
Monday, October 7, 2013

Moonless Reveal and Gravity Review

Moonless by Crystal Collier
Young Adult, Historical Paranormal Romance

Alexia must choose safety and an arranged marriage,
or true love and being hunted by the Soulless every moonless night.

Alexia’s nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless. 

MOONLESS is Jane Eyre meets Supernatural.

Crystal, author of MOONLESS, is a former composer/writer for Black Diamond Productions. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend” (a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese.
Website - Blog - Twitter - Goodreads - Facebook


I went to see Gravity today, but wasn’t expecting much since most of the reviews I’d read were lukewarm. Well, I don’t know what the reviewers were on about. I loved it. Visually it’s spectacular, the sound and music are brilliant, the acting wonderful, and the tension was so edge of seat that the movie had me engaged from start to finish. It wasn’t the standard space type blockbuster we’ve come to expect from movies like Alien, Sunshine, Serenity et al. The only monsters were a nasty debris storm and the temptation to give up against what seemed like insurmountable odds. It got me thinking about writing… You know where I’m going with this:

Never give up! Keep going, keep writing!

Are you looking forward to reading Moonless? Love the cover? Have you seen Gravity yet? What's the next movie you're planning to see?

A big THANK YOU to everyone supporting the Insecure Writer's Support Group Website and Facebook Group. You guys are truly awesome!!

Due to some unexpected 'stuff' that's come up, I need to focus elsewhere for the week. I'll be back around the blogsphere at full strength next week.


  1. Saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 yesterday and enjoyed it. Glad Gravity was fun for you. Moonless has an amazing cover and great blurb. Never giving up is usually the best choice in life.

    1. Oh! I want to see Cloudy 2. I loved the first one. But then, I'm a sucker for animations.

  2. Sorry about the 'stuff!'
    Moonless looks great.
    And I really liked Gravity as well. Very tense and the most amazing and realistic looking space special effects.

    1. I just read your review! Ha! Another case of 'great minds' ;)

  3. Congrats to Crystal. Glad you and Alex liked Gravity. You're making me want to watch it.

  4. I've heard only great reviews on GRAVITY, and it did earn 50 million bucks this weekend in USA and about 20 million around the world :) I just hope Sandra doesn't get an Oscar because she's popular because Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett deserve it more, and Meryl too!

    1. Sandra deserves an oscar just for all the working out she did to get her body in awesome shape for the movie! (so jealous!!)

  5. The cover does look great. I'm afraid if I see Gravity in the Theater I would get sick!

    1. Just don't see it at an IMAX... or in 3D. (I skipped the 3D session)

  6. I actually so totally want to see Gravity - heard such good things about it!

    Yay for lovely Crystal!! Take care

  7. Sandra will definitely receive an Oscar nomination. She carried most of the film by herself.

  8. Hopefully the stuff gets resolved easily. Will watch gravity soon

  9. Thanks for the info. Hope you have a productive week! :)

  10. Hubby and I are looking forward to Gravity, so I'm glad to hear it was good! And congrats to Crystal!

  11. I LOVE the cover for Moonless. So beautiful.

    And no way I'm watching Gravity. That situation terrifies me. Well, okay, maybe I'll see it when it comes out on Netflix and I can watch it in the privacy of my living room where no one can witness my FREAK OUT reaction.

    1. but it looks sooooo awesome on the big screen. Besides, no one can see you freak out in the cinema when the lights are low ;)

  12. Huh, Gravity sounds like something we'd probably like. I should totally put it on the "to watch" roster.

    And thank you, Lynda! You totally rock!

  13. Congrats! to Crystal and best wishes for her success.

    Wifey and I saw Gravity yesterday. Great show. It was all about the visuals. About time there was a realistic movie set in space with no aliens.

    1. aliens could be realistic... you don't know that. Have you met an alien? ;)

  14. This is the second good review of Gravity I've seen today (first at Alex's site).

    Moonless is Jane Eyre meets Supernatural. Who wouldn't want to read that???

  15. My husband and I are planning to watch Gravity tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts, Lynnie!

    1. Look out for subtle touches of symbolism in the movie too (and some not so subtle)

  16. She's got a great cover there:) Also, @Lynda - I mentioned you on my blog today:)

    1. Thanks so much, Mark. It was a pleasure to critique your work.

  17. I've got the Moonless reveal over on my blog too; pretty good cover. :)

    I haven't seen any previews or the like for Gravity, but I should scope 'em out...

  18. Stuff can be annoying. I hope all goes well. I'm a new follower of Crystal and Moonless is on my TBR list!

  19. I think husband Unit and I will make a date to go see Gravity next week then. Sounds fun.

    Congrats to Crystal!

  20. Congratulations to Crystal! I love her cover!

  21. Congrats to Crystal!

    Gravity looks very interesting. I might just spring for a babysitter so I can go watch it.

  22. I've seen Crystal's book cover all over blogosphere, and love it!! I did see Gravity last Saturday night and also loved it. Sandra Bullock is one of those actresses I'll go to the theater for regardless of the movie reviews. :-)

  23. I do want to see Gravity and Moonless sounds really interesting! Thanks for sharing, Lynda :)

  24. Congratulations to Crystal on what sounds like a great plot for Moonless and a wonderful cover. Thanks for sharing the release of this wonderful book with your readers, Lynda. As for Gravity, my daughter saw it and loved it too. I haven't had an opportunity...yet! ~Victoria Marie Lees

  25. I may be a book reviewer (amateur), but I never pay attention to movie reviews. I like to decide for myself.

  26. Crystal's cover is awesome!

    And I've heard Gravity was spectacular.

  27. I'd like to see Gravity. I think it looks good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

  28. I love the cover of Moonless and the tagline "Jane Eyre meets Supernatural" sounds great, but I need a little more info- I am intrigued. I think Gravity will probably be good whenever I see it, but I might be waiting for the DVD...Good post.

  29. Lynda: I had the same expectations about Gravity going in, and the same feelings as you coming out. Great flick!

  30. Congratulations to Crystal! I love her cover and it sounds so interesting.

    Thanks Lynda!


  31. Hectic week for me, too. I love this cover!

  32. Aw shucks! You missed my anniversary. 'Tis took me three days to get here, so I understand unexpected busy periods.

    From all the previews I've seen of Gravity, it looks pretty darn good to me. Honestly, sometimes I think the negative reviews stem from envy or jealousy.

    And I've only recently been getting to know Crystal. And you're right...the cover is quite nice. Quite nice, indeed.

    See you next week...or whenever! :)

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  33. I want to see Gravity.

    Yay for Crystal. I'll look out for her book when it's released.

  34. Doesn't that look like Crystal on the book cover? Close resemblance...

  35. Crystal is everywhere. The woman knows how to run a tour!

  36. Congrats to Crystal on her cover reveal! It's great! I've heard nothing but good about "Gravity" - except for some scientists who say certain things aren't realistic. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :-)

  37. Love Crystal's Cover too! Good Luck getting all your 'stuff' in order and done.

  38. What reviewers have you been listening to? Everyone I've seen has been raving about it. 98% on Rotten Tomatoes even.

  39. My son told me Gravity was going to be great, even though the reviewers were running it down. All his gamer friends have seen it since they live in the big city. :-)

    We have to wait, but I'm looking forward to it more now than before. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  40. Congratulations to Crystal!

    I've been wanting to watch Gravity.

  41. So happy for Crystal! I've seen her everywhere...including my place. Heee... Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Gravity. I've been wondering whether or not it would be worth seeing. You might have pushed me over the edge to go and see it.

  42. Ha Lynda, you really can't take too much notice of reviews. Maybe Sandra Bullock didn't pay enough, lol! I must go see it soon.
    Isn't Crystal's cover fantastic! Love it. I tried to comment on MIchelle Wallace's blog re the same, but couldn't for some reason.

    Hope you're well Lyn and whatever calls you away is good!

    (This new fb site and website for IWSG worries me - where do we find the time?)


    1. hehe, yeah, I know I'm a sucker for punishment, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. At least the website is meant as a resource to help writers and hopefully save them some time. (It's just more work for the admins)


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