
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Make Believe Author Interview and Thanks

Today is the Make Believe Tour Day 2. I’ll be over at J. Keller Ford’s blog. Jenny is the author of The Amulet of Ormisez, the second story featured in the Make Believe anthology. She will be interviewing me today. Exciting! Check it out HERE.

Before you pop on over to read the interview, I’d like to give a special thanks to everyone who has generously helped out on launch day to spread the word about Make Believe. Tomorrow I will announce the winner of an ebook copy of the anthology. More excitement!

An extra special thank you to Alex J. Cavanaugh, Carol Riggs, Libby Heily, Carol Kilgore, Medeia Sharif, Leslie S. Rose, Rachel Morgan, Golden Eagle, Marta Szemik, Nick Wilford who went to the extra trouble of finding and posting those pesky purchase links because I was unable to hand them out before I lost access to the internet.

I’d also like to thank M.L.Swift, a new follower who found my blog via Google, and ‘fell head-over-heels in like’. Aw, thank you so much for the support!

And to Susan Swiderski for the fabulous champagne launch post.

I’d also like to thank Nas from Romance Reader for sending me not one but three romance novels!! Wow! You’re awesome! Dr Chandler’s Sleeping Beauty by Melanie Milburne, St Piran’s Rescuing Pregnant Cinderella by Carol Marinelli, and St Piran’s The Wedding of the Year by Caroline Anderson. I have much wonderful reading to do this month.

Australian and New Zealand Romance authors might be interested in this post about Escape Publishing. 

While I was away I read Leigh T. Moore’s novel, Rouge. Wow! I loved it! It’s set in historical New Orleans and shows the darker side of theatre life. It sucked me right into the story and didn’t let go. Leigh has a wonderful talent for bringing setting and characters alive. I’d recommend this more for adults rather than teens, but it’s well worth the read. I’ll write up a full review soon, but I just had to mention it here.

Read any good books lately?


  1. Congrats on your story in the anthology, Lyn. As I was travelling I missed out on joining the book launch celebration. Hope I am not too late to spread the word. Have messaged you on FB.

  2. It was lovely to see you all over the blogosphere, Lynda! All the best with your story!! Big yay for beautiful LTM too! Take care

  3. Told you I'd find those purchase links! Glad so many showed their support yesterday and a lot of people commented that they were excited to get the book. Purchased mine already as well!

    1. Thank you so much!! You are amazing!!
      And yes all those comments put huge grins on my face. I had a little bounce in my step all day!

  4. It's been great celebrating with you and seeing you everywhere. Congratulations!

  5. Lynda, it was my pleasure to help spread the word of your launch. I was thrilled to find another good writing blog, another good head on petite the pic. Such a writer's look! Good continued luck, and thanks for the thanks. :o)

  6. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to hang out with me today! May I have more chocolate please? Ooo, and I see The Faerie Guardian on you side-panel. Have to get that one!!!!

    1. Rachel Morgan's book is well worth the read. You won't be disappointed.

      Chocolate? There's no chocolate here... *quickly goes and hides the stash* ;)

  7. I wanted to stop by and congratulate you, Lynda. It all sounds so wonderful and your cover is amazing.

    As far as books I've read lately, I just finished Leigh's ROUGE last night!! Yum...

  8. I've loved spotting your book around the blog-world! Have fun with the tour!

  9. Our pleasure, dear lady. Best wishes for your book making a HUGE splash.

  10. Interesting books. I've been reading lots of pirate stories lately, both fiction and non:)

    1. Yargh! I love pirate stories, me hearty!
      (sorry, I couldn't help it, lol)

  11. It IS great to see your anthology everywhere, and I can't wait to read your story! Also looking forward to your review of ROUGE--I love hearing the response of fellow writers. Thanks so much, Lynda! :o) <3

    Thanks to Jenn, Dezzy & Sheri! <3

  12. Rouge sounds so good!

    Popping over to the interview!

  13. Happy to help, Lynda! Hope you have great success with the book. Can't wait to read your story. Heading over to the interview - I'm sure there'll be some nuggets of wisdom in there. :)

  14. Lynda, I have absolutely LOVED seeing your gorgeous face everywhere today. So exciting about your anthology! You are such a talent. :D

  15. What a book tour you've set up! So impressive.

    I recently read Crash by Jerry Spinelli, which wound up being a surprisingly good middle grade.

  16. Great book tour! I'll get my official post up about it tomorrow. I'm a little slow!

  17. Congrats again. I saw the book everywhere on Monday. :))

    Ooh, and that Rouge book looks like my kind of read.

  18. Congratulations on your story and the release of the anthology. I love the cover!

  19. Hmmmm, I feel like I've seen this somewhere else today? Oh yes, I believe they call it the internet, which you now own!

  20. I'm glad you had such a great launch day, and hope you continue to have fun with your blog tour! :)

  21. Glad to help! And hey, I'm just gonna have to read Leigh's book; that's all there is to it. :)


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