
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Exciting Announcement

Not long now before my short story, Birthright, will be published in Make Believe and released into the big wide world on 3rd December. So exciting!!

A couple of early reviews have already trickled in and I’m thrilled to say they are all positive. One that was specific to my story brought on a massive smile and a happy dance in the middle of the room:
“…the enigmatic Jack really takes the spotlight. His enthusiasm for his museum and Christa is exciting. I could easily read a novel-length version of this piece.” Danielle Villano. 
Pop on over to Danielle's blog at The Reader’s Commute for a full review of all the stories.

Make Believe Blog Tour
I’ve finally posted the Make Believe Blog Tour list.
You can see it in all its glory on my Blog Tour tab HERE

A huge thank you to everyone who has generously given their time and enthusiasm for celebrating this event, and sharing the news. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: You are all so awesome.

Unfortunately I won’t have internet access for a week before the launch, so this is my last post before the anthology’s launch. Eek! Consequently I’d like to send out a special thanks to all who have already signed up to celebrate the release on launch day, 3rd December. Extra virtual cake for you! And MORE!

Announcement: I'd like to GIVEAWAY an ebook copy of Make Believe to one lucky person who has signed up and helps spread the word about Make Believe on Launch day (I'll also include those signed up for the Blog Tour). I'll draw a name from a sparkly hat and announce the winner on 5th December*

Note: In case of late sign-up, or I can’t get an email out to you in time, everything you’ll need for launch day should be on my Make Believe Tab.

*If you haven’t signed up for launch day celebrations and would like to, there's still time and I'll enter you into the giveaway. Please sign up below.



  1. Oops! I accidentally signed up twice. Sorry. But a huge congrats to you, Lynda!! Can't wait for the 3rd. :)

  2. Forgot to say that I saw Life of Pi and I think you would appreciate the spiritual message.
    Oh, and you DID sign up for the blogfest! Thank you. I appreciate that, especially since you'll be on tour.
    One more thing - don't enter me for the free copy. I'm buying mine!

    1. As far as I know, Life of Pi isn't available in Oz yet, but hopefully it will arrive soon.

      You should see my calendar in December... it's a mess with scribbles all over it so I don't forget any of my committments, lol.

      And thanks

  3. Hey Lynda,

    Just wanted to stop by to say thanks for signing up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh BlogFest, or what we are now nicknaming “AlexFest.”

    Looking forward to reading your entry and have a *safe* and Happy Thanksgiving :)

    Congrats on your upcoming release, too :)

    1. Thanks Mark. Alex certainly deserves his fest.
      Happy thanksgiving :)

  4. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to feature you and your book on my blog.

    You're making my blog tours look lightweight. Look at all this!

    1. yeah, it kinda grew... and grew... and grew some more, lol. I'm so thankful to everyone who has offered to help.

  5. So exciting!!! What a great review comment :)

  6. Congratulations Lynda, and wishing you even more success to come!

  7. Congrats Lynda! I can only imagine how excited you must be...

  8. Congrats!! Very exciting news!! How will you bear it without internet for the week before!!??! Maybe it's a good thing, though. De-stress and unplug before the big day. :)

    1. Yep, bad timing. Something that was organised a while ago. But I'm hoping you are right--the de-stressing will be good.

  9. That's a GREAT review! Yay! Glad to hear that. And leave the promoting to us while you're away. :)

  10. Congrats on that positive review. I have no doubt, there'll be lots more to come.

  11. Hey Lynda, I just signed up, but my Link name as shown above is incorrect, it was supposed to be Murees Dupé, from daily drama of an aspiring writer. I don't mind, but I just thought you should know. Sorry about that.

    1. I fixed up the spelling of your name in the list. Thanks so much for helping out. I really appreciate it. I'll be sending out an email today with all the details.

  12. That's great news about the reviews! I'm sure it's a terrific book, and it'll get more!

  13. Congratulations, again, Lynda! I hope you are having a lovely internet free trip. :)

  14. Congratulations Lynda! :) Have a great weekend!

  15. Congratulations on the reviews! :) That's wonderful.

  16. Congratulations on the story and the best of luck with your blog tour. I'm sure it'll be a huge success...

  17. That's awesome about your review! Definitely worth of a big smile (and some serious celebrating!). Looking forward to launch day!

  18. Congrats on that great review! The cover of the anthology is beautiful. Good luck on the blog tour! :-)

  19. I'm thrilled for you, Lynnie! You have earned all this and more.

  20. Congrats on your upcoming release! That's wonderful news!

  21. Huge congrats on the review... that is fantastic feedback.

  22. That's awesome about the reviews! It's an awesome anthology!

  23. What a nice review! Congrats!!! :D

  24. Congratulations, Lynda, on your inclusion in this anthology. And a wonderful review, too! It makes writing worthwhile. I signed up to be a part of your anthology launch. Good luck!

  25. That's awesome! Congratulations Lynda:)

  26. Congratulations on your story coming out and on that awesome review!

  27. That is a fabulous review! CONGRATULATIONS! Such an exciting time. I look forward to reading "Birthright."

  28. Congrats!

  29. Exciting! I'll have you posted on the blog on Dec 3rd!

  30. I'm so buried at the moment, Lydia that I can't sign up for your great event; however, I'd love to post about it ahead of time on my blog. Do you have any links you'd like to add? If so, send them to me and I'll put them in along with the announcement of your event.


    1. Thank you so much!!! I was away when you left this comment and am only now getting the chance to go through everything. Eek!!

  31. I will have it ready to go, Lynda. Woot!

  32. What an awesome review! I would've done a happy dance too. :) Congrats, and good luck!

  33. Awesome news and I look forward to the blog tour.

  34. Congratulations Lyn, I am very happy for you.

  35. Congratulations and all the best with the launch. :)

  36. Congrats Lynda on the release. Thrilled that the reviews are great.

  37. Congrats on your book! I signed up, it might make for a good read after finals are done.

  38. Congrats! What a great review. I'm late here, but I've signed up and happy to help spread the word!


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