
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A-Z Geek (B): Fantasy Killed My Acting Career

Welcome to day two of the A-Z Challenge where I’m posting six days a week during April advancing a letter of the alphabet per day. During this challenge I will share all the movies, books and games I watched, read and played--all the influences that turned me into the geeky person and writer I am today.

The Belgariad by David Eddings. This is a five book fantasy series, first published in 1982-1984. As a young teen, I thought I wanted to be an actress. I headed into an agency studio to do a screen test, interview, and a headshot. However, on my way to the studio I popped into a bookstore and found the final three books in this series. I had to have them. That meant spending my headshot money. I didn’t deliberate for long. I now like to think that fantasy killed my acting career. I won't mention that what really killed it was an inability to learn my lines, and well, preferring art and writing.

The Blues Brothers (1980). Okay, this wasn’t exactly geek, but I loved it so much I had to mention it here.

The Big Blue (1988). I originally saw the European ending, which is far more geeky and open-ended than the American version, in an otherwise non-geeky movie. I fell in love with this story.

Babylon 5 (premiered in 1994) This was a great space opera with brilliant moments of dialogue and characters.

Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990). I must stress I’m not talking about the 2012 version, or the Disney cartoon. The Beast in this original series was so swoon-worthy and it had nothing to do with his appearance. A point they seemed to miss entirely in the remake.

Which remakes in particular didn't do justice to your favourite show? Which shows should get a remake? 


  1. Lynda, if you have a secret longing to go into acting, it's never too late to give it a try!

    1. No, no. I long ago realised acting is not for me. Besides, I'm not 'gorgeous' enough ;)

  2. Remakes.... the very word makes my skin crawl, Lynda. To name a few: Poseidon, Total Recall, The Pink Panther, Halloween, The Vanishing, The Invasion (of the Body Snatchers) and the worst one of all: Superman, which was rebooted in 2006 and is to be rebooted again on my birthday, June 14. Dear Lord...

  3. Blues Brothers is one of my favourites. It gets pretty geeky if you can name all the cameos.

    Moody Writing

  4. I'm re-watching Babylon 5 at the moment, I'd forgotten how much I liked it the first time.

  5. Remaking the classic show Wild, Wild West into a movie - epic failure!

  6. I did not like the remake of Knightrider, however, I did like the remake of Battlestar Galactica.

  7. I loved that beauty and the beast series! Thanks for bringing that up.

  8. Smiling about how fantasy killed your acting career.

  9. Beauty & the Beast!!!!!!!! OMG I adored this show when it was out. Every night we sat down as a family & watched it. Wish more shows like this existed. Have you seen the remake? I haven't yet.

  10. Babylon 5 was EPIC!!!!!! I hope they never re-make this gem - what a classic! Series 3 final episode - BEST ENDING EVER!!!! Take care

  11. Beauty and the Beast... what a classic! I recently saw the Disney movie of it, and it was so sad but at the same time a great movie!

    New Follower! my blog:

  12. Hi, Lynda,

    I remember the Beauty and Beast series.... It was really good.... And yes, NOTHING like the Disney version..

    Babylon 5 was another good show....Didn't catch too much TV in the 80's... but I do remember these two...

  13. And to only think you could've been in NEIGHBOURS or HOME AND AWAY.... those stars end up gloriously starring in SPARTACUS with hunky gladiators :) You could've even been one of McLeod's Daughters.... ah, we shall never know.....

    1. gladiators make me giggle to... especially when they're in a tepidarium :)

  14. Blues Brothers.. great movie! I think it fits the list just fine.
    We Are Adventure

  15. I think I'm living under a rock. I haven't seen any of these.

  16. I only watched one episode of the remake of Beauty and the Beast. Yuck.

  17. Are remakes ever satisfying? I was relieved that Oz was a different story and not an attempt to remake the classic, but was disapointed that there was no music. They keep remaking the super hero movies which works because technology enhances the special effect. I am also a geek girl!

  18. The Belgariad sounds like a real life-changer, but you look far too young to have decided never to act!
    I clicked on your blog on the A-Z list because we share a name. Good luck with the challenge, Ms Young.

  19. I think someone already mentioned the remake of Battlestar Galactica... I loved that one.

    I haven't read The Belgariad. I read another of Eddings' series, but for the life of me I can't think of its name. The Elenium maybe? Something like that?

  20. Haven't read that book or watched any of these. Variety is indeed the spice of life.

  21. Hi Lynda

    I was just listening to THE BLUES BROTHERS today singing Rawhide. Made me laugh as always.

  22. Blues Brothers, check. Others not check, no idea. Nice choices.

  23. What a fun theme for the challenge. I've never read the Eddings books and now you have me curious.

  24. Can't beat the Blues Brothers! "We've got our sunglasses on... we got a full tank of gas..."

  25. Babylon 5 was pretty rad. I know it competed with DS9, but I liked both of them:)

  26. It's been years since I've read The Belgariad. Yay for Eddings!

  27. I loved reading "The Belgariad" series. Eddings is one of my favorite authors. Blues Brothers is a favorite family movie. My mom watches it as often as she can. :)

  28. If your going to have geek starting with a B from the 80's you need the movie Beetlejuice!

  29. Great theme.

    I loved Beauty and the Beast. I didn't get to watch every single episode, though.

  30. Great post and theme. I loved being introduced to all these books and movies! Thanks Lynda!


  31. I'm a little worried about the new Mad Max remake with Charlize Theron. I loved the originals so much.

    And Blues Brothers was great. I feel guilty I've never shared that movie with my son now. :)

  32. Love your story about buying the books! Totally sounds like something I'd do :)

  33. I've always been a fan of Beauty and the Beast. And I've read every book that Eddings has written.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  34. The Big Blue and the Beauty and the Beast bring a lot of nice memories! I think they are both Grrreat!

  35. Ha, I'm thrilled how many people liked Beauty and the Beast. I used to enjoy it in solitude.

  36. I've read both the Belgariad and the Malloran (spelling) from Eddings and adored them, just found Polgara the sorceress and am planning on starting that soon. Bablyon 5 is an all time fave show of mine. I don't think there are many shows or movies I'd like remade, finished maybe, but not remade (personally I hate remakes).

  37. I think the chick who played Lindsay in the Practice (a fave show of mine) was in Beauty and the Beast (the original)?? I remember seeing the start of it and recognising her. I think it was her.. Haven't seen the show though. But swoonworthy? Sounds good!

    I haven't read the Belgariad but it's been on my TBR for yeeears!


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