
Monday, June 17, 2013

Darkest Day Cover Reveal

Darkest Day, Book three of the 19th Year by Emi Gayle.

Mac Thorne’s time as a Changeling is coming to an end.

It may have taken eighteen years, but Mac did finally manage to do what the Council wanted: she chose a teacher and renounced the in-between.

There’s just one last step. She must say goodbye to her human. Forever.

After being challenged in every way possible, Mac leaves what she thought would be the easiest task for the last possible moment. As midnight on July fourth draws near, though, she hasn’t found a way to give up Winn Thomas.

Nor does she want to.

With time running out, Mac stands at a literal crossroads.

Choose Winn, and she’ll be stripped of the only family she’s ever known—vampires, dragons, and her favorite demon. Even her own mother. Accept her position on the Council and rule as an equal to her twelve peers, and she’ll forget Winn ever existed.

Independence and freedom have never before been so limiting.

In this final chapter of the 19th Year Trilogy, it’s time for Mac to decide.

Responsibility? Or Love
Book 1: After Dark
Book 2: Day After--Newish Release
Book 3: Darkest Day--to be released 6th January 2014

Well, I'm back after a few weeks of being sick. Last week was particularly unfun in the flu department. I'm still not 100% but I'm getting there. Much rejoicing! At least now I'm fit enough to be writing and visiting everyone again.

How have you been lately? Read any top notch books you want to share? Achieved any goals you want to celebrate?


  1. Very nice cover, and the story sounds intriguing. I might have to look up the earlier books!

  2. Oh poor Mac!! What a choice!! Oh dear!

    Yay for Emi Gayle!!! Take care

  3. Thanks for the book info. Not an easy choice for Mac to make.

  4. Congratulations, Emi!
    And welcome back, Lynda. That is some flu to have taken you down for that long.

    1. The person whom I picked up the flu from actually ended up with pneumonia. I think I got off easy.

  5. Congratulations to Emi! How nice to have three books published. I'm still struggling with one.
    Sorry to hear you were out with the flu, but glad to hear you're feeling better.

  6. I really like the titles she's chosen for her trilogy. It's hard to find good ones that match, and she's done a great job! I wish her huge success! :-)

  7. Men are always complicating everything. :P Congrats to Emi on the third release.

    And glad you're feeling better, Lynda.

  8. darling, you've had that flu for a month now, are you sure it's not a zombie infestation?

    Lovely cover, very professional, something we don't see often!

    1. Could've been a zombie infestation. I certainly made enough zombie sounds, especially at night while I was trying to sleep... or so hubby says, lol. Poor guy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. good thing Oz is a huge island and zombies can't cross over :)

    4. Zombies can swim... well, not swim exactly. They walk along the ocean floor to the next country... They're coming for you, Dezzy.

    5. when they come close the Persian gulf we shall set the oil rich ocean bed there on fire and problem solved :) Mmmmm salty soup with roasted zombies...... sharks will lurv it

    6. won't the sharks burn up too? Are you being mean to sharks too now, Dezzy? ;)

  9. Haven't heard of these books - need to check 'em out! Thanks for the heads up.

    Sucks that you've been so unwell :( Hope you finally kick it soon!!!

  10. Aw, Lynda, I'm so sorry you've been under the weather! Glad you're up to meandering the web again.

    Book 3, huh? Maybe I should go check out book 1 and 2 first. ;)

  11. I have read some quality non-fiction and a memoir. :)

  12. This looks like a fun series I haven't seen before! Hope you're feeling better. I've been reading a ton--currently in the middle of Obsidian by Jennifer Armetrout :)

  13. Nice cover, and it sounds like an intriguing book that involves a hard decision for the MC. :)

    I just finished UNWIND by Neal Shusterman, and despite some odd POVs, it was quite gripping. About parents who can "unwind" their rebellious teens and farm out their internal organs. Recycling people!

  14. Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the info about it. Glad you are feeling better! :)

  15. Glad you're on the mend. And thanks for sharing in this cover reveal. Looks like a great series to get into.

  16. Sorry to hear you've not been well Lynda. Thankfully I've managed to escape the dreaded lurgy in spite of being around spluttering students.
    Thanks for the info/cover reveal on Darkest Day.

  17. Oh forgot to tell you what i've been reading. I've just finished re-reading The Girl in Times Square by Paullina Simons. No book has the right to be SO GOOD! This is my third time. I also re-read Beach Music by Pat Conroy. These two books inspire me like no other.
    I also have the ebooks I'm reading on my phone - Christine's Odyssey by our own Joy Campbell and No Place Like Home, Anne Allen and Charmaine Clancy's Dognapped? I always have at least 4 books on the go. Oh, and Donna Leon's latest, which isn't very good. :(

  18. Sounds like a great read! I love the cover too. Congrats to Emi.

  19. Gosh, this looks amazing. Why does there have to be so many amazing books for me to read??? Maybe I should forget writing and become a full-time reader! ;-)

  20. Wow, what a premise. Sorry to hear you're feeling sick...I'm sending you virtual chicken soup right now.

  21. This is a very great cover! The story sounds awesome.

  22. Sounds like an intriguing book! Glad you're starting to feel better!

  23. I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope those germs leave you completely soon.

    This looks like an interesting book and series.

  24. I'm so glad you're feeling better. Great review.

  25. Congrats to Emi. I hope the flu leaves you alone now, Lyn. I am also reading some great books.

  26. Thanks for posting about this book, Lynda.

    Congratulations to Emi.


  27. Sounds like a great story - what a choice she has to face!!

    Sorry you've been ill Lynda! There have been a lot of people online with the flu - nasty, nasty stuff. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  28. Congratulations, Emi! It's a fantastic cover, and it sounds like a great story.

  29. Huge congrats... love the cover and premise. Best of luck:)

  30. Certainly a very interesting trilogy! Best regards!

  31. Ooohh, Darkest Day sounds intriguing! I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

    I'm glad to hear you're on the mend, Lynda. I hope you're getting plenty of rest. Be well!!

  32. Congrats to Emi! I love the cover, and I can't wait to see what comes next for Mac and Winn!

  33. Glad you're back!!!

    Sounds like a fun read!

  34. Neat cover, thanks for sharing:)

  35. Lynda, I'm glad you're getting better! Flu is never fun.

    The Darkest Day sounds like an intriguing storyline. That kind of choice is never easy.


  36. Great cover, I'm sure it'll be a big hit.


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