
Friday, April 19, 2013

A-Z Geek (Q): Quaking in my Geekiness

During the April A-Z Challenge, I’m posting six days a week, following the letters of the alphabet. I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

Quake (1996):
My friends and I used to drag our computers across Sydney to hook them up and play against each other in games such as this first person shooter. These LAN (local Area Network) parties would go all night and into the morning. We ate a lot of pizza and drank a lot of cola.
Happy geeks.

Quantum Leap (1989-1993) This is a time travel series with a difference and a heart. This lasted five seasons and was brilliant to the end. I wish they made more.

What are your favourite Qs? Ever go to a party that lasted longer than 12 hours?



  1. I could never finish Quake, could not get past the first level. Does that mean I'm not a geek.

  2. I'm not familiar with these. I used to switch the channel when I saw Quantum Leap as a kid. Now I wonder what I was missing.

  3. These days staying awake for 12 hours is quite an accomplishment.

    Quake was the beginning of modern gaming, I think (I have no evidence to back this up).

    Moody Writing

    1. lol yeah! I can't even eat junk food like I used to! This getting old thing is a bit of a drag ;)

  4. Quantum Leap is a great show. Rick I never finished Quake either but it was fun to play. Wouldn't matter because I'd never stay at a party for 12 hours. Quidditch is what I'm thinking of Q wise.

  5. Oh goodness...I've gone to parties that lasted all weekend! And Quantum Leap was one of my FAVES! I loved the way Al "explained" how it worked: by banging on the little palm pilot thing, saying "it's techno stuff that only Ziggy knows," and blaming Sam's Swiss cheese know, never really explaining things at all. See how those details aren't really needed? Just make it sound feasible. "Oh, boy!"

    1. yes, yes, yes!!! That's the kind of scifi I like best. I don't need lots of tech speak. It just needs to be believable and they did it perfectly in Quantum Leap.

  6. I never gamed that much, but I'm totally with you on "Quantum Leap." I loved that show. Scott Bakula was such a kind, moral hero. (Reminds me a bit of Nathan Fillion from "Castle.") Where did all the really good heroes go?
    Great post! :-)

    1. yeah, too many stories are going dark these days, with the heroes being less shiny. I don't mind dark tales, but I like my heroes to stay on the right path.

  7. The LAN parties going all night and into the morning...a lot of pizza and a lot of cola...the scenario is still the same...just the games are a bit different. These days it's more of CS and NFS !!! :)

  8. We used to play Quake at work. Unreal Tournament as well. I was never very good at them. I guess not being good at shooting people is a good thing!

    1. at work!!! You lucky thing! Yeah, I played Unreal as well and Team Fortress. I was never good at being a sniper because you had to be too patient. I loved the heavy weapons so I could just run in with guns blazing. I made good cannon fodder that way, but I took a lot of people out on my way down ;)

  9. I've never played Quake before, but I have been to a twelve hour party. It was a long time ago and involved roller skating and lots of coffee.

  10. Quatum Leap was an excellent series. All you wanted was for Sam to get home, but then you didn't because it would mean the end of the show. I liked it best when he leaped into the body of a woman and had to act feminine. LOL.

    1. SPOILER ALERT! turns out in the end he never does go home... I cried in the final episode. So excellent.

  11. Oh, I loved Scott Bacula and Quantum Leap. I looked forward to finding out which body he would take over every week.

  12. I don't know if it counted as a party, but I attended Trilogy Tuesday which was a showing of the entire LOTR trilogy the day before the release of The Return of the King. The theater showed the first two extended films, followed by the premiere of the third. We were there for probably about fourteen hours.

    1. I'm impressed. And yep, that counts on both the party level AND the geek level ;)

  13. wish I was geeking with you and your friends in those days, sounds like you had happy times!
    My fave Q is Q from STAR TREK of course, love him so :)

    1. silliness abounded. It was so much fun!
      Oh, I love your Q pick. He was such a great character.

  14. Ah Quantum Leap! How much I enjoyed that series. I never missed an episode. Cherished memories there.

  15. Those college parties often went on all night. What I found interesting for all those hours I can't remember!

  16. Missed out on those types of college parties. Computer came into play after I graduated.. Bummer really. Just missed out by a year.

    LOVED QUANTUM LEAP... Great show. You can catch it in reruns every now and then.

  17. I've never heard of Quake. Sound like you have a good time playing it, though!

  18. Q is such a hard one! I honestly can't think of any tv show that started with Q except Quantum Leap. Good thing that was a great one. :)

  19. Twelve hour party? Oh dear. Sounds like a hangover!

    1. We didn't drink when we had those LAN parties. We were too busy playing.

  20. I wonder if they have Quantum Leap out on DVD- that's the sort of show I'd like to watch from the very beginning.

  21. keep taking me back, first Doom, now this...very rad:)

  22. I used to watch Quantum Leap! Loved it :)

  23. I never played Quake -- maybe now I should. Really like the mix of writing + geekiness + all those books & movies & tv shows that you talk about here. My 'Q' was quilting . . . and April, for me, is all about National Poetry Month. Write on!

  24. I LOVED quantum leap. I taped them all (VHS back then). Sent them to sister overseas at the time. Don't know what happened to them but I loved the concept. Have you read "every day" by David Levithan? Similar premise.

  25. I never played Quake, at that time I envied anyone who could afford a computer. But Quantim Leap I remembered, and loved. Still love Bacula, wherever he is.

    Anna from

  26. I do miss Quantum Leap. Great concept for a show and they executed it brilliantly.


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