
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Make Believe Blog Tour with J C Martin

Today I'm with J C Martin, fabulous author of Oracle, a fantastic crime thiller which I highly recommend. JC will be interviewing me about life, the universe and everything. Okay, so maybe no quite as deep as that, but pop on over for a visit, and we will talk about scary things like what might be my catch phrase... (You'll know what I mean when you read it)

This is part of the blog tour for Make Believe, an anthology of fantasy and paranormal stories inspired by the cover.


  1. Maybe I'll drop by later. I really should be sleeping right now. ._.

  2. I hope you have groupies at your tour....

    1. yes, but me is all chaste and modest, I mean those naughty ones with whom stars do things their hubs don't know off :PPP

    2. Dazzling Dezzmeister is chaste... Don't believe him, Lynda, for not too long ago he wanted to chain me in his, I quote, dungeon. Ask Betsy if you don't believe me. :)

  3. Thanks everyone for popping on over.
    Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas!!!

  4. Heading over now. :-)

  5. Will visit. Please have a great happy Christmas.

  6. I love crime thrilers, so I'll just need to buy and read this one too. Where is Santa when you need him? :)


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