
Monday, September 30, 2013

A Cover Reveal and Paperback Release

A ghostly cover reveal:

A brilliant flash of light transcends through time.

Another freezes a cloaked figure within a frame of salty mist as waves crash against a rocky shore. Her harrowing expression shadows the beacon to a pinprick.

By the next blaze, she is gone. Only the lighthouse remains.

Hannah’s eyes blink in step with each heartbeat. Images of her deceased parents and Martha’s Vineyard explode like firecrackers inside her mind.

She shakes her head.

For weeks this eerie woman dressed in nineteenth century garb has been haunting my webcam, but tonight she stared into my soul.

Why? ...

Who is she? ...

Casting aside months of research on historic lighthouses, Hannah drives to the coast and boards a ferry.

What is the strange connection she has to this mysterious woman suspended in time?

Hannah finds out.

But, it’s not at all what she expects ...

Hannah unravels a century old murder.

The Ghosts of Aquinnah will be released by Ink Smith Publishing
on December 5, 2013

Find Julie Flanders:
Website ~ Blog ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest ~ Goodreads


Color me a paperback release:

Julia has a secret: she killed the guy she loved. It was an accident—sort of.

Julia is a Sary, the soul of a child who died before taking her first breath. Without this 'breath of life' she and others like her must help those on the verge of suicide. It's a job Julia used to enjoy, until the accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life—an accident she knows was her fault. If living with the guilt weren't enough, she's now assigned to help a girl dealing with the loss of her mother, something Julia's not exactly the best role model for. If she can't figure out a way to help her, Julia's going to lose her position in the Sary, something she swore to her boyfriend would never happen.

You can pre-order Colors Like Memories at MuseItUp Publishing, or find it on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Ebook copies are also available on all vendor sites!

Meradeth is also holding a giveaway so be sure to check it out.

Find Meradeth Houston:
Website ~ Blog ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest ~ Goodreads

October is an exciting month for book releases and cover reveals and other fabulous things. If you haven't imploded from all the great up-and-coming excitement, then click here to check out some serious cool I had to share. Can you beat that for cool? (Okay, so you know I'm a geek, right?)

And DON'T FORGET this Wednesday is the Insecure Writer's Support Group. It will be a super special one so don't miss it.


  1. Yay for such fab book cover reveals - and looking like great reads for the coming winter months! Take care

  2. Congrats to Julie on her awesome cover and Meredith on the release of her book in paperback. Looking forward to all the news this month.

  3. I like both covers. Good stuff! Hope Ms. Houston's release does well.

  4. Nice covers. Great sounding stories.

  5. Great covers indeed and congrats too

  6. Thanks a million for hosting me, Lynda!! And congrats to Julie!!

  7. Hi, Lynda,

    Congrats to Julie and Meradeth! All the best ladies!!!!!

  8. Thanks for sharing this, Lynda! And congrats to Meradeth, great to learn about her book. :)

  9. Congrats on the book releases! Best of luck.

  10. Good-looking covers! Haven't gotten into Dr. Who yet, but there's still time.

  11. Love both covers! Best wishes to Julie and Maradeth!

  12. Best wishes to Julie and Meradeth!

  13. Neato, the cover pic reminds me of Virgina Wolf's _To the lighthouse_.

  14. Congrats to Meradeth and Julie! Awesome!

  15. The cover is very evocative - and the book sounds very good!

    Diana at About Myself By Myself

  16. Congrats Julie and Meradeth. Both covers are great in their own ways.

  17. Oh thanks for the timely reminder about IWSG - Even though it's on my calendar I forget it some months. I'm off to see your cool link! :)

  18. Sorry, had to come back and say WOW at the link! I shared it on FB. :)

  19. Both sound like great books. Love the lighthouse cover while the Colors Like Memories is such a great plot.

  20. CONGRATS to both Julie and Meredith!

  21. Congratulations to Julie and Meradeth! No, you're not a geek just a real Whovian. My kids are, too.


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