
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Winner! Awards! And Other Cool Things!

Last Thursday I put an advanced reader's copy of Make Believe up for grabs. Thanks to all of you who entered and thank you to all the encouraging comments I received regarding reviews. Your responses really warmed my heart.

And now to announce the winner of Make Believe:

Rachel Morgan!!!

Yay!! Congrats, Rachel!!

It seems my name turned up in a list of those eligible for the 2013 Ditmar Awards for my short story, The Red Button. It's an award that recognises achievement in Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror. I'm only eligible for the prize, but it's the first step. How super cool is that?

I was also recently awarded 'Dezmond's Angel', in the Hollywood Spy's 2012 awards. Thanks Dezzy. I've visited your site for many years now and it's still the primary place I go to get in the Hollywood know.

Other Cool Things:
I know I promised in the title there'd be other cool things in this post, but really all I can share is this image of some ice crystals… (giggle).


  1. YES, that is super cool! Congratulations. And congrats to Rachel, too.

  2. Oh my gosh...I love Dez! Congratulations. :)

  3. Congrats to Rachel! And congrats to you too on your award!


  4. Yay for Rachel, and huge congrats to you, Lynda for the nomination for the 2013 Ditmar. Wow! That's so exciting -- and it's cool, too, so no need for ice crystals 'cause you are the coolest! :-)

  5. Congrats to everyone! If you want to see more cool things with ice I'd recommend looking up the northern lights reflected in icicles.

  6. Congratulations to Rachel!
    And the Ditmar Award? That is big stuff, Lynda. Keep us posted!

  7. Hope you win the Ditmar Award and take me to the red carpet to accept it... what? You'd take your husband? Scandal! Scandal I say, do I mean nothing to you :)))
    Can't believe it really has been years of our daily visits to each other's places!
    Flap your wings, flap your wings, you're an ordained angel now... :)

    1. The time has gone by so fast!! I'm a-flappin' and a-soarin' :)

      Yeah, my hubby has to put up with all my writing crazies, so he deserves an award himself! ;)

  8. Congratulations to Rachel! Congrats to you as well, Lynda! How exciting! :)

  9. Yay!! Well done you!! And yay for Rachel and SUPER congratulations to you again! LOL! Yay! take care

  10. Congrats to you Lynda, and Congrats to the winner. I look forward to reading the book!!

  11. Thank you again so much! I'm looking forward to reading it :-)

  12. Definitely cool! :o) Congrats to Rachel! Thanks for sharing the book, Lynda!

  13. Yay for Rachek
    And crystals.... Giggle????

    1. yeah, happiness makes me go a little strange... so does writing... as does a lack of writing... and waking up in the morning... ok, maybe I'm just a little strange all the time, lol.

  14. Awesome on the Ditmar award. And congrats to Rachel!

  15. Congratulations! Like Alex, this is big stuff and you should be smiling BIG. *does a happy dance and hugs*

  16. Ice...luv it. It always adds tension if you can get ice into a's so precarious, firm, and yet slippery.

  17. Well done on the Ditmar award list!!

    And now that we are fellow Dezzy Angels, will you be Sabrina Duncan or Jill Munroe?? I'm obviously Kelly Garrett, seeing how I do have the last name of Smith. :PP

  18. CONGRATS to Rachel!

    CONGRATS to you, Lynda!

  19. Congratulations, Lynda! Your Aussie wit is always a delight!

  20. Congrats! That's great!

    Love the ice crystals. Brrr!

  21. Lots of great news, well done, and good luck!

  22. COGRADS LYNDA! Congrads Rachel! Yippeeeee. The Ditmar Award!!!! Bodacious, Lynda. I see your grin from here. Dang, it's huge. *wink*

  23. Congrats Rachael and congrats to you too.

    The ice crystals are pretty cool...

  24. look at you! fabulous news! way cool!

  25. Congrats Lynda.... How fantastic. Such an honor and so well deserved.

    Congrats to Rache for her win.

    Gorgeous crystals btw.

  26. Congrats Lynda. Keep us posted on the Ditmar Awards. Congrats to Rachel.

  27. Congrats, Rachel, on the win, and congrats Lyn on Dez's award PLUS the eligibility for an award for your short story. Woot! And hehe, funny about the cool ice crystals. ;o)

  28. Congratulations to you and Rachel!
    Love the ice crystals, but I'm not ready for winter yet!

  29. Congratulations to you on the award and your story's eligibility! :)

    And congrats to Rachel.

  30. Wow, Lynda, so many wonderful things are happening for you. Congrats on Make Believe and for becoming eligible for the Ditmar Award for your short story The Red Button. I hope you win. Those ice crystals are definitely cool! Have a great weekend!

  31. Congrats Lynda! That's exciting news. Congrats to Rachel too!

  32. Congratulations to the winner and to you Lynda! That is super exciting!

  33. Congrats to Rachel, and to you for the nomination and award. :)

  34. 'It seems my name turned up in a list of those eligible for the 2013 Ditmar Awards for my short story, The Red Button. It's an award that recognises achievement in Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror. I'm only eligible for the prize, but it's the first step. How super cool is that?'

    Lyn, I love this. These things are a really big deal and I know, having read your work, that you are completely worthy of being shortlisted for such a recognition. Looking for updates with a happy heart!

    1. I don't think decisions and announcements are made for the awards until mid-to-late next year. But I'll certainly keep you up to date :)

  35. Very cool, indeed. Congrats!

    Hugs and chocolate,

  36. So much good news in the blogosphere right now! Congrats to Rachel, and congrats to you on your awards as well. :)


    The Red Angel Blog


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