
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Celebrate the release of Charmaine Clancy's new book and win prizes!

Dognapped? A dog show detective mystery featuring Kitty and her mischievous miniature schnauzer, Spade. In this adventure, they unravel the mystery of the missing dog -- simply lost, or something more sinister?

A lost dog 

A stolen dog

A mysterious will 

It all equals murder!

Meet twelve-year-old Kitty, friendless bookworm and amateur sleuth. All Kitty wants is to gain her mother’s attention, spend time with her miniature schnauzer Spade, and avoid Miss Perfect, Jessica Jones. 

Kitty’s world turns upside down when she finds a lost dog, and she needs Jessica’s help to find the owner, hunt down a dognapper, and solve a murder.

Introducing Kitty Walker and her mischievous dog Spade in the first Dog Show Detective Mystery.

Dognapped? is a mystery novel perfect for curious girls aged 10-12yrs. There are funny and cute canine characters, but also an element of danger! 

To celebrate the release of Dognapped?, the author, Charmaine Clancy (author of the popular kids' horror novel, My Zombie Dog), is giving away a Kindle Fire! (Kindle Paperwhite if winner resides outside the US - Amazon won't ship the Fire to non-US countries). That's not all, one lucky runner-up will receive a $25 Amazon gift voucher!

There are two ways to enter:

1. Purchase your copy of Dognapped?then fill in the entry form below. You'll be asked for your receipt number from Amazon (it will be on the receipt Amazon email you - keep a copy of your receipt as proof of purchase if you win). Dognapped? will be FREE May 22nd and 23rd, and yes you can still enter if you downloaded your copy FREE
2. Blog about this competition or about Dognapped? (you can review, talk about or interview) then fill in the entry form below. You will be asked for your blog post link in the entry form. If you'd like to review the book, Charmaine will send you a free review copy, simply email:

If you blog and purchase the book, then yes, you get two entries.

Too easy! This competition runs from now until 7 July 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats to Charmaine on her book Dognapped and this competition should definitely bring her book some extra attention. Kitty has a lot on her plate for a little girl.

  2. Thanks for featuring Dognapped? Lynda!

  3. Congratulations, Charmaine! Another cute dog book. Yes, zombie dogs are cute as well.

  4. Awwwwww Kitty and Spade sound like a fabulous crime-busting team!! Awwwww how adorable!! Huge congrats to Charmaine and all the best to everyone entering the giveaway! Take care

  5. Cute indeed, seen it on many a feed

  6. This book sounds fun. Plus, I have a miniature schnauzer. Maybe I'll get the book and read it to him :)

  7. Way to go, Charmaine! We had a heavenly dog once who was part schnauzer. Best. Dog. Ever.

  8. the whole blogosphere is dognapped today :)

  9. Sir Poops and Hair Ball interviewed Charmaine's fur-peeps today.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  10. Me visiting again, pretty sure I've read and commented on this post before but don't see it. Hum, scratches head.

    Who doesn't love a good mystery.

    Oozing Out My Ears, still visiting a-zers

  11. This sounds so cute! I'll have to order it:)

  12. I remember when Zombie Dog came out. Best wishes to Charmaine and her new release!

  13. CONGRATS to Charmaine. Dognapped? sounds like it will be a great book to read. Cute cover.

  14. Sounds like a story girls would love! (maybe boys too!) Danger, a dog, and mystery. Congrats to Charmaine on this release. :)

  15. This sounds delightful! Huge congrats to Charmaine on what sounds like a wonderful story! And a big thanks to you for sharing this with us!

  16. How delightful, Charmaine! The blurb reminds me of my younger days when I read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys ravenously. Congrats on the release, and I wish you huge success! :-)

  17. What a fun story for young detectives! Very cute.

  18. Dognapped is the CUTEST title I've seen in a long time...

    Writer In Transit

  19. Congrats to Charmaine. Love seeing her all over the blogosphere today!

  20. This sounds so cute! Congrats to Charmaine, and thanks for sharing!

  21. Sounds like a great mystery series!

  22. Congratulations to Charmaine! The book sounds like so much fun.

  23. This book sounds funny and sweet! I'll recommend it to a couple friends with kids who are around 10.

  24. Congratulations Charmaine! Dognapped sounds wonderful!

    All the best.

    Hi Lynda!


  25. I just saw this book over at Donna's blog too. It looks so cute!


  26. Congrats to Charmaine. I can't wait to read my copy.

  27. I don't have any nieces that age anymore. :( Good luck to everyone entering!

  28. Congrats Charmaine. Dognapped sounds super cool. I love the cover and the premise.

  29. Huge congrats on the launch. Sounds fantastic.

  30. I saw that title and the first thing that came to mind was "apenapped"... yeah, as in George of the Jungle movie. Flog me for my taste in humor if you must. It can't be helped. :-)

    Wishing Charmaine Clancy much success on the book!

  31. Such a cute cover and awesome giveaway! Thanks, Lynda.

  32. CONGRATS TO CHARMAINE! What a fun premise. Sounds like a perfect, rainy afternoon read. Even for a dude. LOL.

    I will pick up my copy, asap. Missed the free download date, but so what. Our blogger friends need the sales....


    And, Lynda,

    Congrats on the YOU ROCK award!!!! It's such an honor to be singled out by the Ninja Captain.... isn't it?!

    Have a great weekend!

  33. Sounds like a fun book!
    Congrats on the YOU ROCK award! You deserve it!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Oh this would have been a book I would have loved as a kid. A detective and a dog. Yep, that would have gotten my immediate attention. Sounds like a fun book. Go Charmaine!

    Lynda, congrats on your YOU ROCK award!


  36. This sounds really adorable! I can't wait to read it.

  37. I bought the book, but I haven't blogged about it yet. I will tomorrow. It sounds like a fun book for kids.

  38. I like that her name is Kitty, but it's about a dognapping.
    In Medias Res

  39. I've seen this around the web a few times--looks adorable!! Best to Charmaine :)

  40. I'm a mystery fan from way back, but a twelve y/o mixed up in a murder investigation is too much for me. I can't even go there. :-(

  41. Lovely to see Charmaine's book all over the web. It's a great little book and not at all disturbing emaginette (above). Nice to see quite a few have hit the rafflecopter too.

    Lynda, I came across to say congratulations for receiving Alex's award. Much deserved, twang, twang.

    BTW, bad news my way. My blog posts no longer update. A few of us have spent some time trying to sort it out so no go so far. Think it might be to do with the 'au' thing, but not sure. Have you heard anything? It'd be nice to have some visitors to my blog, lol, but obviously no one knows I'm even posting, erk.


    1. Yikes. I've heard this happening to a few people, and not just Aussies. It hasn't happened to me yet, but give it time. It's inevitable.

  42. congrats to her! It has a cute cover.


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