
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Of Insanity and Creative Works #IWSG

It’s been my experience that insanity and creativity go hand-in-hand. I’ve taken on a number of extra projects this year, one of which is not writing. It’s an artistic endeavour. No surprises since it would be a rare thing to find me doing anything that’s not creative. It does require a steep learning curve, though. Eek.

Creatively speaking, the more insane things get, the more alive I feel and the more satisfied I am in the work I produce, whether it’s a story or a piece of art. Consequently, I shouldn’t be nervous about how much I’m taking on. I must confess, however, I am. Just a little.

Nervous and excited.

Can I do it all? Can I do it all well? Will I be able to find the time? Will I be able to achieve the result I have jumping about in my head?

Does it matter? Not really. Part of the fun is in the discovery and learning and pushing myself to improve. I’m having a wow of a time tip-toeing along the blade’s edge that is insanity and creativity. How about you? What keeps you dancing along that edge?

My writing tip for the week:
Writing (and anything creative) is hard. So what? You love it don’t you?

Photo: I took this photo a couple of weeks ago. I love the colours.

This post was written for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. On the first Wednesday of every month, we post about our insecurities or share encouragement. To join the group or find out more info, click here.


  1. It's so exciting to start on a new endeavor! It's challenging, but learning is so fulfilling. Your post made me smile - thanks! And good luck on following your creative path no matter where it takes you. :)

  2. Good luck with your new adventure. And, yes, writing is hard, but I do love it. It keeps my sanity in check. Mostly ...

    1. It's funny. We need to write to keep us sane, but writing also turns us a little insane at the same time.

  3. All the best with your new adventure, Theresa. Great post.


  4. I've always been creative (and a little insane) so totally get this. Enjoy the mayhem, Lynda. :)

  5. To be really creative we do have to let go of our doubts and believe in what we're doing. I suppose that can seem a little insane to an outsider, especially if we're creating worlds and people to live in them.

    1. and I think we have to let go those doubts on a daily basis because they have a way of creeping back in.

  6. That's right - bring on the insanity!
    I have a feeling whatever you create will be beautiful, Lynda. Just like the photo.
    Now, time to go visit three hundred blogs while I write and practice my guitar. And work. (I'm supposed to do that sometime today.)

  7. Fun and passion can make up for a lot of craziness I think.

    Moody Writing

  8. Good luck with your new adventure. I'll be starting one later this year with a new job. I know about what you mean about the learning curve and being nervous. Me too just thinking of mine.

    1. Once we get over the hump of that curve, everything will smooth out and we'll wonder why we didn't do it sooner :)

  9. Passion can get crazy but what is life with no passion? Something tells me that's when the true insanity begins. The bad one. Like Stiles possessed by the Kitsune on Teen wolf (MTV) bad. I really don;t want to know.

    1. Stiles gets possessed!!!! Oh noes! (I'm a bit behind on my Teen Wolf) hehehe.

  10. Creative people tend to be creative in a lot of areas. I think that's just the way we are designed. Good luck with that big project.

    1. The project is getting bigger by the day. I keep coming up with ideas. Eek! But one idea hit me yesterday and I'm so super excited to implement it.

  11. Hope you're having fun Lynda. Read a great motivational article on writing, not waiting. You gotta keep busy and creative for things to happen.

    1. I totally agree. I even wrote another short story yesterday in amongst all that other stuff I'm doing (along with doing another edit of one of my manuscripts).

  12. me wonders what that project is :) You is recording an album? Beyonce style? :)

    1. Nope, not recording an album, however music will be involved later down the track. I may have to source a musician...
      I'll announce publically later when it's closer to reveal time. However, if you are still super curious, pop me an email. ;)

    2. oh, so you is shooting an animated movie :)

    3. There is animation involved but it's not a movie

  13. Go forth and create! I love that feeling when I'm in the creative zone - it almost feels like a thrumming from within. Have fun! :)

  14. Yes I do. (Love it, that is.) Taking on numerous projects/responsibilities can definitely bring on the crazies. However, it can also stretch us beyond ourselves, giving us the means to stretch just a little bit farther next time.

    Love your photo!

    Sheri at Writer's Alley

    Home of Rebel Writer CREED 2014
    Mighty Minion Bureau Team #atozchallenge

    1. And, I think, that stretching keeps us supple so we are creating new things rather than just recreating the same thing over and over.

  15. I write, therefor I am! That's what keeps me walking along the edge.

  16. Congrats and best of luck with your new endeavor! And I love your last comment. I need to remind myself that yes, I do love writing even though it's hard.

    1. Some days I have to stop and mentally remind myself as well. Especially those days when the words refuse to flow.

  17. I do love it. It is hard, but so worth the effort. Especially on the good days! Good luck to you maintaining that balance. I love the colors in your photo, too.

  18. I love the photo!

    We are in similar boats this year. New projects, learning curves.... I'm trying to squeeze in a few minutes to write now, we'll see how that goes. :)

  19. haha the cat goes insane every day, doing more and more at his bay

    1. Jumping into the fray is the best, I say!
      Woo I did a rhyme! ;)

  20. Practice may not make perfect, but it sure makes what we're learning to do easier to do. LOVE the photo.

    1. I think the concept of perfect has only been seen once in this world.

  21. The picture is beautiful, and tippy toeing along a blades edges sounds dangerous--be careful. Sounds like you're having a great week.


    1. Yep, an awesome week.
      I laugh at danger!!! Okay, maybe chuckle quietly to myself... okay fine, I quiver at danger, but heck, it's worth it!

  22. Its exciting to start a new endeavour Lyn. I like the picture you have clicked. You have a natural talent for photography.
    Btw..are writers insanely creative or creatively insane??

    1. Writers are both: insanely creative AND creatively insane

  23. What a gorgeous flower photo! Love it. Haha, yes, insanity and creativity are definitely a tight duo. Have fun tiptoeing on that blade's edge!! (you can do it!)

  24. I know just what you mean, Lynda. I love to write! My stress comes when I submit and publish--but deep down I love that too!

  25. To face a new challenge is to truly live, eh? I believe we are created to create, and without fulfilling that fundamental aspect of our nature, we feel incomplete.

  26. I've been a little worried about what I've been taking on too. I'm trying to keep all the balls in the air.

    1. I failed in juggling school so I wrote up a schedule instead. Gotta love lists!

  27. insanity and creativity go hand-in-hand, so does ketchup and mayonnaise...sorry just finished lunch. I sometimes feel that too much is going on, and I would like to stop, but the end results can be satisfying.

    1. Do you mix your ketchup and mayo so you end up with a pink sludge?

    2. Is there any other way? :-)
      I like to freak my kids out with ketchup in mashed potatoes, pink!

    3. hahahaha!! I put garlic in my mash... and mayo, but not ketchup.

  28. Love the photo.
    Writing is was helps to keep from jumping over to side of insanity. It can be very hard at time, but you're right; I do love it.
    I wish you all the best in your latest creative endeavor!

  29. Great photo! And it's a great feeling when you're in that zone that despite all the crazy stuff you're juggling, you feel inspired and more alive than ever. Good luck in this new wild, crazy, and exciting adventure of yours.

  30. Lynda, I can relate.
    I've just started a new part-time teaching position (English) and been invited to submit a proposal for a writing club (handed it in yesterday) and there are one or two more creative endeavours I'm planning to pursue...
    And I thought something was wrong with me...
    Writer In Transit

    1. Oh!! Good luck with your endeavours!! That writing club sounds especially fantastic.

  31. Insanity is the only way to work and live.

  32. First, that photo came out nice, second, creativity is born from insanity.

  33. What's hard is when the love seems to go into hiding.

    You're an inspiration, Lynzich.

    1. That's when you take a step back, take a huge breath, remember the love (it comes back with the remembering) and ta-da you're writing again because you just can't help it.

  34. Beautiful Pic, Lynda. I always feel better after reading your posts. I love your positive attitude. Thank You! And Good Luck on your new endeavors.

  35. A quote “It’s impossible, said pride, it’s risky, said experience, it’s pointless, said reason, give it a try, whispered the heart.”

    I listen to my heart. It tells me there is magic in creativity. I have two novel ideas I am currently working. I am a first time novelist, so this should be interesting. I have challenge myself to post every Sunday too.

    To quote you "Can I do it all? Can I do it all well? Will I be able to find the time? Will I be able to achieve the result I have jumping about in my head?"

    I'll add am I biting off more than I can chew? Doesn't matter I'm going to write and shoot for the moon anyway.

    New to IWSG

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit IWSG post

    1. Welcome to IWSG!!! I love your quote: It’s impossible, said pride, it’s risky, said experience, it’s pointless, said reason, give it a try, whispered the heart.

      Remember to have fun while you are shooting for the moon. :)

  36. Love the photo. And yes, what we love is worth the challenge!

  37. Oh, yeah, you're right. We're creative because we're insane. Or interesting people, depending on the point of view. Why else be creative? No financial gain there. I'm a journalist and I write personal profiles for my paper. The most interesting people I've interviewed for my articles have all been artists. They create because they're compelled to do so. Selling their paintings, when it happens, is just a side benefit.

    1. Gosh, I would've quit years ago if it was about the money.

  38. I don't know how you do it, Lynda. I should probably beg you for ideas, because instead of adding on projects, I'm cutting back ALOT. Scary just keeping up with what I'm have left.

    1. Sometimes cutting back is necessary. I cut back last year but I think I actually produced less. Crazy, huh?

  39. Our snowbanks are still 4 feet high so I LOVE your photo!!!
    I like that chaotic creative mess too - and it still makes me nervous. I bet you'll love it all!

    1. I hope so. Actually, I know so. I'm having the time of my life!

  40. It's a gorgeous photo! I like to push myself. And yes, it does make me feel more alive. I tell myself I'm going to take it easier on myself, but then I take on more again.

  41. That's a lovely picture, Lynda. I'm sure you'll do well with our project.

  42. I'm the opposite. I work harder, manage my time better and get more done if I'm busy. But too much and the insanity takes over and I get nothing done but eating a lot of chocolate and watching the scale go up. I prefer to keep my work load to a size I know I can manage and do well. I know they say you never know until you've tried but I've tried and I know. That's how I work best.

    1. Oh definitely!! But this time around I've cut out other things that were wasting my time eg playing games or watching tv.

  43. That photo is amazing! And I think it's awesome that you're trying something new. I love finding new hobbies, and even if I don't have the time to love them all equally, I still love them :)

    1. Hehe, yep, I can relate. I hope to make the time to love them/work on them equally.

  44. Hi Lynda! I found you over at 2 Encourage. You are so right: If you love it, it doesn't matter how difficult it will do it. And, those lilies are simply gorgeous!

    1. Hi Cynthia, and welcome. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  45. Oh, I looove that photo--that coral happens to be my favorite color. :)

  46. Love your writing tip at the end! Reminds me of "A League of Their Own" - "It just got too hard." "It's supposed to be hard. That's what makes it great."

  47. Creativity is messy, dangerous and addictive. That's why we're so fascinated with it :)

    That's a gorgeous photo, Lynda!

    1. I hadn't thought of creativity as being dangerous, but it is in a way--especially to our sanity ;)

  48. Love your tip. I do photography because I love it.

  49. remember to gage yourself on how you feel... if you feel good, you're in a good direction!

  50. I love throwing myself into a project. And stewing in all those creative juices and being so focused, with so many other things going on, does feel insane.

    1. You are a master of juggling, Medeia. And an inspiration.

  51. Sounds quite interesting, this challenge. Love projects that carry me away. They're great diversions from the humdrum!

  52. I think that part of what keeps me going when I take on projects is feeling that I HAVE to complete what I've started, especially once I start telling people what I'm doing. A part of that, I guess, is pride. I don't want to start something and tell my friends that I'm doing it, and then not go through with it. That, and I know how good it feels in the end when you've pushed through and achieved something, even if it's only mediocre. Thanks for sharing this, Lynda. I hope you can complete all of the projects you've taken on to your satisfaction.

    1. Yep, telling others makes for a great accountability system. Thanks so much, Bonnee

  53. What a positive post. Yes, the more I do, the more fulfilled I feel. Usually. Good luck on your new endeavor!

  54. Eerily accurate post, for me at least:) I find that as I improve as a writer, the less in control I feel. Sounds odd, but I write whatever comes out of my fingertips onto the keyboard, and just stopped saying "no" to any doubts a while ago. Makes for an interesting ride:)

  55. Wait -- what's the artistic thing you're doing? Or are you building suspense?

    1. hehe, I don't wish to announce the details just yet. When I have something more solid, I'll share. :)

  56. I love it - insanity and creativity go hand in hand. Makes sense to me!

  57. This challenge sounds interesting. You have to be creative :)

  58. Exactly the kind of questions I'm asking myself. I guess all writers are alike :)

  59. I do love writing, but hate it as well sometimes. I keep on doing it because honestly I don't want to do anything else. I just wish I felt I was a good writer, one that people really want to read. I don't, and I wonder what it is in myself I'm not tapping into to make folks want to read more...

    1. Yep, that's totally normal. Just keep writing and learning the craft and you'll eventually find your audience.

  60. I write music and it's hard work. If it weren't, I would lose interest, like riding bike. There has to be a challenge.


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