
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cover Reveal: Sacrifice Her

The day has finally come. Time to reveal the cover of Sacrifice HER. Be amazed.

Title: Sacrifice HER by Sheena-kay Graham

Goodreads: Sacrifice HER

Release Date: December 2013

Summary: When a city is at stake is the life of one sixteen-year old girl worth risking thousands? Deidra Moore goes on the run after escaping from a group of human sacrifices for Bane: God of Gore. She doesn't believe he exists and sees uncertainty in the scorching desert as a better alternative. But Faux City isn't finished with her and their leader Lord Brinn is ordered by Bane - through one of his maiden worshipers- to bring her back or face dire consequences. In the desert Deidra meets a wanderer named Kane and as feelings spark can they find a safe place to lead a new life before Lord Brinn and his soldiers catch up with them? Yet the question remains. Does Bane really exist and if he does what will happen if either side succeeds or fails? Told in alternating perspectives of both the runaway servant girl and the blonde strong willed leader.

Author Bio:

Sheena-kay Graham was never meant for a traditional job behind a desk. Her childhood career plans included becoming a ballerina, actress or someone who helped people. So naturally she decided to be a writer who writes from her bed. Yes, no desk for this Jamaican book lover. No matter if it’s reading, writing or using the get the gist. The love of the written word has always been with her leading to stories, novels, poetry and way too much fan fiction. This Christian woman can be found trolling Amazon online, in local book bookstores, watching movies on the big screen, or in her bed, or reading/writing/on the laptop...again in her bed. Mainly writes YA fiction and is ready to unleash her creativity to wow the masses.


Cover Design: 
Image of woman with flowing hair (purchased): © Transfuchsian |

Cover Designer:  Langao @

And for a final bit of wow factor. Look at what Sheena got for free without asking.


  1. so that red thing in front of her face is gore?

  2. Looks awesome, Sheena-kay! Looks like she's breathing blood.

  3. Wow, pretty darn awesome! The premise of the story sounds interesting too.

  4. I've been seeing this around and it looks amazing! Definitely one to read for me! :)

  5. Awesome cover, it is everywhere today

  6. The responses are so positive, thanks Lynda.

  7. Wow! That cover sure is eye-catching. Looks like the breath is being sucked right out of that poor gal, so I guess you could call the cover breath-taking, too. Good luck, Sheena-kay! (Pretty name!)

  8. I can't get over how pretty the cover looks. :-)

  9. Every time I see this cover, I think, "I need to get me that book."

  10. Congrats to Sheena! Best wishes with the book! :)

  11. Good luck Sheena with everything! The cover art looks great.

  12. Replies
    1. The image of the book as a book, rather than just the cover alone.

  13. Congratulations to Sheena. The cover looks intriguing and blurb is interesting.


  14. Congrats to Sheena-Kay, I keep seeing this great cover popping up everywhere:)

  15. Great cover! The story sounds great. Congratulations!

  16. Such an amazing cover and the story sounds great too. (:

  17. I saw this cover at several blogs I visited yesterday. CONGRATS to Sheena-kay!

  18. I've been seeing this cover everywhere! It looks awesome!

  19. I love illustrated covers! Congrats again, Sheena-Kay

  20. The cover looks beautiful and story sounds good. Congratulations to Sheena!

  21. Sheena has been burning up the blogosphere these past two days!
    The cover is great!
    Witer In Transit

  22. Wow! A well-done cover for sure. Great synopsis of the story, too. Congratulations, Sheena-Kay. Thanks for sharing this with your readers, Lynda.

  23. Yay for Sheena-kay! It's a gorgeous cover.

  24. I'm willing to bet that she dies. Or both character dies.

  25. Thanks for the great book recommendation, Lynda. And congratulations to Sheena-Kay!

  26. Sheena-kay must be so excited. Wishing her lots of luck! :-)

  27. It is a cool cover. Beautiful and eerie. :)

  28. Congrats to Sheena-kay.

  29. Congrats, Sheena. The plot sounds nice and supernatural, the way I like them!

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  30. Great premise and cool cover art -- seeing this one pop up quite a bit around the blogosphere. Great to see writers supporting each other.

  31. Woo hoo for Sheena! Hope to see her book fly up the charts when it comes out. Happy Monday, Lynda!

  32. i totally love her cover!!! congrats sheena!


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