
Monday, April 22, 2013

A-Z Geek (S): The Originals

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

Silver on the Tree by Susan Cooper (1965-77): A brilliant kids book. This is the fifth and final in a truly fabulous series called The Dark Is Rising Sequence. It’s set in Britain, about the struggle between Light and Dark. When I first read the series, I read it out of order, with Silver on the Tree first. Oops. It totally drew me in and I just had to read the others.

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks (1977): Classic fantasy that was lots of fun to read. Apparently it took the author seven years to write.

Star Trek (1966-69): I have to say that the original Star Trek is my favourite. There’s something about the dynamics between Kirk, Spock and Bones, and I loved the themes they explored, which were particularly challenging considering the time the series was made. (click for one of my favourite episodes)

Serenity (2005): Awesome movie full of great characters, brilliant dialogue and so much coolness.

Shaun of the Dead (2004): best zombie movie ever

Star Wars (1977): Gotta love space opera adventure. And Hans Solo was to swoon over. Looking forward to seeing what Disney does to the franchise.

Shadowrun (1989): a pen and paper roll playing game (RPG), similar to Dungeons and Dragons, only better. It had elements of both scifi and fantasy and was loads of geeky fun.

Which 'original' do you like best of all?  What other 'S' picks can you think of?



  1. I remember reading the series for The Dark Is Rising when I was younger. My sister read some of Terry Brooks' stuff, though I haven't gotten there yet.

  2. Yay for Star Trek and yay for one of your fave episodes (and mine!!) Best thing Joan Collins ever did! LOL!!

    Shaun of the Dead is hilarious - loved that scene where they pretended to be zombies! Take care

    1. I totally agree that was the best thing Joan Collins ever did, lol.

      (We may be sisters in geek)

  3. Serenity is great movie and Star Trek and Star Wars, classics.

  4. I loved the Sword of Shannara even after someone pointed out that it was a complete rip-off of Lord of the Rings. Mind you, I read Sword of Shannara first, and enjoyed it more regardless.

    I can't say I was ever a huge Star Trek fan (though I liked it), but Star Wars - I so badly wanted to have The Force! That's the movie that did it all for me.

    1. Those books have a very different feel so it's difficult to compare.

      May the Force be with you ;)

  5. That's my favourite episode of Star Trek too ^_^ You can never go wrong with a dose of the original series.

    I'm super excited to see where Disney takes Star Wars too. So much potential for awesomeness!

    I used to love Stargate:SG1 too. S is a good sci-fi letter :D

    1. oh gosh! I totally forgot Stargate!! That's an excellent one to add to the list!

  6. Serenity!!!
    Great selections today, Lynda.
    Agree with Chris - I enjoyed the Sword of Shannara more than LOTR. And it's one of the books that prompted me to start writing.

    1. Shannara is a lighter version of LotR, so it's kinda understandable. I read the Hobbit first, then LotR and much later Shannara.

  7. I've read plenty of Terry Brooks novels, and Sword of Shannara was a good one. And of course love everything Star Wars. Good choices, Lynda.

  8. I agree Shaun of the Dead is the best zombie movie ever.

  9. I loved Star Wars as a kid. Not those new ones though.

    Shaun of the Dead was a fun movie!

  10. I hope SHANNARA will be turned into TV series as it was announced last year!

  11. I just heard the other day that Disney was making a remake of Star Wars. It will be interesting to say the least to see what they do with it. I just cannot imagine anyone but Harrison Ford as Hans Solo.

    1. They treated Tron really well, so I have high hopes for Disney's Star Wars.

  12. I just saw the trailer for the new Star Trek movie coming out in May, and I have to admit I've never been a huge fan of the earlier movies/shows, but this looked amazing!

  13. I loved Star Trek and Star Wars. I still think Kirk was the best Captain ever.

  14. Star Trek, Star Wars, people argue over which is the best, but it's rely Serenity. Actually I love them all.

    I have never read Sword of Shannara. I find it interesting how many people who read it first find it better than LOTR when LOTR was it's inspiration (to put it nicely.) I have one friend who could not finish LOTR because it's to much like Shannara. I call him a fool, in a nice way of cause.

    1. lol, your comment made me laugh out loud. Yeah, that person who couldn't finish LotR because it was too much like Shannara is soooo missing out.

  15. Ah - I've been waiting for Star Trek and Star Wars to come today, so you didn't disappoint! They were amazing, weren't they? Haven't read Sword of Shannara either - it took him a long time to write, worse than I am!

  16. Serenity was an awesome movie! I love the fighting scenes.

  17. Star Wars is a favorite!!

    Somewhere in Time.
    Sense and Sensibility

  18. I'm with you about the original Star Trek. I wonder if that's because it was a fresh concept or if the characters in the remake didn't have the charisma of the original cast?

  19. I'm familiar with Star Wars and Star Trek, but not of any of the others you mentioned.

  20. Super Metroid for the SNES, I need to get around to playing System Shock 1 and 2, I funded Starforge and Skullgirls on Indiegogo, and I hate Super Meatboy.

    1. wow, I thought I was a geek, but I don't know any of those you mentioned...

  21. Han Solo to swoon over - Amen to that. :D

  22. Seven years to write? Wow! I wonder how many revisions that involved?

  23. Hello Lynda, like your idea for A to Z, I recognise all of the TV, and none of the books and games. ;-)

  24. We went to see Star Wars 13 times when it was out in theatres. I guess I liked it!

  25. Still have Serenity on my DVR queue, waiting for me to watch.

  26. I prefer Star Trek the Next Generation myself. But you are right about the relationship between those three. Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a...

  27. I'd have to pick Serenity, although Star Trek is a very close second.

  28. I loved, loved, loved Serenity! So much!

  29. Lynda, I'll have to check out that series...if you say it's good, then it must be.Oh....and my favorite "S?" Swift, of course! :)

  30. Have really enjoyed your A to Z posts, but you are creating a huge to be read/to be watched list for me. ;-)

    Scrumptious Setting = S


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