's hugely appreciated.


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