
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A-Z Geek (U): Heroes in Our Midst

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

Underworld (2003): I think the Ninja Captain would agree with me when I say that Kate Beckinsale is great in this movie. Vampires and werewolves duking it out in our modern world.

Unbreakable (2000): A superhero movie for the modern age. I love it. There’s something special about the Everyman who becomes something more. I would've liked to have seen a sequel of this one.

Unreal (1998) and Unreal Tournament (1999): First person multiplayer action. Lots of laughs and running about, and lots of pewpew action.

What’s your favourite hero or superhero story?



  1. I love Unbreakable, but haven't seen Underworld yet.

  2. My favorite superhero is the Green Lantern. I never read the comic books, but I loved the movie. The concept of our will manifesting whatever we want is awesome and inspirational.

    1. and kinda scary! I'd get fat on green chocolate real fast! ;)

  3. Unbreakable was sooooo good :D

    It doesn't start with U, but I quite like Iron Man. Tony Stark is just so much fun.

  4. So if I loved all the Underworld movies does that make me a geek too? If so, then I'm about as geeky as they!

  5. There are a lot of superhero movies that I like. I've enjoyed the X-Men movies that I've seen, though I don't believe I've seen all of them.

  6. I like Unbreakable but if he had the ability to sense bad guys, how come Bruce couldn't spot Sam Jackson wasn't on the up and up? (still obsessing ten years later).

    Moody Writing

    1. Ah, but you see, that was the sheer genius of Jackson's villain. He was able to mask his bad vibes... ;)

  7. Unbreakable shows that not just the well known classics like Superman make wonderful superhero movies. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson played their roles to a T. I don't think there needs to be a sequel. It's perfect the way it is. Underworld is a great movie and has spawned several sequels.

    1. yep, I'm thinking you might be right. The story is well contained, with great performances.

  8. Wonder Woman!! Please let there be a proper film of this gorgeous superwoman and please let there be a cameo for the brilliant Lynda Carter! I am totally going off subject here but I still remember series one of the TV version of WW and a scene where WW is helping this woman in distress and she says something like "we women must stick together and help each other". Still radical in this day and age! :-) Take care

    1. I do like Wonder Woman, but then I like any strong woman who 1. doesn't need rescuing; and 2. doesn't need to turn mean just to prove she's strong.

  9. Yes!!! There is something about Kate in leather. No surprise it was my movie pick of the day.
    We used to spend hours at work (yes, at my job) playing Unreal Tournament. I'm not great at it, but it's a lot of fun.

    1. Not being great at a game has never stopped me. Oh wait, I take that back. I don't play the Command and Conquer type strategy games because I'm TERRIBLE at them.

  10. I had to snicker when I read Alex's reply. Of course, it's all about the beauty in leather, Hahahaa. But he's right. I guess I'm a movie person and not a game person. Two movies I've seen, Unbreakable was good.

  11. Hello, my friend... Hadn't heard of these movies, but I'll have to check them out and see if they are on Netflix. I, too, loved Wonder Woman, and read the comic books back in the 1940's along with seeing the movies, and then later the TV series. Ah, what she did for the imagination of what women can do! Best regards to you, Ruby

  12. In Cleveland, Ohio, right now, the local paper is pushing for the city to officially adopt Superman as our symbol, since his creators (Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel) were Clevelanders who supposedly were inspired by Cleveland landmarks, and it's his 75th birthday and all. He's already always been one of my faves.

  13. I generally don't like superheroes, especially since they make them all so dark and morbid... and that's not a hero to me.
    Flash and Superman would be my choice if I had to make it...

    1. Aw, but what about the Incredibles???? They aren't dark and morbid!

      But I'm with you on the dark and edgey stories that seem to be the rage. I like my heroes to be the golden-age type heroes--clearly the good guys.

  14. Unbreakable was such a good movie. So unexpected.

    I also love Underworld. I told Alex, I admire Kate's talents and love her in all that leather! ha ha

  15. Didn't see Unbreakable but did see Underworld. I honestly didn't think that was a great movie but yeah, the girl looks all right.

    1. See, there's your problem: you thought! Switch off that brain and simply enjoy ;)

  16. I've never seen Unbreakable, I need to rectify that.

  17. Unbreakable was truly intelligent.

  18. I guess Alex does agree. She's on his blog today. I'll have to see this with a character who loves Jesus and is a werewolf? Talk about conflicted.

  19. Recently, I was made aware of Batgirl's story on one of Mark Mean's posts -- O for Oracle -- and I have to say I am intrigued enough to actually dig around.

    1. I must confess, I used to dismiss comics. I enjoyed the comic book movies, and I liked the art, but that's as far as it went. Then I met a friend who loved comics and he told me all the background stories of all the characters and it really opened my eyes. Fabulous storylines and characters! I had no idea!

    2. It's taken me by surprise, too.

      In other news, you have an award over at SC. :)

  20. I really enjoyed the Underworld series. All 4 movies were really good, and I do enjoy Kate's acting :)


  21. I've never heard of these movies. I personally like the Avengers.

  22. I liked Unbreakable, too. There was something so real about it.

  23. This is not the first time I've noticed you and Alex are on the same wavelength for movie choices. Must be a geeky, sci-fi connection you all have. :P

  24. Not seen either of those movies but now I'm interested. And hey, Alex spotlighted Underworld too!

  25. I was seriously *just* thinking about re-watching Underworld! And Unbreakable is one hubby and I watch all the time. Both are great movies!

  26. Underworld is a good movie. Unbreakable was an awesome movie. I liked it. If I was to pick a favorite superhero movie, it's tied right now between Avengers and X-Men. ;)

  27. I've heard of some of these movies. I haven't seen them but I know my husband really likes them.

  28. I like the Underworld series, lots of great action. And I'm in the minority (although apparently not with your readers) when I say I loved Unbreakable. I've heard nothing but bad things about the movie but I thought it was unique and awesome.

    1. Yeah, only recently I started to hear Unbreakable isn't everyone's favourite movie... and that surprised me. Each to their own.

  29. Underworld is definitely my sort of movie, I have not seen Unbreakable though, but I will look out for it now.


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